Motorola Droid X Android 2.2 Froyo

I have it… now trying to figure out what’s new.

  1. RLF says:

    Who Cares!!
    Even Fandroids are snoring.

  2. Patrick Gaston says:

    It’s not iPhone vs Android. It’s everyone (Google, HTC, Apple, etc) vs the carriers.

  3. Dixie Normous says:


  4. deowll says:

    Management at the carriers all seem to be the worst enemies of their own companies.

    What was it the study posted here showed? Once you make 75,000 a year every time to you get a pay raise you do worse work? Maybe that would explain it. The guys at the top need a big pay cut.

  5. sargasso_c says:

    Verizon’s CDMA network is obsolete. There are no new CDMA networks in the world. It is going to get harder and harder to find new phones, if manufacturers can only sell them in one country.

  6. FedUp says:

    I didn’t see a big difference with Froyo on my EVO either but I only had the phone a couple of weeks before 2.2 became available. Some say it is faster and I am seeing new apps only working on 2.2+. I had to tweak the settings again for battery life.

    But I do love Android. It is a dream to use. I assume Droid X is similar to EVO but HTC has made a wonderful phone in EVO. Either one is a must have.

  7. Grandpa says:

    I saw a huge difference on my Incredible. First thing is the battery life. It actually is much worse than it already was. Second thing is every time it powers off when you turn it back on it loads tons of unwanted crap in the background. And third, I had a beta copy of Swype running wonderfully and this crappy upgrade killed it. It’s still there but it doesn’t work. I wish I had never “upgraded” to it.

  8. Now if we could get this dream phone up here to the north in Canada

  9. jescott418 says:

    Smart phones = Boring What else can you do with a small screen in a phone. More hokey games.

  10. Awake says:

    A ‘point’ increase in the OS of a cellphone deserves celebration?
    Another fabulously irrelevant and boring Perkel post.

  11. derspankster says:

    Can it make a phone call?

  12. bdgbill says:

    Two words……. “Update All”.

    This change alone makes Froyo exciting.

  13. Dallas says:

    Froyo is a very important update. There will be one more before 3.0 (gingerbread) from what I gather. I’m looking forward to seeing it on a DroidX or the new samsung phone.

    Still undecided whether to replace my blackberry for an iPhone or an Android phone. Hmmm.

    I wanna get whatever Pedro gets.

  14. Brian says:

    Why sign a contract for any of these phones. A newer better one comes out every 3 months. Reminds me of the 486 and early Pentium days when newer computers were actually better.

  15. pedro's mom says:

    Dallas, pedro is a Nokia fanboi. Seriously. Not kidding.

    The jokes just write themselves.

  16. Steve S says:

    Grandpa said,

    I saw a huge difference on my Incredible. First thing is the battery life. It actually is much worse than it already was.
    A: I am getting better battery life on my Droid with Android 2.2. This forum thread may help:

    Second thing is every time it powers off when you turn it back on it loads tons of unwanted crap in the background.
    A: These Apps are not really running in the background. Android 2.2 has an improved memory management. These Apps are shut down when the memory is needed for something else. Also do not use Task Killers with Android 2.2.

    And third, I had a beta copy of Swype running wonderfully and this crappy upgrade killed it.
    A: You will have to uninstall Swype and the Swype installer. Then go to the Swype website (, log in and download the new Swype installer. Then install and run the installer to re-install Swype. Kind of a pain but it is required with Android 2.2.

  17. Dallas says:

    #15 Wow. Nokia? I put Nokia behind RIM (blackberry) and ahead of Palm OS.

    The battle is Android and Apple.

  18. The Droid X is incredible. Picked one up yesterday and am still figuring out what it does for me.


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