Just a few articles on the Tea Party from today:
The Decidedly Unconservative Nature of the Tea Party Establishment
Fox News Surveys and the Tea Party Movement
Tea Party’s Carl Paladino Within a Few Points of Andrew Cuomo in N.Y. Gov Race
Sarah Palin and Christine O’Donnell: Tea Party’s conservative darlings look, dress and talk alike

Will / Would You Vote For A Tea Party Candidate?

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  1. Rightwing Taliban says:

    I, for one, praise our new hot, feminine, Republican overlords. Ahh, brains AND beauty… a winning combination. You lefties can keep your shrivelled old hags with their smelly armpits and hairy legs.

  2. JMRouse says:

    I can’t believe anyone would find either of these women “hot.” Maybe it’s an age difference between myself and other people who frequent this forum, but I don’t even find them MILF’s.

  3. Glenn E. says:

    So what happened to Ralph Nader’s Green party? Which was basically Democrats Lite. Some accuse the Green party of existing only to siphon off votes from the Democrats side. But I doubt the GOP was that smart, back then. Now we have this Tea Party. Which may be the “bridge” between the two major parties. Invented by the GOP, just to keep votes from going over to the Democrats side. And given the caliber of the Tea Party candidates’ brain power. I have no doubt the GOP is secretly behind their selection. The “Tea Party” didn’t exist until McPalin lost the last election. Mainly because most voters didn’t want anyone that stupid as US vice president.

    Clearly the GOP didn’t want to win, in 2008. So their man wouldn’t have to take the blame for the economic troubles that were about to happen. Let the democrats clean up their mess. And get blamed for not don’t it fast enough. So while they may be trying to hold onto as many Senate and House seats as possible. I think the GOP will be shooting itself in the foot again, in 2012. Because I doubt the US economy will have recovered enough by then, for the GOP to feel comfortable taking over the reigns. And taking the credit for fixing everything.

  4. stopher2475 says:

    “So these ladies have my vote, they clearly understand “just say no to over spending.””

    It’s hard to overspend when your campaign picks up your mortgage and you don’t pay your bills or the people who work for you.

    Don’t worry. She’s going to get exactly what she planned for. A six figure job as a Fox news pundit the day after the election.

  5. The0ne says:

    Both turn me on for some strange God-like reason. So yes, I will vote for…what was it again? nevermind, thanks for the pics…I’m “off” 😀

  6. Rick Cain says:

    My hope is that the Tea Party will be uncontrollable, and the GOP will be in a panic.
    Karl Rove has already had to apologize for his criticism of the Tea Party and he never apologizes for anything.

    Live long and prosper, Tea Party.

  7. Bodah says:

    how are youuu!? i haven’t talked to you guys in forever!! keep postin amazing stuff on your site, i love it! (:

  8. Chris says:

    This is not funny but rather is very scarry to me. That people are voting for these candidates is a testiment to the lack of critical thinking skills of our public. Mark my words, they will bring vast devastation to America (some through ignorance, others by design). First, they will assure the transfer of large amounts of money to the wealthier folks. Then they will transfer even more to the extremely wealthy by destroying workers rights and undermining the middle class, destroying all women’s rights, destroying the poor, and destroying the democratic party.

    The churches are already on board as they have been enticed by the freedom to control the massses for their own benefit (of importance, financial benefits). They are on board to control the masses. Then all will go to the wealthy rulers and the church as in the past and the rest will be like the surfs. No more social programs, no education, no worker rights, no pay, etc. Wake up and look around, dummies.


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