Huh. Making learning fun so kids want to learn. Who could imagine that?

  1. sulfuric ass says:

    Pedo_r , you don’t know how hard game design gets.

    Try C++ and 3 engine design, directx ,matrices ,
    3d pre-rendering backdrops , collision detection,
    sound editing , user interfaces , copy protection,
    etc etc.

  2. krys2fur says:

    Pedro, you ever heard of math, geometry, algebra, physics, design, critical thinking, human behavior, and now social interaction? All these things should be taught in school and are requirements to build video games. I personally applaud the idea.

  3. DavidtheDuke says:

    Yeah? Well I don’t think most kids really care about the math and programming logic, for the most part, behind games. Same logic as cars, everyone likes the look, usually with no understanding of the math and mechanics behind them.

  4. deowll says:

    A.The actual percentage of the population that is ever going to be good at this is very limited.

    B. The actual percentage of the population that actually needs to be able to do this is also very limited however B is actually more limited than A which is why up until the last few years the US was importing A types from all over the planet.

    I can recall when the elites thought the commoners all needed to learn how to do base two so they could become machine code programmers. That move did a staggering amount of damage to public education because what grade school kids needed to know was how to add, subtract, multiply and divide and to be able to use said skills to solve real world problems.

    I may bleep at algebra but I can solve real world problems anyway.

    My pet peeve is using decimals causes rounding errors and I prefer to leave everything with fractions as fractions for as long as possible in order to achieve a higher level of precision.

  5. Angel H. Wong says:

    So kids are going to be forced to work an ungodly amount of time, neglect real world social interaction, drink heavily caffeinated soda/coffe to the point it’s more efficient to just get a direct IV injection, be threatened to lose the grade just because they went to pee, go bald because of work stress and all the while the teacher forces them to work up to 100+ hours a week just because he/she claimed that the game will be finished 4 months too early?

    But then again, Summer school will be done to fix coding errors.


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