• MSFT has PR machine cranked to the max with IE9 stories.
  • Meanwhile Verizon holding off on Win Phone7 Phones.
  • The miserable AT&T pushing 4G.
  • PS3 getting Blu-ray 3D.
  • Space taxi coming by 2016.
  • Skyhook lawsuit of Google looks dirty already.
  • Motorola tablet coming in 2011.
  • Dell to drop $100 billion to expand its China operations.

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  1. Lou Minatti says:

    Dell should have been investing big in China 10 years ago. Like everything else, Dell is late to the game and it will end in failure. Lenovo will wind up picking up the pieces of Dell soon.

  2. cfk says:

    #1 Uh, Dell celebrated its 10th year of China investment/operations in 2008. Maybe Lenovo should look elsewhere for pieces to pick-up.

  3. Glenn E. says:

    It would be even better if Dell invested billions in the American workforce. But why give jobs to the people who are most likely the ones to buy your product? When you can give the same jobs to people who can least afford to buy the product, because the wages are very minuscule. And hope that there’s still enough of the American middle class left, who can afford to buy any new PCs. If not, the US government will probably bail out Dell, so that at least their executives will get their golden parachutes.

  4. Glenn E. says:

    Seems ridiculous for Microsoft to be introducing IE9 so soon. IE8 has barely been adopted by anyone, who didn’t have the thing forced onto them when the bought a new PC. And I doubt it’s Apple’s Safari that they’re competing with. No, I believe IE9 is their answer to Firefox 3.6 and 4.0 (down the road). Not that they’ll ever admit that. But I’ll wager IE9 has a lot of the “plug-in” features that Firefox has been popularizing.

    However, they will be Microsoft’s version of those features. Which means they will be buggier, less effective than Firefox’s, and subject to limitations negotiated by Microsoft’s business partners. So IE8’s ad blocker might not block all ads. Just the ones not paying Microsoft to slip thru.

  5. Game Addict says:

    More Jobs! More Money! Economic boost is beneficial everywhere

  6. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    Dell could use some new dishes.

  7. Special Ed says:

    Pedro, I knew after you bought an iPad you’d be chanting his name: Jobs, jobs, jobs!

  8. CrankyGeeksFan says:

    Dell probably doesn’t want to deal with Foxconn as much anymore.

    Dell may not have much of a Chinese operation – just buying a lot from Foxconn. Nothing big to sell to a Chinese concern the way IBM sold its operation to Lenovo.

    I think Dell started doing some final assembly of computers near Nashville, TN about 3 years ago.

  9. Special Ed says:

    In China, wouldn’t it be Derr?

  10. Steve Jobs says:

    What a fanboi pedro. Call me. You know you want to.

  11. Gildersleeve says:

    That seems like an obscene amount of money to export from a single company. Meanwhile the average wage earner is earning less in real dollars (or whatever denomination you choose) than ever before. Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling!
    Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes. The dead rising from the grave!
    Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together… mass hysteria!

  12. The0ne says:

    Dell, hmm…

    Dell hasn’t been doing too well lately and have even closed several operations in China. Where did they suddenly get the money to invest…and yet again in China? Something’s missing from this news.


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