• Oracle World going full tilt in SF. Michael Dell attends.
  • Rumor abounds that the Oracle may buy HP.
  • IBM to buy Brocade? Perhaps.
  • DSL hitting 700 Mbps. Where?
  • Twitter attack not my fault.
  • Autumn begins.
  • Jet Blue setting up Wi-Fi on planes.
  • Schools and libraries will get fiber from government.

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  1. DavidtheDuke says:

    You went there didn’t you John? Jeez.. haha

  2. Dallas says:

    Pedro says he wants another 3 inches.

  3. Special Ed says:

    Dallas, then he’d have a two inch hole.

  4. sargasso_c says:

    I couldn’t fit a 7-incher in my back pocket. Wait, that didn’t sound right.

  5. CrankyGeeksFan says:

    The 700 Mbps DSL is by Huawei in Hong Kong. It requires 4 twisted base pairs at 175 Mbps per base pair. It works at a distance of 400 meters, ~1300 feet.

  6. Dixie Normous says:

    Baldmer ought to show off his 2-incher.

  7. Rusty says:

    I wish mine was that small.

  8. Ultra super fast DSL
    Wow weeeee !!
    Yet will we will able to log on – or get ahold of tech support at our local ISP
    The information highway – guess it will be more mud thrown against the wall on the great highway of life

  9. Dallas says:

    #3 Now that’s cruel.

    #5 Fast DSL and fiber is about the only thing going for the suburbs (new construction).

    For my established neighborhood, I don’t see ATT nor Verizon burying or hanging new wires 🙁

    I’d be happy of they simply upgraded their DSL modem head ends to newer technology to improve bandwidth on older telephone wires.


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