1. in4m8ionman says:

    Thanks John – I needed that like I need another hole in my head.

    Backin up Backin up Backin up

  2. LotsaLuck says:

    Here’s a story about the song and the actual robbery at the kmbc.com site.

  3. Improbus says:

    Catchier than most of the crap you hear on the radio. Do people still listen to the radio?

  4. UncDon says:

    I bought a radio last year: AM, FM, and short wave. CCRadio SW with battery backup.

    Comes in handy when t-storms take out power and my DSL modem goes down.

  5. chuck says:

    Oh my god – it’s a double-rainbow.
    All the way – across the sky.
    I can’t believe it – a double-rainbow!
    What does it mean?
    What does it mean?

  6. Bewilted says:

    Have a piece of barf pie.

  7. Elbert says:

    Nice song. Is a full version on iTunes? 😀

  8. steve says:

    hot,want to dance,what are you doing after the party.

  9. oldfart says:

    “Oh my god – it’s a double-rainbow.
    All the way – across the sky.
    I can’t believe it – a double-rainbow!
    What does it mean?
    What does it mean?”

    uncross your eyes fool

    uncross your eyes fool

  10. HateBadDesign says:

    Hah, yes very good.

  11. Melanie says:

    The autotune the news guys absolutely are awesome – between this, the bed intruder song and struttin’ that ass – man they create much better, more fun music than the radio schlock all the time…

  12. Father says:

    I guess this is the “nothing to see here” moment to distract from: http://guardian.co.uk/world/2010/sep/21/ireland-bond-selloff-fears-greece-crisis

  13. fulanoche says:

    Thanks #2

    As Paul Harvey would say, ” And now, for the rest of the story.”

  14. HAAHA makes me think about Old man Struttin’thatass! Classic!


  15. Ben-in-the-woods says:

    Fantastic song!

    If you can get BBC Radio 6, that is quite good …

  16. bmn says:

    this is stupid

  17. Rabble Rouser says:

    I dunno, this song will not have me humming it for five seconds, let alone all day.

    However, it is a good substitute for syrup of ipecac!

  18. msbpodcast says:

    Could put paid to the “Now back to real news” catchphrase out to pasture. 🙂

    At least it wasn’t some cheezy “Lindsey Lohan gets the electric chair… Details after these words from our sponsors.”


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