Officials suspended a fifth-grader in New Jersey who found a lighter on his way to school.

Jamesburg school superintendent Gail Verona told The Home News Tribune of East Brunswick the lighter had the potential to compromise student safety.

But the 11-year-old boy’s father questioned why school officials consider the lighter a weapon.

Patrick Halpin called police Wednesday to say there were weapons on school property because teachers at the Grace Breckwedel Middle School had lighters in the building…

The superintendent says a weapon is anything that ”has the potential to cause harm.”

Jamesburg Police Chief Martin Horvath says he believes the school took appropriate action

Which goes to say that the school superintendent and the police chief are mutual political toadies.

  1. GregAllen says:

    Don’t just blame the schools — this is the product of a “zero tolerance” and “mandatory sentencing” approach that (mostly) conservatives have been pushing for 30 years.

  2. Breetai says:


    Are you seriously looking at this with partisan glasses? You sir win the Douchebag of the day award.

  3. The0ne says:

    This actually happened 🙂

    Airport securities prevented me from carrying my “special” driver bits on-board the airplane but allowed me to carry the handle.

    Me: Umm, shouldn’t you be taking the handle instead? The bits are small.

    NPC: No, handles are fine. We just can’t allow sharp objects to be carried on.

    Me: I could much more damage with a handle than a 1/4″ bit. I can barely hold the bit for it to be threatening.

    NPC: *stares at me with a blank face*

    Me: I could use make good use of the pens and pencils in my bag here as well. And what about this small scissor?

    NPC: I’m sorry you can’t carry the bits on-board. You can choose to trash them or go there and have them deliver to yourself.

    Me: *feeling lucky I haven’t been tackled and gagged for life I quickly left them behind and sheer a few tears for my favorite bits that has lasted for years*

    So yes, this kid deserves it..damn right for trying to make sense and having curiosity. This is US, you do as the authorities like!

    *wait, I’m on your side officers…no..No…NO, not the taser gun again! AAAAAHHHH*

    Fcking kid, got me tasered for speaking out 🙁

  4. the_word_just_in_from_Bahstun says:

    They should take the books away from them as they could bash each other in the head. Might as well as they can’t read them anyway.

  5. RSweeney says:

    Unintended consequences.

    Back in the day, women could aspire to become teachers, and not much else.

    So teaching attracted the very top tier of able women… an impressive group to have teaching the next generation.

    But today, able women have many choices and “education” schools routinely take the bottom of the class to train to be the teachers of the next generation.

    Can you tell the difference?


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