Boy, is this right on point! The Republicans are too far-right and complain about being not far-right enough. The Democrats are all over the loony left-wing map. What we need is a third party that takes the best ideas from both that actually work regardless of rhetoric and ideology. One that wants to restore the freedoms we’ve lost to Big Brother ‘protections’, keeps religion out of politics, ends corporate influences, produces a balanced budget while cutting taxes, is a floor wax and a desert topping and so on. Yeah, I know I’m dreaming…

Americans’ desires for a third political party are as high as they have been in seven years. Fifty-eight percent of Americans believe a third major political party is needed because the Republican and Democratic Parties do a poor job of representing the American people. That is a significant increase from 2008 and ties the high Gallup has recorded for this measure since 2003.

The finding, based on an Aug. 27-30 USA Today/Gallup poll, comes at a time when Americans are widely dissatisfied with the way things are going in the United States and give relatively weak approval ratings to the president and Congress.
Election results in recent years and polls from this year indicate Americans are frustrated with the job the two major parties have been doing. […] Given the lack of alternatives, it perhaps is no surprise that Americans’ desires for a third party are as high as they’ve been in at least the last seven years. And while the formation of an official third party is not imminent, that desire may be manifested in voters’ strong anti-incumbent sentiments this year.

  1. ECA says:


    Over the years of watching a FEW groups try to create a NEW, stronger group to combat these 2…
    do you know what has happened?

    In the beginning, they got HIT HARD, BLACK BALLED, STOMPED ON, Ridiculed, taken into court and Besmirched, LIED about, infiltrated and taken DOWN.

    NOW days, there have been many HIDDEN LAWS/REGULATIONS/CONDITIONS created for any NEW group to match and in most states they change the conditions to have any VOICE in the state. Many of those rules also got rid of SOCIAL CLUBS..

    And on your point, about being NOT SMART.. and WHOSE fault is that?
    1. the system created
    2. those that dont take THEIR OWN education into their OWN hands, and LEARN on their own.
    3. now you know where G. Bush jr. came from.

  2. IM72 says:

    Humans are binary by nature. They simple can’t handle a third option. Every time there has been a third party it has failed. So, as some have pointed out here, it just takes votes away from the two major political parties. If those votes would go 50/50, no problem, but they won’t. If I thought we humans could overcome our binary nature I’d join a third party in a heartbeat. So sad.

  3. Rider says:

    People need to realize we don’t really have 2 parties they all they present a front of being separate on hot button issues but when it comes down to it they are all one. Just look at what they teamed up to do to the NYS Deputy Mayor.

  4. Steve S says:

    Political parties should be outlawed. They have more in common with gangs and organized crime. They are a breeding ground for corruption and abuse of power. More political parties will not help!

  5. soundwash says:

    we need a complete governmental reset. The current system is beyond repair. -as are its “people” -and this cannot happen until every US citizen is enlightened to how the game is played, how they are consistently (and easily) fooled, who is really in control and why, and then perhaps a real history lesson of the ages.

    in my opinion.. the whole idea of “government” was designed to fail from its inception. it automatically creates a “coveted class” and it’s cronyistic support system.

    At some point in our true history, Humanity was infiltrated and this divide and conquer mentality was installed, -forever destroying any harmony we once had.

    Everything from our science, to our media and on down to our education system, seeks to ensure the people remain as ignorant as possible of any real reality and the truths within.

    Any system that divides The People is against the greater good of and for, The People. -Period.

    Until we evolve to no longer need to “police ourselves” -any “system” will be a self-defeating, divisive and ultimately, a corrupt(ed) system, -by design. This will always loop back on itself so long as the entire body of people are (willfully) kept ignorant of how the system or “game” is played.

    Brilliant in its simplicity.


  6. ECA says:

    Understand that the Repubs and demos, only control 1/3 of the nation..
    Only 100,000,000 voted..
    AFTER all the bull of the past, the rest of us have given up.

    if you really want to FIX something. get the rest of us on a petition. Even taking off those that cant vote, there are 150,000,000 votes Unregistered. IF you could get 50-75 million on a petition from around this country, THEY would have to listen.

  7. ECA says:

    its funny, that the nation does not Understand what is happening.
    What is it that would MAKE, over 50% of the nation NOT want to vote.

    1. Those selected, are not the ones they want.
    2. it costs TO MUCH to run for office.
    3. There is no alternative on the ballot for NONE OF THE ABOVE.
    4. ANY group other then REPUB/DEMO getting NAILED HARD. Its setup as an Avalanche system. ANYONE ELSE that gets in, and The REPUB/DEMO come in and Bring it down. Tons of issues/bills/motions are just SITTING there waiting to be dumped on you.
    5. understanding how City/county/state meetings work..THEY can stock the crowd/group.(you can also, IF you want control)
    6. ON THE INSIDE. Those in charge, have made all the deals, and contacts that DO EVERYTHING. You DONT. They can PULL this out from under you.
    7. goto any town meeting. See how many seats are available. I will bet, that you couldnt get 1/4-1/2 the population in the room.

  8. Grandpa says:

    I couldn’t agree more.

    In Colorado we have a big choice. Vote Democrat and you legalize millions of law breaking illegals. Vote Republican and you vote to end Social Security and Medicare, and put the Pope in as President.

    Great choices huh?

  9. chris says:

    Both parties take big corporate money, it will usually accrue 2-to-1 to the party viewed as most likely to be able to set/derail the agenda in the next term. Key goal: low tarrifs, low taxes on top bracket, disinterested civil courts.

    After that both parties have a group of smaller, but static “investors” from various groups. These investors excercise influence by delivering/withholding racous support. Usually they are backward, rather than forward looking in their investments. What have you done for me lately, rather than what can you do to me tomorrow.

    I’d guess it’s because they can’t commit their support directly. A deep pocket can write a big check, but believers need to be stroked. Media outlets, which can see the ad buys, are naturally going to be inclined to point to the money leader. Experience shows that money wins races. If you are a news head it doesn’t pay to pick against the trend. It also doesn’t hurt your paycheck to shine on the one that pays you most.

    Can anyone explain to me how a third party, or X many parties, coudn’t be incorporated into this system? There would be some diffusion by the interest groups to parties that would be more willing to feature their views in exchange for support/donations. Money flows from big donors would be, perversely, more important to a wider field. Big money could play a wider field of each other more effectively. In a non-parliamentary system the winner still wins, and everybody else loses.

    If you are talking about transitioning to a parliamentary system, that would make a really interesting story, I think more parties are obviously better. In a presidential system not so much.

    What if 2-3 similar, but to proud to compromise, parties nulified each other? Answer: A complete fruit loop could get elected

  10. faustus says:

    i’m convinced that we are the new france. that being the only thing wrong with france is the french… you travel around france and think… who thought this up… who built this… these people can’t possibly be related… no way! thats us now… a third party now would just be wackier that the other wacky parties. its not like we could expect a party based on common sense… based on science, engineering, basic law and order, personal freedom, you know… the things that made this country.

  11. Sea Lawyer says:

    ECA, the reason for not voting is a completely rational one – the opportunity cost of gathering all this information about who has what positions on what issues, and then to actually go stand in line to vote, is far greater than any benefit you will directly receive for the effort. I don’t vote because it’s not worth my time.

    People who complain that the government represents “special interests” instead of “the people” don’t understand anything about voting theory. Your single vote has zero influence on anything, from the election result itself to the policies that are enacted afterward. The only way to increase any degree of influence you might have is through collective action: voting together as a large group based on a few issues (think NRA, NOW, labor unions, etc.).

    So the reason why special interests exert so much influence over the agenda is because they are they only way to.

  12. ECA says:

    I agree.

    But, as a disenfranchised HUMAN. That may not be PART of the groups. What can a person do.

    many of these groups garner Public as backup. but out of all the power they may wield, IF those associated DONT VOTE, they have no power.
    Looking at the numbers. 250,000,000 people that can Vote in the USA. 100,000,000 persons registered as Repub/Demo.. Last few elections, how many voted? Just over 100,000,000.
    To many people EXPECT those they elected to DO THE JOB. In what business does the Boss, send an employee out to do it on their OWN, without a little oversight. Only when the boss, KNOWS it will be done correctly.. ARE WE expecting these folks to be professional? OR are they working for someone else? They aint working for US.. They WORK for the party.

    Something for the rest of you to think about.
    HOW MANY democratic nations around the world, have 2 MAJOR parties? 1. And neither one is for the working person.

  13. Rich says:

    pdcant said,
    “I lived during the age of George Carlin!

    Thank you for that reminder. George Carlin is as alive now as he ever was- in my mind.

  14. ECA says:

    There is a trick coming in the near future..

    To many disgruntled voters..

    a 3rd-4th party is created..
    This would be great, IF’ they arnt a Trojan horse created by these 2 groups we have.
    Created to FAIL, or to gather the Rabble.

    Any party created is going to have a VERY hard time.

  15. homehive says:

    The United States doesn’t need a third political party when it doesn’t even have a SECOND political party.

  16. RSweeney says:

    No we don’t, not unless we had run-offs.

    About 1/2 of America votes. So in a three-way, 17% can be the winning hand.

    Imagine an America were 17% of the population was all it took to vote in someone. More Americans than that believe that aliens have landed and infiltrated the government.

    The closest we have had was Clinton’s first term where Ross Perot was there.

    Clinton was elected by fewer percentage votes than Hitler did to become the German chancellor.

    No, we don’t want the pie cut up into too many slices.


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