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Today’s Guests:
David Spark, Host, The Spark Minute
Chris DiBona, Open Source Program Manager, Google
Cade Metz, U.S. Editor, The Register

The Topics:
Farewell, Cranks!

Download this Episode:
iPod/iPhone/PSP: 111MB
Quicktime H.264: 137MB
Windows Media Player: 133MB
Mobile 3GP: 38MB
MP3 (Audio Only): 28MB

Right click and choose “save target as” or “save as” to download videos.

  1. boolez says:

    Sorry to see the show end. It was the only tech show that I actually watched on a regular basis and one of the best out there.

  2. Lowfreq says:

    A moment of silence please.
    R.I.P Cranky Geeks.

  3. ethanol says:


    It has been a fun ride for me on the Cranky Geeks train, thank you.

  4. runbadscott says:

    Why! Why! I always look forward to downloading the latest C.G. This is where I get all my tech news! Why! Whyyyyyyyyyyyy! (fade to silence)

  5. Mike Frisco says:

    How am I going to get my weekly Dvorak fix now? You bail on Twit all the time, and now CG is gone? Not cool.

  6. tdkyo says:


  7. ggore says:

    Leo needs to pick up the show ASAP. Change the name, whatever he needs to do, just get it back on the air!

  8. ikelleigh says:

    Thanks John (and crew) for a great show. Maybe Leo can find a spot for you in his empire.

  9. Fletch says:

    Was a good run, 4 years or so. Can’t wait to see the new show that was hinted. Until then, I’ve got a few things that will keep me entertained in the morning.

  10. Go drink it off on Diggnation 😉

  11. pierrelarsen says:

    It was a very good show. The only tech show I have spent my time on. I must have watched a large percentage of the episodes.

    Thanks to John, the cranks and the crew.

    If you make a similar show – I’ll watch it.

  12. LDA says:

    Thanks John.

  13. Steve says:

    Sad to see the show end. The discussions and topics were always lively and informative. Hope to see John and his guests somewhere else soon!

  14. Benjamin says:

    I loved the show. Due to technical issues (old computer with poor h.264 rendering) I get the mp3 audio only version, but your personality only needs audio to make me want to listen.

    I will miss the show, but I guess I will have to get my John C Dvorak fix on TWiT. I think PC Magazine made a mistake in going to 5 minute with pre-roll shows from long form. I only listen to Grammar Girl’s short form podcast. All other podcasts I listen to are at least a half an hour. I hope Leo picks up the show.

    Cranky Geeks was the first podcast I ever listened subscribed to. I initially downloaded episode 1 to test out my bandwidth on my DSL line. I subscribed in iTunes to it and DL.TV and watched them both until iTunes upgrades made it too slow for my machine. I switched to MP3 audio and listened on my iPod ever since. I have since upgraded hardware and will have to stream the video of the last episode just to see it for the last time.

  15. I'm Driving Away says:

    Why they cancel such an entertaining show with all of these unique characters?
    Was it too much for the real world or was the highway of life too much for them?

  16. Fr33fall says:

    It will only be a matter of time until we see CG again. Until then I will see John in TWiT and wait for him to resurface. Unfortunately No Agenda is a little too far out for my taste…

  17. Joebuck says:

    Ziff Davis has lost another great show.. first it was DL.TV and now Crankygeeks, my favorite Internet show btw. Great times, besure to watch johns new show on revision3 LOL

  18. Personality says:

    That was a good ending show. Come back soon.

  19. Benjamin says:

    Leo is going to be right. Revision 3 is the new Tech TV.

  20. tigerjuju says:

    I will truly miss this show. Cranky Geeks is the BEST tech news podcast around. I want to love Leo’s TWIT. But there is way too much tech insider chit-chats. It is really annoying that I have to constantly click fast forward button to pass uninteresting topics and unrelated talks. John is much better at keeping things on topic, in focus, and interesting. Hopefully John will bring Cranky Geeks back at some point, or start something similar. I prefer video podcast, but audio only will be just fine too.

    Fingers crossed….

  21. My 2 Cents says:

    He definitely needs a show other than Twit. I can’t stand Leo anymore. He keeps cutting people off when they talk. If I have to watch Twit to see John, I will say, I will pass. I guess the Tech5 is the only one left from me.

  22. TThor says:

    The last show. Sad. I have enjoyed the Cranky Geeks for years. But let’s hope it will be – so long! Somewhere…

  23. Eideard says:

    Cranky Geeks has been a regular in our household since Day 1. We’re going to miss it much.

    Waiting for what’s next.

  24. Uncle Patso says:

    I watched every single episode of Cranky Geeks except the one (#149) where they lost the audio before it could be posted for download. I also watched at least 90% of the old Silicon Spin back in the ZDTV/TechTV days. When Silicon Spin was cancelled, I was surprised and very bummed; this time the surprise is less but not the sadness. I will miss this weekly dose of skeptical curmudgeonly comment on the colorful parade of life in the tech lane.

    In the spirit of nostalgia, I have decided to celebrate the life of Cranky Geeks/Silicon Spin by putting one of my Silicon Spin mugs up for auction on eBay.

    Heartfelt thanks to John and all the crew and guests who managed to overcome confusion, clumsiness, recession and flood to put out almost ten dozen shows! I look forward to the next incarnation, whatever that might be.


  25. GrayOne says:

    Is it really done or are you going to move it to Mevio\Leo\Rev3\etc…?

  26. Uncle Patso says:

    I watched every single episode of Cranky Geeks except the one (#149) where they lost the audio before it could be posted for download. I also watched at least 90% of the old Silicon Spin back in the ZDTV/TechTV days. When Silicon Spin was cancelled, I was surprised and very bummed; this time the surprise is less but not the sadness. I will miss this weekly dose of skeptical curmudgeonly comment on the colorful parade of life in the tech lane.

    In the spirit of nostalgia, I have decided to celebrate the life of Cranky Geeks/Silicon Spin by putting one of my Silicon Spin mugs up for auction on eBay. (Just search for “silicon spin mug” if interested.)

    Heartfelt thanks to John and all the crew and guests who managed to overcome confusion, clumsiness, recession and flood to put out almost ten dozen shows! I look forward to the next incarnation, whatever that might be.


  27. Brian says:

    Now what am I supposed to do? You bastards!

  28. Steve J says:

    You da man Big “D”

  29. Podcastbunker says:

    Damit John, now what do I tell my wife now about the T-shirt I bought 3 years ago. :>)

  30. The DON says:

    237 is not a prime number

    if you add the numbers together (2+3+7) you get a multiple of three (12). This means that the number 237 is a multiple of three.

    This only works for multiples of three.


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