Just a few articles on the Tea Party from today:
The Decidedly Unconservative Nature of the Tea Party Establishment
Fox News Surveys and the Tea Party Movement
Tea Party’s Carl Paladino Within a Few Points of Andrew Cuomo in N.Y. Gov Race
Sarah Palin and Christine O’Donnell: Tea Party’s conservative darlings look, dress and talk alike

Will / Would You Vote For A Tea Party Candidate?

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  1. Dallas says:

    Unlikely. The Teabagger movement now represents an ugly side I want no part of. Seems more like a GOP bowel movement.

    As far as Sally Fields is concerned, I urge Teabaggers to bet on the candidate that does not practice witchcraft. Safer bet.

    Palin is a has been. She’s in it for the money made in campaigns. The only way she can win is if she showed her tits to the Republisheep.

    She has business savvy, I’d give her that. She knows the people making money during the gold rush was Levi Strauss. The Teabagger gold rush money is in speeches.

  2. Mr. Fu says:

    Honey, Masturbation is a new Godly spiritual testimonial that helps Satan’s kin from passing through to the Heavenly earth bound God fearing image of our Saviour. Rebuke Satan! Don’t taste that finger!

  3. Rabble Rouser says:

    Like I mentioned in another post,
    Tea Parties are for little girls, with imaginary friends.
    ’nuff said!

  4. Breetai says:

    There’s only 1 real Tea Party Candidate that I’m aware of. Neither of those are him.

  5. Improbus says:

    #4, They would if I gave them a big enough “donation”. Don’t put those gold diggers on a pedestal.

  6. tcc3 says:

    That’s probably because they aren’t sure what time of day it is…

  7. dusanmal says:

    @#2 “The Teabagger movement now represents an ugly side I want no part of.” – after all this bashing one needs to ask: What is ugly in movement which is based on two basic requirements a) Strict “Constitutionalism” when it comes to what people and Govt. can do and 2) “Fiscal Conservatism” through as small Govt. and taxes as possible.

    You want “Progressive” impinging on Constitution a-la G.W.B. and Patriot act? Or “Progressive” Nanny-State to get all of your money and give you back as much as they think you need? Do find yourself existing Communist country and move there (N.Korea?).

  8. bobbo, to the left and right of Obama says:

    Yes any of them that represent the least incumbent ((aka least entrenched politician)) of the two parties running. Third party candidates are a wasted vote and communicate nothing.

    By and large, even at a half term as governor of Alaska, Palin is an incumbent. She should never be given another political office, calendar girl she is.

    Remember: VOTE ALL INCUMBENTS OUT OF OFFICE! It the only voter tool available to have any impact at all on “THE SYSTEM!” Don’t worry too much about the teabaggers being horrible people and horrible politicians–as they vote lock step republican their deeper existential worth in this universe is really irrelevant==and following the rule of VOTE ALL INCUMBENTS OUT OF OFFICE, they will only have 2 or 6 years to do their worse.


  9. Idiotic Girls Who Wear Glasses Don't Deserve Passes says:





  10. bobbo, to the left and right of Obama says:

    #9–dismal==the teabaggers to various degrees may espouse those two touchstones to good government you mention, but they are ugly because they have no ideas at all on how to get there.

    Your stuck recording of “lower taxation” would be great ONLY IF it came with lowering the expenses/program costs which neither you or the teabaggers have any credible claim to. You are left with ugly empty rhetoric, the echo of nonsense.

    “Keep the government out of my MediCare.”

    America could still be great without idiots like you in the way.

    Stoopid Humans.

  11. Benjamin says:

    Um, who are the Tea Party candidates? This article only mentioned a handful of Republicans. Do you really think the Tea Party is a political party that runs candidates? No, it is a non-partisan movement to clean up the incumbents in power and to reform the existing political parties.

    There are no candidates with a T by their name. There are Republicans, Democrats, and the unelectable. I am voting for a Republican whether or not they are supported by people who identify with the Tea Party Movement.

  12. bobbo, to the left and right of Obama says:

    Benji–by describing the teabaggers as “non partisan” and yourself as kneejerk republican, you just defined yourself as dumber than a teabag.

    Ha, ha.

    Yes, “party” and many other words and ideas have only one definition in your world. Like “lower taxes = good.”

    Dumber than a teabag.

  13. Named says:

    1 Alfred E Newman,

    You also have the pick of the litter mAnn Coulter.

    BTW, it’s masturbate to Christine O’Donnell day today. Here is something to aim for:


    Alfie, you can just use your mom again.

  14. ECA says:

    this question is as bad as…

    Would you elect a person that wore a suit that cost:
    10 times what you wear?
    100 times what you wear?
    Shoes cost as much as your CAR?
    Banks? these guys ARE THE BANK?
    New car?/ya./what happened tot he other one/it got dirty

    It wont matter who you vote for..ITS THE ONES not elected, hiding in the white house, that are controlling things.

    Think about School. IF you had only 1 place to live and stay 24 hours. The only info is what is FED TO YOU from the teachers.
    The idiots have been running the WHITE HOUSE for over 30 years.

  15. Cursor_ says:

    Do find yourself existing Communist country and move there (N.Korea?).

    No such thing as a communist country.

    Troll harder.


    Yes vote more plutocrats that don’t even have a clue what the middle and lower class are.

    I’m going to keep saying it.

    Until we get a new form of government with a new constitution, nothing in the Republic will change but the names and faces.


  16. goldbug says:

    As JCD routinely points out on No Agenda, the people captioned in this post are not representative of the Tea Party that grew out of Ron Paul’s campaign. If the question is whether I’d vote for a candidate that promoted limited government, fiscal responsibility, an end to empire building, return to a sound money system, etc, I would say “Yes”. If the question is whether I’d vote for some neo-con socially conservative MILF’s, I would not be able to say anything, as I’d be laughing too hard.

  17. chuck says:

    A few questions:

    1. Is the “Tea Party” an actual registered political party? If so, why aren’t they running their own primaries?

    2. I thought the “Tea Party” was a loose association of groups that wanted lower taxes and smaller government – when did they start nominating candidates?

    3. How do candidates get a “Tea Party” endorsement? Or are they simply getting endorsements from Glen Beck or Sarah Palin? Or do they just stand up and say “I’m a Tea Party candidate.” ?

  18. LotsaLuck says:

    Like #12 said, there really is no Tea ‘Party’ as such. At least not in this context.

    These ‘Tea Party’ candidates are really just conservative Republicans who campaign on implementing lower taxes and less government intrusion into citizen’s lives.

    So, as conservative Republicans, it’s no surprise that Dallas, bobbo, J Dvorak, and the ‘mainstream’ media don’t like them – and would definitely wouldn’t vote for them.

    Perhaps the next poll could be ‘Would you vote for a left-wing Democrat’ or some such.

  19. Named says:

    20 LotsaLuck,

    “These ‘Tea Party’ candidates are really just conservative Republicans who campaign on implementing lower taxes and less government intrusion into citizen’s lives.”

    Right. Anti-abortion, anti-masturbation, anti-homosexuality, anti anti anti…

    Really sure about less government intrusion? I think the only “intrusion” they want to eliminate is praising Jebus in school as a mandatory subject and guns. That’s about it.

  20. Greg Allen says:

    >>Alfred Persson said, on September 22nd, 2010 at 10:06 am
    >> Plus our gals have brains…global warming scam, etc…they see right through it.

    Your “gals” includes a candidate who believes scientists have created mice with fully functional human brains.

    This is the same brain trust who’s telling you global warming is a scam.

    As for me, I get my science from scientists, not Sarah Palin or Christine O’Donnell.

  21. bobbo, to the left and right of Obama says:

    #17–Cursor, usually competent but out of sorts on this subject==you say: “Until we get a new form of government with a new constitution, nothing in the Republic will change but the names and faces.” /// Too negative and “waiting for Godot” is never the answer. Act NOW as effectively as you possibly can: VOTE ALL INCUMBENTS OUT OF OFFICE!

    #18–Gold up your Ass==just on a roll with the name game “but” candidates don’t “promote” they only promise, and all politicians lie. Ron Paul less than others but once you get past his first 5 general bumperstickers, he’s as crazy as any other LIEberTARDian. He only provides a touchstone, not a cornerstone for good government. A fairyland. Join the adults and understand that society requires compromise. Sad isn’t it?

    #20–Needs LotsaLuck==How many times must I say VOTE ALL INCUMBENTS OUT OF OFFICE! and that includes voting “for” teabaggers if they are the least qualified?

  22. goldbug says:

    “and all politicians lie” – not sure what the relevance is to my post.
    “he’s as crazy as any other LIEberTARDian” – an example would be helpful, rather than resorting to name calling.
    “Join the adults and understand that society requires compromise” – it’s possible to negotiate and form coalitions from a position of a strongly held belief without compromising your principles.
    When you suggest VOTING INCUMBENTS OUT, does that just mean perpetually swapping a Repub out with a Dem and vice versa? I fail to see how that would be an improvement.
    Sorry if I’m trying too hard to elevate the conversation.

  23. Howard Beal says:

    “This blog reeks of liberal loon jealousy…boxer…clinton…
    Precisely the dried up prunes you all richly deserve…
    Years of over regulation leaves nothing but devastation.”

    maybe you would be happier some where else

  24. Sea Lawyer says:

    “Keep the government out of my MediCare.”

    Haha, that’s funny. Wouldn’t be surprised to actually see that from these idiots (not the genuine libertarians in the group, but the religious whackos who have hijacked the train)

  25. Michael says:

    Years of over regulation?

    The over regulation that got us Goldman Sachs, salmonella in the eggs, Toyotas crashing into walls, and kids with leukemia losing health insurance?

    That over regulation?

  26. Bushed says:

    They are hot, the non-existent god forgive me!

  27. Benjamin says:

    #14 bobbo, I am voting Republican because you said, “Vote the incumbents out.” Most people in office this time around are Democrats. QED, I am voting Republican. I was merely taking your advice.

    Also the Democrats just blame Republicans instead of anything that would meaningfully stimulate the economy. In fact the Democrats may be hindering economic growth. They have controlled the Presidency and both houses of Congress for a year and a half. Why isn’t the economy getting better? And don’t point the finger at Bush. That is like blaming Snowball for the windmill falling down. Bush has retired. If Obama had any good ideas for reviving the economy, he would have implemented them by now.

  28. Sparky_One says:

    What we need are armed local chapters of the Sons of Liberty. Voting got us this mess.

  29. jman says:

    the alternative to O’Donnell is self proclaimed Marxist so she is the best choice in that race. BTW why all the uproar about some silly stuff she’s said in the past. Let’s remember who held that seat for 30 years……Biden.

    You want to talk about a moron. Last week he said he was second in line for the Presidency……nancy must’ve convinced him

  30. bobbo, to the left and right of Obama says:

    #25–goldbug==you ask: ““and all politicians lie” – not sure what the relevance is to my post. /// You say you are in favor of candidates who “promote” (sic) limited government a la Ron Paul? He lies. He’s more than happy to hire more policemen to jail women seeking abortions and what not. But truly, I don’t follow the nutbag close enough to go thru a litany of his errors. The few times I have gone to his website, I get very quickly dismayed he is in office and look for something else instead. They all lie of course is inaccurate==more a caution to look at their deeds and not their words, to look at what they say about they position 3 sentences later.

    “he’s as crazy as any other LIEberTARDian” – an example would be helpful, rather than resorting to name calling. /// Abortion for one. Getting rid of the Departments of Education and whatever else. Abolish the Fed. Return to a gold standard. All crazy. Reform the current rules/law on all those issues? Of course. Return all these functions to the states for their more corrupt/secretive manipulation of these programs? That is the history of why the Feds needed to step in. Remember why the fence was built before you tear it down.

    “Join the adults and understand that society requires compromise” – it’s possible to negotiate and form coalitions from a position of a strongly held belief without compromising your principles. /// I assume you mean its IMpossible? I agree. Politics is about compromise. Being an irrelevant extremist is what you argue for which is why our government is broken. YOU are the problem, or one of the big ones. It is a multi-faceted fubar.

    When you suggest VOTING INCUMBENTS OUT, does that just mean perpetually swapping a Repub out with a Dem and vice versa? /// In effect, mostly==but also vote out the most entrenched primary candidates.

    I fail to see how that would be an improvement. /// We the electorate keep doing it until candidates start to perform pursuant to the express desires of the electorate: secure borders, transparency, no revolving door between politics and lobbyists, bring out troops home, get an energy policy etc. It is a HORRIBLE RESPONSE to what our politicians do in office, but its the only one that the voters have available to them. Can you think of any other that is actually “doable” NOW without an Alice in Wonderland change in the law?

    Sorry if I’m trying too hard to elevate the conversation. /// You’re safe. I don’t detect too much effort.


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