An elderly man is in critical condition after being thrown to the ground by a police officer. It happened Saturday night near North Orange Avenue after police say Daniel Daley put his hands on the cop. The World War II veteran is out of surgery. He suffered an injury doctors at Florida Hospital say only about 10 percent of people are lucky enough to survive. Daley left the Caboose Bar and headed to his car across the street Saturday night.

Witnesses say the 84-year-old was upset when he saw his car was about to be towed. The Ivanhoe Grocery owner recently posted signs warning drivers because customers of other businesses were parking in their spots. Several people, who didn’t want to go on camera, say it has led to plenty of arguments the past few weeks, but none with the potentially deadly consequences that happened Saturday. The police were called and say Daley, who’d been drinking, put his hands on the officer.

Witnesses say he put his hands on the officer three times and the cop warned him to stop each time. Police say Daley made a fist and said ‘I’m not leaving until I knock this cop out.’ Another witness says the officer then violently hip checked him and took him to the ground.

Daley ended up in Florida Hospital with a broken neck.

  1. Mr. Fu says:

    I’ve towed many drunk peoples cars. I’m taking Hitlers side on this one.

  2. bobbo, the law is an ass, if you ride it, don't fall off says:

    and it gets worse when cops show no judgment/discretion at all. Excess force was used regardless of what lies were put in the police report.

    Avoid cops as much as possible.

  3. duh365 says:

    can’t touch cops or else! nice to see they are still charging the guy with the felony as he goes into surgery. must be awesome for the family.

  4. Improbus says:

    Next, they will taser a toddler for riding on his father’s shoulders at a parade. I told the child to dismount his father THREE TIMES! THREE TIMES!!!

  5. Winston Smith says:

    I am surprised he did not call for back up 85 year old is to much for most cops

  6. GoGadget says:

    I thought the primary purpose of police officers was to “serve and protect”, not to “subdue and punish”. This was way over the top action on the part of the police officer.

  7. nolimit662 says:

    I’m sorry, but if you threaten that you’re gonna knock a cop out, I don’t feel sorry for you if he hip checks you to the ground. He deserved what he got.

  8. Somebody says:

    Yeah, well.

    You are always going to have the worst government you will tolerate. The guy who shot Randy Weaver’s wife has she looked out her kitchen door while holding her baby never lost his job. I never seem to hear about cops losing their jobs for this sort of thing or mayors losing elections for not insisting that the Chief of Police fires one of these goose-stepping SOBs.

    So there you go.

    It’s your fault.

  9. Cursor_ says:

    A clear case where BOTH were wrong.

    The guy should never touch a LEA.

    The LEA should have used a hold, cuffed him and brought him to the cruiser for a face to face talk.

    Neither was correct in their choices.


  10. Improbus says:

    LEA? Law Enforcement Agent? Associate? Asshole?

  11. bobbo, to the left and right of Obama says:

    Cursor–stop equating the “wrong” of a police officer charged with public safety and serving the public with the wrong of an inebriated 84 yo who was in need of such services.

    Silly to equate the two.

  12. jpfitz says:


    What are you a LEA yourself?
    Really need to manhandle a 84 year old drunk.
    No one today shows respect for the elderly.
    Especially LEA. I at one point was a heartbeat away from becoming a NYPD cadet. Sooo glad I didn’t.

  13. Al says:

    If a police officer feels threatened enough by an 84 year old man that he has to use overpowering force maybe he shouldn’t be in this line of work.

  14. Sea Lawyer says:

    And his name is Daniel Daly? Classic. Should have asked the cop if he wanted to live forever too.

  15. dcphill says:

    Old guy should have known that cops are untouchable. They are Judge,Jury and executioner any time they want to be.

  16. Grandpa says:

    Untouchable? The cop told him three times to keep his hands off. Three times! Usually it only takes one time for an officer to assert his control of the situation. Unfortunate the idiot was so frail and old. I’m glad the old guy didn’t have a gun.

  17. TThor says:

    Big boy! Break the neck of a 84 year old. What a great sensitivity, judgement and intelligence! Pick someone your own size and age.

    Where is “to serve and protect” these days? The cops as well as other gov institutions are really becoming the enemy. How has this madness been allowed to develop?

  18. deowll says:

    I wasn’t there. If the guy had been 18 I’d say the cop was absolutely right.

    People with fragile bodies need to avoid getting drunk and disorderly.

    Now I’m going to shut up and go away.

  19. Bruce says:

    If I was the cop I’d just fuck the old guy in the ass. Maybe hit him with the taser to make him jump a little bit.

  20. fargonaz says:

    Never mind that he was quite obviously disobeying a direct request from a duly appointed officer of the law.

    I hope all these cops just fucking quit, then I can listen to all you liberal shit-heel pussies whine about how the gangs have kept you holed up in your house. Especially since you spring-loaded-to-the-retard-position liberal asswipes don’t want anyone to have a gun.

    I can’t wait until you really have to live with the consequences of your ill-thought actions.

  21. Angel H. Wong says:

    I bet the French are going to give the cop a medal for getting rid of an ugly person.

  22. McCullough says:

    This guy will probably die from complications. Then the cop will not only be a flaming asshole…he’ll be a murdering flaming asshole.

  23. Cursor_ says:

    #11 and #12

    I never said the cop was in the right. He was damn wrong too I said that.

    But touching a cop in ANY WAY is a sure way of getting in trouble.

    Do an arm lock, cuff the old guy, walk him gently to the crusier, sit him in the back seat with the door open and explain to him that he had to do that and the old man needs to calm down.

    THAT was how the cop should have handled it.

    Neither side was correct. I said that before I say it again.


  24. bobbo, to the left and right of Obama says:

    Hey Cursor–I reread==and you are right. sorry. Well thought out and balanced posts like your own should not be half read by half idiots like me. But I felt good when I posted???

    Ha, Ha.

    I’m just a stoopid human.

  25. nicktherat says:

    #19 do you think if your fucking someone and you taser them ,it will feel good? 😀

  26. nicktherat says:

    yes, old man is dumb, but why did the cop body slam him? just put cuffs on the fucker. this reminds me of the story of the guy who was boxing his baby and gave the kid brain damage.

    maybe im just disillusioned by tv police who can cuff people to poles in like 3 seconds…. too bad there is no video 🙁 it was probably awesome

  27. B, Dog says:

    Life is for learning. Some are quick, some not so swift.

  28. Lou Minatti says:

    The cop should be charged with assault. Ooohh, an 84 year old man touched him. Sick of this shit.

  29. Realist says:

    I guess you didn’t read the article. Several witnesses said he only put his hands on the cop. They didn’t say he threatened the cop. The cop still used excessive force to take him down.

  30. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    Don’t know whether the cop used excessive force or not. Don’t know if the cop felt he was in imminent danger or not.

    Do know I’ve met plenty of old men who are in good enough shape I wouldn’t want to tussle with them especially if they were drunk. Do know I’d like to see the xrays ’cause a C1 fracture is no laughing matter and I’d like to see if it was really minor or if this guy is amazing lucky!


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