An elderly man is in critical condition after being thrown to the ground by a police officer. It happened Saturday night near North Orange Avenue after police say Daniel Daley put his hands on the cop. The World War II veteran is out of surgery. He suffered an injury doctors at Florida Hospital say only about 10 percent of people are lucky enough to survive. Daley left the Caboose Bar and headed to his car across the street Saturday night.

Witnesses say the 84-year-old was upset when he saw his car was about to be towed. The Ivanhoe Grocery owner recently posted signs warning drivers because customers of other businesses were parking in their spots. Several people, who didn’t want to go on camera, say it has led to plenty of arguments the past few weeks, but none with the potentially deadly consequences that happened Saturday. The police were called and say Daley, who’d been drinking, put his hands on the officer.

Witnesses say he put his hands on the officer three times and the cop warned him to stop each time. Police say Daley made a fist and said ‘I’m not leaving until I knock this cop out.’ Another witness says the officer then violently hip checked him and took him to the ground.

Daley ended up in Florida Hospital with a broken neck.

  1. bobbo, HEY! - I've been Kung Fu'ed says:

    Animby, allowing clinical detachment to lead him totally astray===you don’t know if the cop used excessive force?? REALLY? You’ve met “plenty” of 84 yo men who you wouldn’t tussle with?? REALLY? “Especially” when they were drunk?? REALLY?

    The force is excessive regardless of the injuries caused. Define plenty of fit 84 yo’s compared to the useful adjective for the number who can barely walk to the toilet? Explain how coordination and intent are benefited by being drunk?

    No, your passion for objectivity and the chance occurence of the truth in the obscure has failed you now.

    Can you really see anything in an xray? They all look like pictures of clouds to me. Voodoo medicine for sure!!!

    Ha, ha. Take two aspirin and call me in morning.

  2. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    Oh, Bobbo, trolling for an argument again? First I did not say “fit” I said in good enough shape I wouldn’t want to tussle with them. Before med school, I spent some time as an orderly and as a paramedic. I’ve wrassled enough old men (and women) to know they can be wiry strong. The trick is in using enough force without snapping a bone or two. Something the cop obviously still has to learn.

    “Explain how coordination and intent are benefited by being drunk?” Are you accusing me saying that? Please reread. I simply refer to the fact that drunken people (of ANY age) will lack judgment and may become unpredictable and often aggressive. Nothing worse than an unpredictable, aggressive person. I ought to know: I was married to one! And she was seldom drunk.

    As for the xrays? No, we docs can’t see anything in them you can’t. In truth they are a huge scam. You can read about the money making potential as far back as the diaries of Roentgen himself. And we’ve been able to parlay his paltry figures into truly huge amounts.

    Fun Fact: Did you know that early xrays were used as a kind of ink blot test by protopsychiatrists? It’s true. Look it up on Wikipedia.

    But give me a few minutes to go write it first…

  3. Uncle Joe says:

    Take the cop out of the equation. If it were two citizens in a scuffle like that, don’t you think the one putting the drunk on his head would be charged with assault? Why does the shield make the difference? Do we have a separate constitution for law enforcement?

    People get in your personal space at times. Yeah, you feel uncomfortable but do you have the right to break their neck if they do?

  4. Rob Leather says:

    “Never mind that he was quite obviously disobeying a direct request from a duly appointed officer of the law.” – Yeah, shut up slave!

    He’s 84 years old you morons.

    It was totally inappropriate for the officer to handle the situation in this way. But as per usual, they filled charges FIRST so the guy will be too scared to complain. Then they’ll DROP the charges; so long as he doesn’t make a complaint.

    What a fucking joke.

    You Americans bleat about how bad it is around the world and how amazing your rights are. But as soon as some old guy gets upset and nearly gets beaten to death by a cop, “he was asking for it”.

  5. Publius says:

    Cops are lying about what the man said and did.

    Cops lie all the time.

    Cops Little Secret: Finest Liars

  6. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    Animby, a man of science who I respect: I JUST KNEW those xrays were a scam. Even worse are those nuclear med “exams.” Better off with the haruspication of goat bones. God, err, Animby? I love this blog. The cornucopia of knowledge flows forth.

    Hmmm. I too did some orderly work. I don’t recall meeting anyone in a wheel chair I didn’t think I could take. How did you ever get into special forces? Ha, ha.

    Good times—what?

  7. nianiania says:

    I feel that the cop was in the right here.

    Old people are creepy. You can never tell if they’re senile, are zombies, or have rabies.

    Quarantine them.

  8. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    Hey, I was air mobile 101st Airborne Ranger not social forces! You think it’s easy to wrassle some old geezer in an APC (alzheimer personnel carrier)???

    # 37 nianiania said, “Old people are creepy.” People who say things like that are usually teenagers or early 20s. You probably think Logan’s Run was a documentary.

  9. Randin says:

    Interesting how people can excuse any behavior for the illusion of safety, started with the Patriot Act and now all of this shit. Just how far will you nit-whits let them go?

  10. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    # 39 Randin said, “Just how far will you nit-whits let them go?”

    If you are going to insult people’s intelligence then you should at least learn to spell nit-wit.

  11. Ben-in-the-woods says:

    At what age is it acceptable to get drunk and challenge police to fisticuffs? 60? 70? 80? As soon as you retire?

  12. Rich says:

    I don’t care what the old guy did- any reasonably intelligent person knows elderly people are fragile. Someone that stupid shouldn’t wear a uniform that doesn’t feature a paper hat.


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