Officials suspended a fifth-grader in New Jersey who found a lighter on his way to school.

Jamesburg school superintendent Gail Verona told The Home News Tribune of East Brunswick the lighter had the potential to compromise student safety.

But the 11-year-old boy’s father questioned why school officials consider the lighter a weapon.

Patrick Halpin called police Wednesday to say there were weapons on school property because teachers at the Grace Breckwedel Middle School had lighters in the building…

The superintendent says a weapon is anything that ”has the potential to cause harm.”

Jamesburg Police Chief Martin Horvath says he believes the school took appropriate action

Which goes to say that the school superintendent and the police chief are mutual political toadies.

  1. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    Rather silly. Schools are places of learning? Would have been more appropriate to simply confiscate the lighter and return it to the kiddie at end of school day with advice/education not to bring non school items to school.

    When the silverware is dirty on an airplane, the consumers question the skill of the pilot.

    Likewise with schools who fubar an otherwise teachable moment.

    Fire everyone!!! Almost like being an incumbent in office???? Oh NO!!!!! I see a trend……….with the greates incumbent of all being = = you know who.

    Ha, ha.

    Stoopid Humans.

  2. rcool says:

    On that basis I’d consider a pencil or pen could be a weapon!

  3. Publius says:

    Pitchfork time in Jamesburg

    Do it there before it spreads here

    It’s make an example time.

  4. Michael H says:

    “anything that ‘has the potential to cause harm.’”

    I’m thinking we remove the teeth from all children until they are able to have such possessions liscenced at an appropriate age – say the age to carry a gun. They can safely eat liquid meals out of straws and they’d look like little elderly people – very conservative.

  5. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    a safety pin has the potential to cause harm. a piece of paper, if wielded right, can cause a nasty paper cut.

  6. roastedpeanuts says:

    This seems like the perfect opportunity to ban pencils, laptops, and books from schools. I’m sure giving someone a good smack on the head with a textbook a couple times has some serious potential to cause harm.

  7. nobodyspecial says:

    @# 6 roastedpeanuts

    No, laptops will become compulsory.
    After all the pen is mightier than the sword, swords are banned – therefore so must pens

  8. Improbus says:

    The most dangerous weapon a person has is their brain.

  9. alangerow says:

    @Improbus that’s why the public schools do their best to neuter students’ abilities to use their brains. It’s has too high of a potential to cause harm to the status-quo political state.

  10. deowll says:

    As stated it sounds like overkill but then I only have one side of the story. If he’d had cigarettes or a joint on him to use the lighter on or had been overheard making threats or maybe mouthed off that would have been a bit more interesting.

  11. TThor says:

    Dear Lord – help us all! Stupidity seeps in everywhere…………..

  12. Dallas says:

    I gather you can strangle someone with a Rosary Bead. Those things are pretty evil.

  13. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    Dallas!!! Thank regression towards the mean–an errant post. No, you need at least some string and ordinarily more than a bead to strangle someone. I’ll give you choke though.

  14. clancys_daddy says:

    “The superintendent says a weapon is anything that ”has the potential to cause harm.”” So a foot in his ass is a potential weapon. Might just cause brain damage I guess.

  15. TooManyPuppies says:

    “The superintendent says a weapon is anything that ”has the potential to cause harm.””

    Apparently these people have outlawed the pencil, right? I did use this powerful weapon once when I was 12 to take down the local bully.

  16. Dallas says:

    #14 Agreed. Choke, strangle and any pendant can take an eye out. How many people hang themselves with a belt every year?

    I know of at least one death where an underwear was stuffed down someone throat (non-consenting).

    I don’t allow any of these things in my house!

  17. nobodyspecial says:

    @bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? said,
    On the contrary he was carrying the lighter IN CASE he found a terrorist with explosives.

    The safest way of disposing of C4 is to set fire to it. It even makes a good campfire, but don’t get too close to the fumes.

  18. Angel H. Wong says:

    When I was a kid, I spent my nightmarish childhood at a Catholic school and guess what? A fifth grader I know hated it so much he tried to set it on fire.

  19. clancys_daddy says:

    18, don’t stomp on it to put it out either.

  20. e? says:

    They ought to ban children. Those things are dangerous. Imagine all the people.. Living life in peace…

  21. faxon says:

    Is it just me, or was the world a whole bunch saner in the 1950’s?
    I remember saying and thinking things that could get me fired from my job with the —- —— company now…..
    As a matter of fact, just my having a blog, and stating my opinion resulted in me being punished with the worst shift they could think of….
    This country has just gone completely to fucking hell, courtesy of people like Bobbo and Eiheard.
    Congratulations, touchy feely saps.

  22. Rightwing Nutjob says:

    #23 – Yep, and the Dimocrats to blame. They have raised whole generations of sheeple so ignorant and clueless that they can’t differentiate between actual weapons and harmless items. When their ignorant “peaceful” bliss is disturbed by some stimulus, they have a disproportionate response because they don’t know any better.

    Hell, even if a Dimmie actually has a clue, he will never admit it and will back up the other Dimmies at all costs. Because they’d rather be retarded than admit being wrong.

  23. overtemp says:

    “The superintendent says a weapon is anything that ‘has the potential to cause harm./”

    By that definition, at least half of the teachers I had were weapons.

  24. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    And I bet they let the cafeteria lady continue dishing out toxic slop…

  25. Yankinwaoz says:

    Well then the school needs to cut out softball. After all, baseball bats clearly meet the definition of a weapon.

    Books! What it one kid hit another with a book? Ban all books now!

    I’ve heard that words can be a weapon too. Better ban talking and writing.

  26. ECA says:

    SHOE strings…
    no wonder the NEW style shoes dont have any..
    Strangle your kid today.,..solve the problem.

  27. Counterweight says:

    Shoe strings???
    Hell, you know what kind of damage you can do with a shoe?

  28. soundwash says:


    The superintendent says a weapon is anything that ”has the potential to cause harm.”


    well then, by that logic, they should ban humans from the school too. (especially the adult kind)

    i’m pretty sure we cause more “harm” than any other entity on the planet, currently.

    this would solve the whole problem rather neatly.. -leaving only a bunch pissed off union thugs to deal with.


  29. Glenn E. says:

    For years these school officials wouldn’t do a damn thing about bulling. But now, they’re worried that the “bullied” might strike back. That’s the only reason all this paranoia over weapons has surfaced. Bullies use to bring all sorts of “weapons” to school. And rarely was much made of it. As long as they kept their toys to themselves. But now it’s fear of lighters and fingernail clippers, in the bands of most innocent kids. Are they really protecting the more violent kids from possible retaliations? What’s next? Banning kids who know self-defense martial arts. Can’t have a school environment where bullies are afraid to pick on anyone. That might upset to the whole War Culture our schools foster.

  30. John E. Quantum says:

    Banning weapons such as lighters, nail clippers, etc from school also helps to train the children to adhere to the TSA requirements for travel. Safety and security need to be inculcated from a young age.


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