This Episode’s Executive Producers: Adrionna Couture, Mitch Bidrawn, Larry Lee, Timothy Cavanagh
Associate Executive Producers: Cole Candler, Rory Stone
Knighthoods: Dame Adrionna Couture, Sir Timothy Cavanaugh
Art By: Sir Paul Couture

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  1. Ghost says:

    The podcasts have been getting double posted on the rss feed. ( It’s a bit annoying when you get two identical shows on your player to listen to and you download double the content.

  2. ECA says:

    Its Business.
    Its stupid that it costs so much to hold prisoners.
    It used to be STATE employees.
    Then corps said they could do it cheaper..
    Then the corps Raised the prices.

    Now we have another alternative..
    Cheaper? not really.
    CHEAP to the company, but NOT tot he state.
    Tax payer PAYS $XX amount PER person to put in jail. Company gets paid < $XX, and STATE keeps the excess..
    And the GAME continues.

  3. ECA says:

    So do you get a cut in State tax?? NOPE.

  4. Publius says:



  5. deowll says:

    The woman most likely did have her facts right about the GE/GM fish. What they are feeding the fish is the big risk for people eating the fish.

    They have been feeding the most unholy crap to chickens and other livestock for decades.

    They did drop the injections for dairy cows because the cows weren’t lasting.

    The fish farms are spreading fish lice like crazy and these kill young wild salmon.

    Sterile live stock. Now who would think of doing something like that? Monsanto who wants to bring us sterile crops?

    Anyway I got a lot of new data and the guys have a different point of view which is good.

  6. ECA says:

    You know its BAD, when you consider that HUMANS have decimated over 1/2 the wild animals around the world, in about 200-250 years, FOR FARM LAND.

    It has been Suggested that by 2012-2014, that Tuna will be almost extinct. The Asian fishing of the oceans, have decimated MANY fish populations to the point, the fish cant repopulate Faster then they are being killed.

    And what is the solution? I wont say it. I will let YOU figure it out.

  7. Angry says:



    I have NO idea WHAT you’re TALKing aBoUt!

  8. ECA says:

    You dont get it?
    That man has decimated this planet of most of its Wild game, in the land and water.
    That we are pushing our crops to the point, that they need to be augmented to Even get CLOSE to feeding us? AND still we are seeking more Cleared Farm lands?
    We are changing the Plants so they can grow MORE in smaller areas.. Why not Run over to Africa, and turning it to total GRAINS?? we would have to kill off EVEN MORE animals to keep it FOR HUMANS ONLY..
    Farmers USED to grow a portion for Animals and waste, and soforth…NOW we try to get Every stock of grain, TO SELL.

  9. e? says:

    #8. The west is more than capable of feeding itself. The west is, also, not the main source of the world’s population growth.


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