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Today’s Guests:
David Spark, Host, The Spark Minute
Chris DiBona, Open Source Program Manager, Google
Cade Metz, U.S. Editor, The Register

The Topics:
Farewell, Cranks!

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  1. The_Tick says:

    JCD, Thanks for the run big fella. I look forward to the next incarnation, hopefully it won’t be a long wait.

  2. Jim says:

    By far the best tech show on the web.

  3. duh365 says:

    This is the best tech show by far! It was such a pleasure to watch over the last 4+ years. Ziff is unbelievably stupid for ending it. John needs to take the show over to Revision3 or Leo’s cottage and just rename it. I bet they see the value in it like the viewers do.

  4. eighthnote says:

    Bummer…I will certainly miss the crankiness!

  5. TheTekler says:

    Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !!!!

    What am I goin’ to do now, start drinking ???

  6. deowll says:

    I’m going to miss you guys. I hope you can change the name and get back on line.

  7. Jim says:

    Thanks John, please hurry back and keep the format in tact, it’s awesome just the way it is!! Rev3 or TWIT would be great!

  8. John says:

    Sad, please keep us updated. Companies blow and are wrong CGs was the only intelligent show

  9. jpfitz says:

    Thank you and the staff for an enjoyable run of Cranky Geeks.
    Sad to see the show end.

  10. Doodle says:

    What is this bullshit?? How can you guys stop crankygeeks!! It’s the best tech show… this really really really suck! Can we help in any way to keep it going??

  11. Doodle says:

    It was a great show! Really enjoyed it and it is extremely sad to see the show end. To John and all the rest of the guys behind CrankyGeeks – Thank you for educating me and sharing more than a few laughs!

  12. ggore says:

    #20: Revision3 IS the new TechTV. It’s just a play on words, see. The original was ZDTV; Revision 2 was TechTV, so now Revision3 is the third incarnation. Some might argue that Leo’s empire is closer to TechTV as he has more of the original talent, but TWiT came after Revision3, so they get the title for now.

  13. chapman01 says:

    Bring it back

  14. thomas says:

    Feeling bummed out about the ending of the show. It was the only tech show I watched every week without fail.

    What needs to be done to keep it going or to start anew somewhere else?

  15. CuriousFan says:

    I will miss the best tech podcast on the Net. What happened? Why did Cranky Geeks die? I searched for an hour and found no clues about why Ziff Davis / PC Magazine killed Cranky Geeks. The Cranky Geeks fail certainly did not result from lack of interest, fans or sponsors. John hinted at something about “ownership,” but gave no clue about the decision to stop Cranky Geeks. Arrrrrgh!

  16. brianthesnail says:

    Why did Cranky Geeks die?

    The future of tech podcasting is pricks with haircuts and T-shirts talking endlessly about their mobile-phones whilst stroking their mac laptops and swilling beer.

  17. cgp says:

    Come on, what was the dispute about?
    Speak otherwise we start to make things up.

  18. joebuck says:

    The problem with Revision3 is all of the shows have that Local cable access feel to them. ie filmed in the basement like Wayne’s World’s. It’s not anything like ZDTV was. that is why I like Cranky Geeks it feels more professional even if the formant is simple. Now leo’s problem is he talks way too much about apple stuff all the time and it gets to be too much at times and the fact he never takes the time to read his mail 😉

    John on the other hand is reading and replying to his stuff and really does care about his fans. it’s too bad Ziffdavis didn’t understand what market they are in. don’t know what they got or what they lost today. but it was a step back words, but hey the company’s in trouble.

  19. User7 says:

    I first heard about this blog on Cranky Geeks. I will certainly miss the show. Thanks for the memories!
    Good luck on future endeavors.

  20. John Kerr says:

    Thanks John, it was a fun show to watch, I will miss it.
    I hope that you have another venture like CG on the back burner.

    Best regards,

    John Kerr
    Guelph, Ontario Canada

  21. LostInDistrict9 says:

    I’d been reading John in PC Magazine since the 80s, but missed out on his earlier web shows. Really enjoyed Cranky Geeks — he’s even crustier and more entertaining in front of the camera.

    Loved the format, loved the topics, and looked forward to the webcast every week. Revive and resuscitate, please!

  22. Dewnami says:

    Cmon, Please bring it back in another form. You know it will work.

    With that being said. Why isnt there a more modern day “TechTV” on cable these days? I have to think that the demographic has gotten much larger since the old days.

    I think a modern day “TechTV” would be great. With real shows that is, like the old days, not the absolute garbage over on G4.

  23. Farewell Cranks says:

    This is a sad day for tech journalism. This means more idiotic stories with titles like “The Top 10 Reasons Why Email Will Become Mainstream in 2011”.

  24. When Sebatian left the show, it felt as if it was going down hill fast (2-3 episodes and it was clear the magic was lost). JCD did of course make the show, but without 1/3 of the formula it was doomed. Was fun to watch, see how some talking heads handled their place at the table, and also what they brought to it. Most were well screened and fit, some were lame and awkward. In the end, it was more about people and sharing ideas than it was about tech. I do love JCD for being realistic and skeptical about all the BS that is sales, tech and spin of the valley and its tendrils.

  25. Tokyo Bill says:

    Sorry to see the Cranky Geeks go. It was one of my favorites and I always enjoyed watching John and Sebastian interact. Even after Rupley left, the show was still good because of all the great guests. Now I can say “I remember when…”

  26. GrendelKhan says:

    Sad to see the show end. Shame Sebastian Rupley couldn’t make an appearance on the last one as he was an integral part in so many.

  27. Francis says:

    This is sad. CG was the best podcast ever.

  28. Siusei says:

    Truly one of the best shows on the net. Hope to see something new with Dvorak – I’m not voting for something on TWIT since that is a bit overdone and John deserves top billing IMO. The only complaint I had about Cranky Geeks was that the show was too short! Loved the tid-bits shared on your last show – it is a must watch for fans!

  29. Sally says:

    I’m with those suggesting a move to another network! I can’t stomach most of the other tech shows, too many insider references and all about apple products. (And I’m typing this from a Mac. I just don’t worship any one company.) I loved the format and listened to the audio version every week. I’m trying to get into the DH show, but I CG was my favorite! I hope you’ll do another like it else where. I’d put up with Leo’s long commercials in order to get the entertaining content.

  30. Danmaan says:

    We’ll be looking for you!


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