This is a finalist in this year’s ‘Dance Your Ph.D.’ contest.

  1. Sparky_One says:

    I could have spent my undergrad years doing that instead the jungles of SE Asia but I can’t dance.

  2. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    Not molecular biology as I remember it. Seems to me it had less rhythm.

  3. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    It’s about time that modern dance got back to its original roots of portraying scientific themes, and hopefully our more progressive society today will be more accepting of this practice than in times past.

    Who can forget the controversy that erupted when Galileo performed his tightly choreographed solo titled “The Earth Orbits the Sun” in a dance recital at the Vatican?

  4. JMRouse says:

    Wow. Awesome. Wow.

  5. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    DANCE as a representation/analytical tool of science? I don’t think so.

    BUT that only makes me recall all those discussions as to how/why/whether MATHEMATICS is the language of “god.” Yes, we hairless apes love to anthropomorphize everything.

    Why does “math” work? Is math “there” or only a construct? Does math control god? etc.

    2 + 2 = 4

    Symmetry, Beauty, Insight, Truth.

  6. Rich says:

    You know this is at least partially publically funded. Thus I demand they do it again with some of them wearing fewer clothes.

  7. BuzzMega says:

    And now, for my PhD thesis in Poly Sci, I would like to present a modern dance interpretation of “Seven Vest Bombings and an IED.”

    Watch carefully, because we can only do this once.

  8. John E. Quantum says:

    Low hanging fruit post
    I can imagine putting my DNA into the dancer with the target

    Takin’ the high road
    What a beatiful representation of the juxtaposition of random molecular dynamics with directed probabalistic organization to achieve a specific result.

  9. dusanmal says:

    @JCD Few most recent video attachments (including this story) to your blog have very, very, very annoying “feature” to autostart. Making it worse, in my setup they appear with scroll bars that hide control buttons, hence to stop them playing annoyingly there is one more step involved. Neither of these behaviors is necessary and I bet is annoying to most. It is trivial to post video without these “features”.

    [I don’t see what your talking about and no one else has complained. — UD]

  10. Civengine says:

    I think that dance would actually get the point across to the less scientific among us better than about any other explanation.

    I did understand the basics already, but my 10 year old got the point pretty quick and said,”I bet doing the same thing over and over again to get the right match gets boring after a while.” I explained to him that that’s how you get a PhD and he said he wanted to be a video game designer. Smart kid.

  11. @JCD and Uncle Dave. As a molecular biologist I can see the usefulness of the method. Ironically, as someone with hyperhomocysteinemia, a disease that almost killed me, I appreciate your posting even. I will keep an eye open for McKeague’s paper when it is published.


  12. xjonx says:

    I think I’m actually dumber for having watched this.


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