• Stuxnet virus becoming the rage in the news. Watch it grow.
  • Here comes something called Super Wi-Fi. Yawn.
  • Mark Zuckerberg pledges millions to Newark, NJ schools.
  • Meanwhile Facebook flakes out.
  • Facebook Smartphone comes and goes and comes and goes.
  • Poor science education sinking USA economy.
  • Spanish court sides with Google.
  • RIM Blackberry tablet ramping up as is HP Win 7 pad. Ugh.
  • Einstein sez you may live longer if…

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  1. dusanmal says:

    It is not poor science education. It is poor basic education hijacked by new-age dimwits. You can’t build anything on it later, particularly not science. At best it is good basic education for Arts and Crafts.

  2. JimD says:

    “Poor science education sinking USA economy.” – We definitely need more CREATIONISM IN THE SCIENCE CURRICULUM – MAYBE THEY CAN COME UP WITH AN ECONOMIC MIRACLE FOR THE US OF A !!!

  3. deowll says:

    In this society people don’t see science as the way to solve problems their problems any more. They are counting on the government to take care of them. Just go bribe a congress critter and they’ll fix it for you.


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