1. Uncle Patso says:

    Poor South Bend, can’t get a break! Once known for having “South” in its name when it’s on the northern border of its state; then local talent being pushed from the spotlight by the presence of the University of Notre Dame; and when they try to improve their local schools, they keep getting tripped up by irony…

  2. fulanoche says:

    Obviously, Spelling did not make the top 15.

  3. McCullough says:

    Reminds me of a banner I saw in the West Indies
    promoting education.

    “The Youth are are Future”

  4. Improbus says:

    Is this for real or is it shopped? Looks like something /b/ would put out … for the lulz.

  5. madtruckman says:

    nope, this was really up in all its full glory. here is the local news story (near me) about it….


  6. Improbus says:

    Idiocracy for realz.

  7. Floyd says:

    Sad. Except during football season, South Bend (and Touchdown Jesus) gets no respect. New billboard painters are needed…

  8. oldfart says:

    Where was the pubic school when I was growing up?

    I had to learn from the encyclopedia and National Geographic.

  9. t0llyb0ng says:

    Proofreading is not as easy as it loks.

  10. Usagi says:

    It’s not a typo. it’s supposed to say that.

  11. Improbus says:

    #9, I think they just did a spell check. They didn’t actually take the time to READ it.

  12. dcphill says:

    The sign got your attention, didn’t it.
    That’s what it was supposed to do.
    My kinda school.

  13. fulanoche says:

    A refreshing post and comments that aren’t bitching, whining, moaning and groaning.

  14. deowll says:

    If I got this right the sign is led lights? They changed it but will the add company get another contract?

  15. GregAllen says:

    I feel sorry for the school district who will get mocked for this.

    But, of course, it was surely the fault of the billboard company and/or ad agency.

  16. Webster Daniel says:

    Where’s the post blaming this on the Obama administration? Are even the trolls losing interest in this blog?

  17. Mr Fogg says:

    Where’s the post blaming this on the Bush administration? Are even the BarackObites losing interest in this blog?

  18. 9yo says:

    What’s the prob? Pubic Schools are great!

  19. Realist says:


    If I got this right the sign is led lights? They changed it but will the add company get another contract?

    As in one contract plus one contract equals three contracts?

  20. Ghost says:

    #16 – They’re probably too embarrassed to post. Only a Repukelicant would be dumb enough to put up a sign like that. Figures, since hick towns like that are infested with ’em. It’s not “flyover country” for nothing.

  21. Rob Leather says:

    #13 Shut up fulanoche; that’s just what I expected you to say…. like… er… Hitler



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