
Thanks, Mr. Justin

  1. Dick Smothers says:

    Father, that would be Saul Russo. Or Tommy Smothers, whichever is available.

  2. Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore says:

    Alfred Persson #40 is arguing with Alfred Persson #31. Maybe #31 will respond to #40.

    Must be some kind of Wiccan ritual that I don’t know about. Maybe you bite the head off a live chicken and pay a doctor with it.

  3. Chris says:

    Yes, she “dabbled” into witchcraft because she hung out with people who did. This is like accusing someone who once bought a bag of weed and sold a friend a joint as “dabbling” into drug dealing.

  4. Mextli says:

    #32 Awake “… it is all about finding people that will do their best to impose THEIR view of things upon others.”

    I am surprised you can post something like this after watching Obama in action. With the current administration it has truly been “my way or the highway”.

    Obama’s elitist attitude and imperial manner is displayed whenever he dictates his minions use ANY trick in the book, such as bypassing the Senate or the Nightmare Act, to achieve his desires.

    Obama has never concealed his intent to remake the country. In the process he is destroying it.

    His biography will be titled “Il Principe”.

  5. Father says:

    I saw Maher in the Air & Space Museum (with a hot 20-something) In DC about three months ago. If I see him again, I’ll congratulate him on his luck of having dirt on th TP movement.

  6. SimonSez says:

    Holy shit #34, you have become so delusional that you have taken to portraying yourself as an internet version of the president. Please find the nearest psychiatric institution immediately.

  7. Publius says:

    Her 90s hair was hot and it was much hotter than the short shit 2010 hair.

    Christine is…. nice.

  8. deowll says:

    Just goes to show what we are all coming to know. The internet is not your friend. Thousands of people are doing and saying things now that in the future is going to come back to haunt them because they or others recorded it and can and will post it on Youtube if it isn’t already there.

    Should we give them a pass? I don’t know. The guy she’s running against; the guy that won the right to run as the Democratic candidate called himself a Marxist once upon a time. I guess it boils down to do you want to vote for a witch or a Marxist.

    Let’s see do I want to vote for someone with very weird religious beliefs or a fan of a disastrously failed economic system?

    Considering the shape the economy is in I guess I’d take the witch assuming she’s not into hexing people.

  9. bobbo, we think with words, but type our deepest wishes says:

    “We conservatives have the babes….” /// Well, there Hollywood, Hippies, upscale escorts, etc but I’ll give you the good looking political babes tend to Puke.

    Let’s see, how could that happen?: Good looking babe, told what she wants to hear all her life by the men around her (Warlocks among others) and those that that go into politics are as batshit crazy/self centered as Hollywood, Hippies, upscale escorts, etc.

    “I’ve got mine (beauty), screw you!” Sadly, you gotta be a thinker to care about other people. There are many roads to delusion, beauty is but one.

  10. deowll says:

    #32 Um so why shouldn’t they vote for people that share their views? That is what you do isn’t it?

    #40 You get ****** for being right on the money.

  11. Joe Biden says:

    #56 You’re copying Jack Shafer’s comments about Joe Biden’s plagiarism. You should cite references.

  12. Dallas says:

    I urge undecided voters to bet on the candidate that hasn’t practiced witchcraft.

    Those Salem people were onto something.

  13. Greg Allen says:

    I saw O’Donnell’s response to this story on TV tonight and she said, “Who doesn’t have some freaky friends in high school?” (I’m paraphrasing)

    Has anyone in the media bothered to find her satanic friends? They must be out there with a story to tell.

  14. Greg Allen says:

    Oh, I see that Alfred Persson had the exact quote.

    Still, I want to hear her “questionable” friends tell the story.

    In highschool I knew one family, fairly closely, who were witches going back generations.) And I personally witnessed some freaky things with them but a satanic alter dripping with blood!

    I also know a witch family now and have flipped through their spell book but never seen anything freaky.

    So, it’s possible that O’Donnell is telling the truth.

    However, it’s highly possible she was making it up.

    Among “spiritual warfare” evangelicals, the kids tend to exaggerate a lot — I’m sure of that.

  15. Greg Allen says:


    … but _not_ a satanic alter.

  16. King Alfred the Great (Jerk Off) says:


    You’re an embarrassment to even right wingers.

    Aren’t you glad the bible condones abortion, infanticide, rape, murder, genocide, slavery,monarchy, and everything else the Republicans and tea baggers are for.

  17. mor bs from Hefners basterd son says:

    ratings whore, nothing to see here girls, move on!

  18. Cursor_ says:

    Witchcraft and satanism are two different things altogether. The ONLY people that mix them are christians that want to smear both sides from old catholic propaganda.

    So she doesn’t even KNOW what she is talking about. Another fine example of a politician. She will do well in the senate. IF she wins she will be marginalised among both parties.


  19. BlasFemy says:

    “U and this blog don’t get it. People are reacting to Obama extremism, and his covert acts against the Republic.”

    Sorry it was Bush Cheney Gondolas and Rumsfeld who played so loosey goosey with the Constitution Obama has stayed within the law and done pretty much what he campaigned on.

    “They don’t care if candidates are flawed, they only want people who won’t collaborate with Obama.”
    Wrong we want thosewho represent our views best for you that would be this O’Donnell not for many of us I for one wont be voting for Joe Miller

    “Mike Castle made her defects well known, and everyone still voted for her…because he is an Obama collaborator, she is not.”

    No he is a Republican who can get elected in a blue leaning State because he votes for his constituents who he represents not the Republican Party or the Tea Party

    “IN fact, Obama and Biden telephoned their condolences to Mr. Castle…or I suspect, co-ordinated future action on behalf of the puppet Master George Soros. They all are sock puppets with George doing the handling.”

    take your Ritalin and turn off the angry fear peddling guy radio Alf.

    “We are getting wise to the ruling elite of the Demopublican Party…we don’t allow you smear merchants define our candidates, or influence our votes.”

    Nope you are doing just fine on your own, your personal endorsements for these people mean a lot to us.

    “Most of you are broken records for the regime. The “silent majority” or “tea party” as you know us, is waking up, learning your tactics of personal destruction, and not allowing it to affect our vote.”

    Karl Rove wrote the book on this one check with him.

    “The Elites of the Republican ruling class were just as surprised as the Democrats were…they just don’t get it, we are afraid for the Republic…we see America vanishing, become a third world impoverished country, unless we stop Obama and his collaborators, czars and Democrats in congress, including the alleged “blue dogs” who proved to be “lap dogs” these past two years. So the flaws in our candidates don’t matter, the voting record of the ruling elite is what we see, and what we want to reverse.”

    Yup you go ahead and vote for the devil you don’t know instead but mark my words if elected they wont be able to run things any better . Oh and you will still be in the minority and in a few years just like in 2008 the majority will be motivated to vote again. The last thing the GOP or Tea Party wants is for the majority be motivated enough to get out and vote so shhhhh… keep it down.

    You are not the “silent majority” you are far from silent and NOT the majority just the sore losers who are the most motivated to vote this time as with most midterms.

  20. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Alfred, you give yourself away as a disciple of right-ring talk radio and Glenn Beck. People with real intelligence see through their bullshit….

    This lady has serious campaign finance issues; she’s been living off of old campaign money rather than having a job or any real income. The FEC has a legitimate issue here.

  21. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Like I was saying…

  22. Awake says:

    Alfred –

    You have managed to build a great image of yourself in our minds… a bearded dirty man in a trench-coat, standing on a boxon a corner, with a sign hanging from your neck, screaming at passerby about the end of the world due to Obama. Once you mentioned George Soros as the leader of the global conspiracy you lost all respectability and exposed yourself as a complete loon.

    Your ongoing senseless rantings on this thread make me want to remind you to take your medications, you seem to have skipped them and it is showing.

  23. Named says:

    77 Awake,

    Wait… You JUST figured that out about Alfred E Newman? My god man, what took you so long!

    Check his past posts. You’ll find a juicy one about him blowing places up. He is certifiable. Guess that’s what inbreeding and religious indoctrination does to a person… And he barely qualifies as a person!

  24. MikeN says:

    In a sense, the Republican party is following your vote all incumbents out theme.
    Establishment supporters who have lost:
    Murkowski in AK, Greyson in KY, 40 year officeholder Castle in DE, Jane Norton in CO, Arlen Specter in PA, Charlie Crist in FL, Sue Lowden in NV. Also, Tom Tancredo in CA, Rob Simmons in CT. If the primaries had been a little later, Dan Coats would have lost in IN, and I think even Mark Kirk in IL.

    Then again, this would have made it more likely for the real incumbents to stay in power.

  25. Awake says:

    # 78 – Named,

    I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt, but it’s clear now that he is unstable. I was fully expecting his next rant to be about how “Planet X” is going to destroy the earth.

    #79 – MikeN
    But in this case it is “throw out the incumbents and replace them with crazy ignorant people”. At least if the move was towards getting middle of the road, best we can find problem solvers, but what ‘you’ are getting is “say what they want to hear but offer no solutions” populists. We are going from “grumpy old men” to “crazy church ladies”. How is that an improvement.

  26. scadragon says:

    “Burn the witch!”
    “How do you know she’s a witch?”
    “She turned me into a NEWT!”………”Got better”

  27. FDR says:

    #82 Nope, that small uptick in government spending for WW2 didn’t do a thing to end the depression. Nope, nothing at all.

  28. Awake says:

    If you can handle the truth, the President spoke it very clearly just today. Basically the Tea Party is full of hot air, all talk but no real solutions. And do not be mistaken… the Tea Party principles are now the same as the Republican principles. The real Tea Party slogan should be “I want what I want, but I am not willing to pay for it…. and I don’t care what you want.”

    President Obama’s words during a Town Hall meeting:
    “The problem that I’ve seen in the debate that’s been taking place and in some of these Tea Party events is, I think they’re misidentifying sort of who the culprits are here,” said Obama. “As I said before, we had to take some emergency steps last year. But the majority of economists will tell you that the emergency steps we take are not the problem long-term. The problems long-term are the problems that I talked about earlier. We had two tax cuts that weren’t paid for, two wars that weren’t paid for. We’ve got a population that’s getting older. We’re all demanding services, but our taxes have actually substantially gone down.”

    “So the challenge, I think, for the Tea Party movement is to identify, specifically, what would you do?” he added. “It’s not enough just to say get control of spending. I think it’s important for you to say, I’m willing to cut veterans’ benefits or I’m willing to cut Medicare or Social Security benefits or I’m willing to see these taxes go up. What you can’t do, which is what I’ve been hearing a lot from the other side, is we’re going to control government spending, we’re going to propose $4 trillion of additional tax cuts, and that magically somehow things are going to work. Now, some of these are very difficult choices.”

  29. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Alfred, you’re a one-man right-wing spin machine. O’Donnel is smart? She’s a freeloading moran who can’t get elected to anything and hasn’t had a job in quite a while.

    Also…”Gotcha” is Palin-speak for her fear of being exposed. If a candidate can’t or won’t handle press interviews, that candidate simply isn’t qualified to hold public office. Especially if the only interviews they get are softball crap on Fox News.

    Hey Alfred, what’s Beck talking about today? SEIU? Apollo? Acorn? Mao? Wilson? SSDD.

  30. Father says:

    If elected, O’D will be riden hard and put away wet by her fellow representatives.

    The Senate is not the House of Representatives, Senators who play along are the power brokers (ie power=money, your tax dollars that you want to flow back to your damn state).

    If DE wants to put a weak know nothing in place, that’s just more money for my damn state to take home.

    Her delusions of power are the dreams of a child. She will be told what to do, and will have no power.


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