
Thanks, Mr. Justin

  1. Father says:

    That was awesome.

  2. Dallas says:

    Good Lord, Witchcraft? This buffoon is a perfect fit for both the GOP and Teabaggers.

    It’s astonishing how sheeple flock to this.

  3. Glenn E. says:

    I might actually be surprised in any of the recent female “Tea-Baggers” had a brain. The “party” didn’t even exist in 2008. And formed only after Palin wasn’t taken as serious as her followers thought she should be. Which makes you wonder what’s really behind that party’s tendency to choose only the most vacuous of candidates. Air-headedness seems to almost be a prerequisite to running in the Tea Party. Unlike the more serious Green Party, that they’ve seemed to edge out of existence. Strange, you don’t even hear anything more about Ralph Nader, or the Green party, these days. It’s all “the Tea Party did this” and “the Tea Party did that”. The mainstream media refuses to acknowledge any other alternative party. You can bet that’s by design. The Greens got a little to much of the vote, last time around. And the “Tea” party is just Republican-lite. And easily reincorporated back into the GOP fold, when (or if) they win.

  4. Father says:

    Nader was on CSpan radio a few weeks (months?) ago. He had some interesting points.

  5. MikeN says:

    That puts her on par with Hillary, and maybe Nancy Reagan.

  6. bobbo, we think with words, but type our deepest wishes says:

    Nader has some GREAT ideas, and he is as “pure” as O’Donnell.

    Nothing wrong with “dabbling” in witchcraft as a kiddie. Whats worse is morphing into a full blown conservative retard.

    So, if you were hiding Anne Frank in the Attic what would you truthfully tell the Nazi’s or would you lie? Any human being worthy of making sense in this meaningless universe would lie of course or say: “Without a warrant, I can’t let you in my house!” Ha, ha. Nothing works against a Nazi at the door except a gun. Nazi’s are like Mormons, Muslims, and the Catholic Bishops in that way.

    Actually, O’Donnell “should” win: VOTE ALL INCUMBENTS OUT OF OFFICE. Its harsh medicine, but its what the system needs. 2-3 or 5-6 cycles and our Masters might bleet a different tune. There are better solutions, but none can be unilaterally imposed by the electorate.

    Go ahead. Tell the truth.

  7. madtruckman says:

    one video from 1999 does not make one a ‘regular’ on the show. another blown-out-of-proportion headline by eidard. way to go, you suckered me into clicking on another godaddy ad…..

  8. MikeN says:

    umm bobbo, ODonnell’s opponent is not the incumbent. The incumbent is a temp replacement for Biden, who was voted out of office 2 years ago.

  9. RollingMyEyes says:

    Uh, madtruckman, take the cotton out of your ears!

    Bill said he had over TWENTY appearance clips of her. That certainly DOES make her a ‘regular’ on his old show.

  10. Sarah Palin says:

    Holy crap, I’m going to have to step up my game or Christine could become America’s sweetheart.

    Personally, I think we should skip elections and whoever wins Dancing with the Stars should become the next President.

  11. bobbo, we think with words, but type our deepest wishes says:

    Mike—why OH why do you use your intellect to disagree when you could use it to find common ground? So RePUKian you are. Of the two main candidates running for office, she is the most non-incumbent so she is who I would vote for because while HORRIBLE herself, she is the change that will lead to the change we need. No wasted votes for irrelevant third parties–my apologies to Nader who gave us BushtheRetard for 8 years.

    But speaking of lies, this is off topic but so very excellent, short too. For anyone who ever travels–some good info. As contrary as I am, I think I would go along to get along “but” if I was in a mood with no where better I needed to be:


  12. Christine O'Donnell says:

    Alfred, you wear Crocs, don’t you?

  13. bobbo, we think with words, but type our deepest wishes says:

    Speaking of using one’s intellect, and always answering the questions myself that I pose to others: Seems to me I have a dilema: BushtheRetard was the more non-incumbent candidate when running against Algore. Gore was far and away the better candidate for Presnedent so should we VOTE ALL INCUMBENTS OUT OF OFFICE????

    More thinking.

    Well, BushtheRetard, the more non-incumbent candidate was voted into office thereby following the VOTE ALL INCUMBENTS OUT OF OFFICE dogma that I champion. And BushtheRetard certainly dealt a series of crippling blows against the USA==nearly death blows and the reaction has been the birth of the TeaBaggers and a resurgence of a desire for a new third party!

    Gee, it is HARSH MEDICINE but appears to be working?

    VOTE ALL INCUMBENTS OUT OF OFFICE. ((Common sense codicil: or as close as you can get.))

  14. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Be careful what you drink. Tea is the new Kool-Aid.

  15. Christine O'Donnell says:

    Yup, definitely Crocs. Possibly with the strap.

    And I’m glad you’re voting for me this fall. I’m the kind of person you want on the Armed Services Committee.

  16. bobbo, we think with words, but type our deepest wishes says:

    Say Alfie–you post long and hard on the lower post about the Demboparty. You tout the “sameness” of the Dem and Puke party all acting the same representing corporate power to aggrandize themselves.

    And yet you ignore your borrowed insight to rag on the Dems here as if there was a bucket’s worth of spit difference Dems to Pukes?

    You are either very dishonest, stupid, or of very short attention span? By why quibble when all three are of a sort?

    Stupid Human.

  17. faxon says:

    What is truly amazing is how the leftists all have their frully panties in a know. I look forward to the day after the election, to hear the howls of outrage. Most of you here are headed for some really unwelcome history.

  18. Christine O'Donnell says:

    “Sure I tried witchcraft, but I never inhaled.”

  19. bobbo, we think with words, but type our deepest wishes says:

    faxon/faxoff==so you think after the election you will be living in a different society than the rest of us?? Ha, ha.

    Yes, voting against their own interests going on 40 years now: the Puke party.

    Faxon–when the middle class is totally destroyed, how is your history going to be any different from anyone elses?

    Silly Hoomans.

  20. moss says:

    BTW – Chrissie backed out of the Sunday talk show appearances she had scheduled.

  21. BuzzMega says:

    Back in the day, Bill had loads of people on for the provocative or generally loopy values combined with any political POV or connection at all.

    She was loopy then and guess what.

  22. ran6110 says:

    ” Did you know Christine O’Donnell used to be a Bill Maher regular? ”

    Nope, didn’t care then don’t care now…

    She’s already gotten way, way too much attention…

  23. Skeptic says:

    Re: #22 Christine… LOL!!!

    Thanks 🙂

    (BTW, I’m just a Canuck watching the show.)

  24. christine lover says:

    There is a contradiction here if she is against masturbation but is so hot. Got me lubing the old log…

  25. Awake says:

    Anybody notice that the conservative movement these days has no concern for finding a ‘leader’ that will lead the country to better times… it is all about finding people that will do their best to impose THEIR view of things upon others.

    It’s not about analyzing the problems confronting the USA and trying to find solutions; it’s all about “my way or the highway” ruling. It’s not about finding the best and the brightest, it’s all about adherence to dogma.

    Being ruled by Tea Party conservatives would be somewhat akin to being ruled by the Pope. Same kind of self-serving dogma based totalitarianism that gets people nowhere, and historically is a total corruption of the ideals upon which the country was founded.

    Vote for conservatives, and you are voting for the destruction of America as a nation. As far as I can tell, there is little difference between the Taliban and much of the conservative movement these days. Heck, they even advocate “second amendment solutions” to political differences.

  26. Special Ed says:

    I’d just like to say as long as I have a face, she has a place to sit.

  27. Barack Obama says:

    I welcome all tea baggin’ Republicans to congress and hope they take control of at least one house. If Dem majorities run congress then I will be a one term president. With these morons running congress I can mop the floor with any candidate you throw at me in 2012.

    You know it’s true.

  28. Newt Gingrich says:

    She turned me into a newt.

    I got better…

  29. Father says:

    I’d like to know who is behind all this, obviously Palin, O’D, and others, aren’t smart enough to put together a consistent message that doesn’t wander all over the political map.

    Who is the Rove of the TP movement????

  30. Named says:

    I imagine that Alfred E Newman the terrorist had a similar situation…

    “Oh, well, I only dabbled in homosexuality BEFORE I found Jebus H Christ. Now, I only fantasize about him fucking my ass, so I’m not gay.”

    Heh. The Christian Taliban indeed…


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