Just a few articles on the Tea Party from today:
The Decidedly Unconservative Nature of the Tea Party Establishment
Fox News Surveys and the Tea Party Movement
Tea Party’s Carl Paladino Within a Few Points of Andrew Cuomo in N.Y. Gov Race
Sarah Palin and Christine O’Donnell: Tea Party’s conservative darlings look, dress and talk alike

Will / Would You Vote For A Tea Party Candidate?

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  1. bobbo, to the left and right of Obama says:

    #27–SL==Yes, I make shit up, but no need to make crazy shit up with talking teabag. Such signs were at the early rallies. I only report, you decide.

    #31–benji==quit trying to pimp me. Its too obvious. You said what you said. Republican knee jerk. At least you might start thinking about it?

  2. moondawg says:

    I’ll vote for the candidate I think will represent me the best… to hell with their party.

  3. deowll says:

    Many people that post here are party loyalist. They will vote for who ever their party nominates.

    The Tea Party on the other hand is largely composed of people who have values and will vote for an support people that share their values.

    I think nearly all independents are in the values crowd though of course they don’t all share the same values.

    The Dems problem is they sand bagged the independents with a radical agenda and now they are going to pay. The only question is how much.

    It is also ultra clear that the people running the Democrat party are way out of step with most Americans.

    So are the ultra conservatives who are going to end up helping less conservative people get elected just like Polosie who is going to turn out all the voters who can’t stand her and unfortunately for the Dems that includes one heck of a lot of independents.

  4. fargonaz says:

    This thread needs to be de-douched!

  5. Hugh Hefner says:

    Those gals are cute, but I don’t think they’re dirty. Pass.

  6. Dixie Normous says:

    #4 They would if I had my finger in their butt.

  7. Father says:

    (read in an Austin Powers voice)

    Oh they’re dirty alright.

    O’D became bornagain only after having lots of sex at university!

    Palin says she can’t divorce her husband because he’s so hot!

    Yes, they’re very dirty. Yea baby.

  8. TooManyPuppies says:

    Since they have been completely taken over by (R)etards, nope. I don’t vote for (R)etards or (D)ipshits.

  9. GregAllen says:

    I am so happy Alfred has come back to this board. (I assume is the same as Alfred1 of before.)

    He perfectly represents modern conservatism.

    His “our babes are hotter than theirs” is precisely the appeal of this new breed of female conservative candidates. I have no doubt this was the main consideration for McCain picking her.

  10. GregAllen says:

    >> jman said, on September 22nd, 2010 at 1:25 pm
    >> the alternative to O’Donnell is self proclaimed Marxist so she is the best choice in that race.

    You need to step away from the right wing media.

  11. just me says:

    Palin has an IQ of 83 and is a bit cross-eyed. Her glasses mostly hide the latter, but when she speaks nothing can hide the former.

  12. Lisa Ann Says says:

    #44 – Paylin’s husband is hot!?

    Are you shitting me? He looks like a mega-tard.

  13. Howard Beal says:

    Monty_Python has advice for tea party voters in there early TV work
    “Well, ladies and gentlemen, I don’t think any of our contestants tonight succeeded in encapsulating the intricacies of Proust’s masterwork. So, I’m going to give the award to the girl with the biggest tits.”

    hey guys imagine Alfred’s answers to the Proust Questionnaire

  14. goldbug says:

    #36 bobbo – I appreciate the more measured response this time. I’ll focus on the salient points

    “Ron Paul? He lies. He’s more than happy to hire more policemen to jail women seeking abortions and what not” – I have not heard an interview he’s engaged in, nor a piece of legislation he’s supported, to confirm this. I don’t doubt he has his personal opinions on abortion, but even his most animated critic would be hard pressed to find a more provocative statement than that he supports the rights of states to decide the issue.

    “Return all these functions to the states for their more corrupt/secretive manipulation of these programs? That is the history of why the Feds needed to step in. Remember why the fence was built before you tear it down.” – Devolving powers to the states allows rational people to judge whether one state’s policy is better or worse than another’s. If CA legalized pot and everyone realized that nothing more than a decrease in prison population and gang murders resulted, it might spread to other states. Instead, Eric Holder gets to tell us all how evil the weed is.

    “Politics is about compromise. Being an irrelevant extremist is what you argue for which is why our government is broken. YOU are the problem, or one of the big ones. It is a multi-faceted fubar.” – A bit below the belt, but if I’m so irrelevant, why the long reply? Politics is about compromise because instead of arguing from principles politicians argue based on how many lobbying dollars they can expect based on our position.

    “We the electorate keep doing it until candidates start to perform pursuant to the express desires of the electorate: secure borders, transparency, no revolving door between politics and lobbyists, bring out troops home, get an energy policy etc.” – Funny that we seem to be at odds when our objectives are similar.

    “Sorry if I’m trying too hard to elevate the conversation. /// You’re safe. I don’t detect too much effort.” – Aww, you’re a peach.

  15. What always comes to mind with American politicians is the famous Richard Nixon caption next to an unshaven trickie dickie – “Would you buy a used car from this man”
    After all the bailouts and endemic corruption the question might be – would you let this fellow even near never mind drive your car ?

  16. tomdennis says:

    Yes if they offered one. Candidates are Cadidates. As of today I do not have much choice in candidates.

  17. bobbo, HEY! - I've been Kung Fu'ed says:

    #51–Goldbug, lover of shiny objects==I’ve never understood the appeal of measured responses. Hide more than you might realize? Worst lies are always covered in honey.

    On “facts” I use, incorrect more than I would like, but never “on purpose.” I think I saw him say just that on some talk show. States Rights is of course just a dodge in most cases. Especially in the case of abortion rights as that one is a constitutional right not to be adjudicated State by State. On the right to abortion, I think I saw his website say he was against them. I thought that was odd for a physician. Apparently you don’t know him much better than I do. totally captured by his bumpersticker for the “return” to the gold standard? Single issue voter?

    Your position on Federalism is ass-backwards. States do not have devolved powers, it the Fed that are supposed to be enumerated and limited with the reserve to the States. Thats the theory/constitution anyways but power corrupts by wanting more and the march towards centralization is going on apace. Keep your guns oiled and polished, even though your rights will be taken at the point of a software program.

    Being a noncompromising theocrat is being irrelevant in a political system. My response is meant to satisfy “me” not you. Are you that self centered not to think everyone here is just like you?

    We could well have many of the same objectives until they are more finely defined? Still valid arguments on how to best/actually achieve those goals. For myself, if a route will actually achieve those goals, I might offer a quibble for conversation sake==but too often, the route selected is expressly done to foil the policy end. Using hypotheticals to tease out this perfidy is a favorite of mine but not engaged in by most. Thinking is hard especially when the results show one to be in error?

    Of all the fruits, I prefer apples.

  18. m.c. in l.v. says:

    #13 Benji and others – The sample ballot here in Nevada shows Scott Ashjian as a Tea Party candidate for U.S. Senate so they must be a legitimate, recognized party. Sharron Angle is actually listed as republican although most teabaggers here (including an idiot co-worker) think she’s the Teatard candidate.

    You = fact fail again.

  19. Ben-in-the-woods says:

    There needs to be a new party for people who are fiscally conservative yet socially liberal. Or as me grandpappy used to say: “Do whatever the fuck you want as long as you are willing to pay for it.”

  20. eighthnote says:

    I would….NOT. I don’t think many of the tea bag members know their ass from page six.

    I also don’t think the people fronting the tea bag movement really have a clue about anything other than self promotion and personal gain.

    There is a benefit to the bag movement, however – it is a divisive force within the Republican party, and it will definitely weaken its ability to make much progress on the political front. And I use the word “progress” in the most generic way possible.

  21. Dallas says:

    Reality check:
    The majority of Teabaggers are disenfranchised R’Pukes embarrassed by what their Cheney administration did to the country.

    Data: GOP bumper sticker sales fell sharply and ‘Pukes were losing friends on Facebook at an alarming rate.

    Solution: Teabagger movement starring Glenn Beck, Palin, Jesus, guns and some white power Teashirts (yes, Teashirts)! Kind of like Ross Perot all over again on steroids.

    Promoting witchcraft practicing leaders is risky but will largely appeal only to Samantha Stevens fans on Nickelodeon. This too shall pass.

  22. jman says:

    where does all your hate come from Dallas? you seem to be a bitter loser

  23. jccalhoun says:

    Liberal women aren’t hot? I thought Hollywood was supposed to be ruled and full of liberals?

    The tea party movement is the white baby boomers last gasp for attention. White baby boomers have been the center of attention their whole lives and now that they aren’t they are getting cranky.

    If there were a decent candidate affiliated with the tea party i might vote for them but so far they are all extremist loonies.

  24. Ghost says:

    Well, no, I would not vote for a tea party candidate:
    (1) White people are disgusting. Just gross. I can’t believe anyone would want to be white. Besides, they are the most racist people ever.
    (2) I prefer to vote for someone with a brain. So, not a republican. Because they, like, don’t have brains. And I, like, do.

  25. Matt says:

    Oh damn is O’Donnell HOT!

  26. BuzzMega says:

    I likes my wimmen virginal, sweet faced and clueless.

  27. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    She’s prettier than me, and stupider than me. Hell yes I’d vote for her.


  28. JimD says:


  29. faxon says:

    I know!
    Lets find a blog loaded with leftist radicals, and see how many would vote for a Constitutional Conservative!


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