The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
Meet the Depressed | ||||
So much for the screeners doing their job. Har.
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
Meet the Depressed | ||||
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#32, Ah Yea
Ok, listen up you nutjob dems!
A new sheriff is coming to town, and this is what he is going to do.
It sounds like you have made up our minds for us. Whether or not WE want a change.
– Stop job-killing tax hikes
– Allow small businesses to take a tax deduction equal to 20 percent of their income
– Require congressional approval for any new federal regulation that would add to the deficit
– Repeal small business mandates in the new health care law.
Clinton had a tax hike in ’93. Yet more jobs were created during his administration than Reagan and the two Bushes combined. Guess which Administrations were for removing regulations and reducing taxes?
Admit it, you just want the lower class and middle class to pay even more to keep the super rich happy.
Cutting Spending:
– Repeal and Replace health care
– Roll back non-discretionary spending to 2008 levels before TARP and stimulus (will save $100 billion in first year alone)
– Establish strict budget caps to limit federal spending going forward
– Cancel all future TARP payments and reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
First, people want affordable health care. Maybe you don’t, but WE THE PEOPLE do. Private insurance isn’t doing it.
It isn’t the spending, it is the taxation that is hurting this country. The right wing couldn’t stop Social Security or Medicare so they are crippling them, and other programs, by starving them.
Budget caps are unconstitutional and reactionary. Typical short sighted tea party stuff, but not how to govern a country effectively. OOoopps, riiiight, the TP want to prove they can’t run a country.
Reforming Congress:
– Will require that every bill have a citation of constitutional authority
– Give members at least 3 days to read bills before a vote
You are crazy nuts. Something like the Affordable Health Care Act was debated and debated for months and the Republicans still claim it was shoved down their throats. Bush wanted the TARP passed within hours. Barney Frank rewrote the bill putting in oversight and review and the Republicans howled because it was taking so long and Bank of Americas was about to go belly up.
And why does a bill need “Constitutional Authority” to be introduced? This can only be suggested by a moran who has no idea of the Constitution.
– Provide resources to troops
– Fund missile defense
– Enforce sanctions in Iran”
These are being done now.
And Iran is a State Department issue, not a Defense issue unless you wish another war in the Middle East. And the US military budget is equal to what the entire rest of the world spends collectively. Even with all that money, training, weaponry, and munitions, the Taliban and Al Quada are making headway.
>And you think these questions blindsided him?
Yea, that last question, why was he laughing? Because he thought this person was making a joke about how it’s hard to defend him from all these ridiculous attacks. Only later did he realize that she was serious.
#32 Empty words and half-hearted gestures. None of those things would actually be done, even with a Tea Bagger majority. It’s just pablum for the ignorant conservatards to regurgitate ad nauseum until the election is over. Then it would be business as usual, just with different retarded people trying to run things and waging more endless war for no good reason.
Mike–good point. I thought he was just putting on a happy face on to a direct complaint, but your idea makes better sense. I can see the same words being uttered by his inner circle with the comedic subtext you reference.
Its good for politicians to get out of the bubble as much as possible.
Dems and Pukes certainly are “too much the same” but there are differences that matter. Sadly those differences are not enough to stop our downward slide into 2-3-4th rate status in the world. Sad the partisans can’t evalutate both sides of the equation to see that both sides are failing america.
I just don’t know what we the people can do. What can we do?????? Maybe:
I’m curious as to what GOP policies will address the growing poverty in this country.
Oh, wait, I forgot. Poor people are simply lazy. Never mind.
Not just his inner circle. He has been asked questions like this in the media too.
The Daily Show audience was blindsided too. Notice the quiet in the room at the beginning when Stewart was talking about Obama’s favorable audiences.