1. Awake says:

    That black smoke coming out of the corner sure looks like diesel fuel burning to me.

    And that is exactly what brought down WTC7.

    If nothing else, we learned that modern skyscrapers are built like a deck of cards… take out a few critical elements ant the whole thing collapses upon itself. Basically you have bunch of floors attached with hangers to a few structural columns. There was no real ‘mass’ to WTC, hence it all crumbled into a heap a dozen stories high.

  2. GreatAmerican says:

    I think Adam Curry is holding the camera…

  3. Mike says:

    There is no doubt in my mind that there were bombs in those buildings and that certain, non-terrorists, knew they were there.

    WTC was most likely the intended target of Flight 93 but when the plane didn’t make it to NY they still needed to get rid of the building and so officially WTC 7 became the first steel stuctured skyscraper to collapse at near free fall speed into it’s own footprint from fire; and barely a fire at that. Taller buildings have survived much more.

  4. GreatAmerican says:

    #3 OK, I’ll bite….WHY was WTC7 targeted?

  5. Mike says:

    #1 Awake

    You should be ashamed of yourself. Can you make yourself any more obvious? I hope you are being payed enough because in the long run you are only fooling yourself.

    Get you kicks while you can cause what you put in you always get back…you can bet your ass on that.

  6. Mike says:


    Beats me. There were all kinds of headquarters and documents located in WT7, who knows, go do your own research don’t believe me.

    Why were any of the buildings targeted? To take away American’s freedoms and so Private companies could have another war to make $.

  7. David says:


    Could you list the taller buildings that had bigger fires? I’m curious.

  8. Greg Allen says:

    Conspiracy nuts use Building 7 as some sort of smoking gun.

    They always act like it just spontaneously and inexplicably fell down but that’s the not the case at all.

    This article explains it all:

    Even though it’s from “Structure Magazine” it’s surprisingly readable and interesting.

  9. nicktherat says:

    wtc7 always got me a little peeved. even more so is why those planes weren’t shot down. it was explained that the air-force were doing a training exercise and didn’t think it was real? cmon, really?

  10. deowll says:

    #9 How about because up until 9/11 the idea of an American military plane blowing a passenger plane loaded with people out of the sky was unthinkable.

    Of course after the passenger plane was over the city proper even if they had shot it the thing was still going to crash into something.

    No bomb blast. You could see the heated story pan cake and after that it did a classic collapse.

    If those planes hadn’t been loaded with fuel the things might have stood. Once the frame softened it was going to pancake.

    The empire state building might have stood because it is a heck of a lot stronger.

  11. Greg Allen says:

    Nick the rat,

    Has the Air Force ever shot down a hijacked passenger plane? Before or after 9/11? It would have been a pretty audacious move to shoot down US airline full of civilians.

    The sad truth is that, despite multiple and loud warnings, the Bush administration was asleep at the switch and let America get attacked.

    However, there is one FOR SURE conspiracy regarding 9/11 and another very plausible one.

    The FOR SURE conspiracy is the Bush Administration’s cover-up of their own incompetency.

    The second plausible conspiracy is that the CIA knew the terrorists were in the USA but intentionally withheld this information from the FBI.

    The reason they withheld this information is because revealing it would have also revealed their own domestic spying, which is illegal.

    It wasn’t that “the agencies weren’t talking with each other” as Bush kept on claiming. The CIA intentionally kept the FBI and the NYPD task force on terrorism in the dark.

    Lawrence Wright makes a very convincing case for this in his book “Looming Tower.”

    I highly recommend “Looming Tower” BTW — it’s the best thing I’ve ever read explaining the people and motivation behind 9/11.

  12. Greg Allen says:

    >> deowll said, on September 14th, 2010 at 10:16 pm
    >> The empire state building might have stood because it is a heck of a lot stronger.

    Thanks for the touch of sanity in this discussion!

    Even though a fire raged for hours in WTC7 before it fell, it still should have stood.

    But WTC7 was built on top of of an existing substructure and it had some serious structural flaws that only where discovered in retrospect. I suspect there was a shoddy builder involved.

    I have no training in structural design but the way they built the new on the old seemed cockamamie even to me.

    Did you read the link I gave in my post above? You might find it interesting.

  13. laxdude says:

    The first plane wasn’t shot down because they thought it was an accident, the second one proved that it wasn’t. Also, since it wasn’t viewed as something likely to happen, they weren’t expecting it. Also, it isn’t the cold war, they don’t have a constant fighter screens and ready alert crews standing by.

    The question should then be why a plane can get anywhere the seat of the american government and bureaucracy. That area should have had pilots sitting in planes ready to be in the air in 5 minutes…the Pentagon crash was almost an hour after plane 1, 30 minutes after the second.

    For instance, the entire state of Washington (and British Columbia for that point) is covered by either Alaska or Oregon based fighters.

    Had it been a controlled demolition, how do you explain them waiting for so long? If the whole thing is a false flag attack, they would have blown it at the same time as tower 1 and 2. So maybe they didn’t know about it, and only arranged the demolition in the 7 hours after 1 and 2 went down (slightly more likely) but still remote.

    Of course it could never just be that the building caught on fire which was never controlled because of the chaos and infrastructure damage due to tower 1 and 2 coming down. That just makes the cover up about how poorly designed steel core towers are in passively containing a fire…which firemen have been saying for a very long time.

    Firemen just assumed that one of the towers would just come down in a regular old fire caused ‘towering inferno’ scenario that spread to an entire floor due to the bad design.

  14. life4theliving says:

    When did the term “Ground Zero” first start to be used? In this footage?

  15. GreatAmerican says:

    #10 & #12

    That’s right. The Empire State Bldg withstood a direct hit from a B-25 plane.

  16. GreatAmerican says:

    #6 So WTC7 hid secret documents hidden by secret societies?

    I’ve heard that Occam’s Razor was hidden there too.

  17. Peterg says:

    I have a question.

    1/. How do terrorists go from learning to fly single engine Cessnas to flying jet engined 767’s in 12 months. I don’t think so, you have to be piloted rated to move up in catergory flight training. No accredited simulator training school would even look at you unless you had the pilot hours up.
    This means, getting in the seat, taking the 767 of a designitated GPS flight plan, disengage the auto pilot, recalibrate the GPS navigation codes to get the a/c to fly where you want it to. Plus change thrust % and change flight levels.

    2/. When looking at the pictures of the Pentagon damage, a multi engined 767 would have made a huge impact outline, wings, tailplane outline. Plus the flight plan of a 767 flying low, turning sharp at about 100ft above the deck…phyisically aeronautically impossible.
    Plus, where is the wreckage, engines, wheels, tail plane, seats and such, you always find them at plane crash sites.

  18. Cursor_ says:

    The sad truth is that, despite multiple and loud warnings, the Bush administration was asleep at the switch and let America get attacked.

    No the truth is that all regimes since the end of WWII never thought that a major terrorist attack would happen to them.

    Or else they would have tightened security overall. EVEN the first bombing of the WTC wasn’t enough to wake them up.

    We repeated history again. Like in 1941. Just like we repeated the history of the Lakota Sioux with Muslims.

    The nation is too arrogant. They are filled with pride and think they are somehow entitled to everything. This nation will continue to have these events so long as the thought is this is the best place on Earth to live.

    When you consider that the majority of the world is a steaming pile, being the top of the turds is not something to brag about.

    Americans should learn to be humble.


  19. I says:

    ” Americans should learn to be humble.

    Cursor_ ”

    In some cases, that might be a really big ask…

  20. Derek says:


    1. You seem to fail to realize that this was a one way mission. Also, who’s to say they didn’t get the pilots to do all that before they killed them. Before then, most air hijackings always just ended up in hostage situations. I doubt the pilots ever dreamed this would happen.

    2. Ummm… You do realize that the plane was basically “crash landed” before it even hit the pentagon. As for the wings, the way I see the building damage, this is exactly how I see the plane actually hitting..

  21. Tippis says:

    # 17 “How do terrorists go from learning to fly single engine Cessnas to flying jet engined 767′s in 12 months.”

    It’s really not that hard. Once you get the basics down, if you can fly one, you can fly them all — especially with the kind of flying aids in a (somewhat) modern airliner. The instrumentation is just a matter of looking the whole thing up. Also, remember that this was the pre-9/11 days (duh!), back when you could still be invited to the cockpit for a show and tell…

    “a multi engined 767 would have made a huge impact outline, wings, tailplane outline.”

    No. This is the real world, not a cartoon — you don’t make people-shaped holes when you run though a wall. The aircraft is made from aluminium, and the wings and tailplane in particular are far from rigid; the building is basically made of rock… reinforced rock. Guess which one will crumple and be shredded if the two meet.

    “Plus, where is the wreckage, engines, wheels, tail plane, seats and such”

    Strewn about all over the lawn, albeit in mangled shapes, just like you’d expect if an airframe hit a reinforced building. If anything, you would have expected the debris to be *less* identifiable to the untrained eye than it was.

  22. Grandpa says:

    #4 we were attacked because we are infidels and all infidels must be killed. They targeted the WTC because it was the financial center of our corrupt system. They thought they could bring the entire country down by bringing down our financial system.

    They failed miserably.

  23. Tippis says:

    #22 “They thought they could bring the entire country down by bringing down our financial system.

    They failed miserably.”

    They *did*, however, succeed at terrorising the country (and, indeed, the entire “western hemisphere”) to the point that even now, a decade later, they have everyone scared out of their wits. Or, well… I suppose it could be argued that the “system” or “culture” is scared, rather than the individuals, but the effect is much the same. Now, we’re kicking ourselves in the balls while trying to swat at shadows.

    In a sense the conspiracy nuts have a point in that way: *we* are responsible for the success of 9/11; we are the ones who chose to be terrorised by a showy, but essentially inconsequential display of force; we are the ones who have chosen to abandon the principles the terrorists wanted to harm to begin with. The terrorists largely failed in what they were after, but in an oblique way accidentally managed to rally our support for their cause. 🙁

  24. Lou Minatti says:

    Troofers give me the creepy-crawlies. Whenever Adam plays that stupid WTC-7 bumper on NA I fast forward.

  25. Dallas says:

    #24 In addition, the public outrage of 9/11 provided the Cheney administration all they needed to abandon American principles, the Constitution and embark on a civil liberties assault.

    Add that to the long list of Al Queda victories.
    * hated worldwide
    * trillion dollar war
    * American Muslims vs American Christians
    * rebirth of loony groups
    * hundreds of thousands of dead

  26. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Whether it be politics or terrorism, some people just can’t seem to accept facts and reality…by all the evidence collected, it happened as the real press reported it.

    What I’m curious about is the fireball that burned out those cars and bus. What was that? And how did WTC7 burn for so long with no NYFD?

  27. LDA says:

    That building collapsed into a neat little pile. Very improbable.

    # 27 Olo Baggins of Bywater

    Apparently it continued to burned because the water was taken out by the collapses. There are legitimate answers to some things. Be prepared to accept answers that make sense, keep demanding answers to things that don’t.

  28. jman says:

    man these truther people are certifiably insane. These are some of the dumbest statements I’ve ever seen.
    I live in Tulsa. We have a 1/2 version (55 story single tower) version of the the Twin towers here downtown. It was built by the same architect before the ones in New York. Those building were built very different from traditional skyscrapers. the floors are mostly supported by the outer shell of the building. There are huge beams that run down the outside of the building. I’ve been in this one, inside those wall and seen it myself. Our sign company installed a 10′ set of letters on the outside top of the building and I had to engineer the support structure though the alucabond skin and attaching to those beams. Those beams are the reason the windows are so narrow all the way up and down. They are also the reason the structure fell straight down and why he planes disintegrated. Planes are aluminum and very thin aluminum. Not that different from soda cans. Smash a soda can into a 1″ thick piece of steel at 500 mph and see which gives way. The fire which burned fueled by jet fuel and tons of flammable materials, paper and furniture only needed to melt the crossbeams for one or two floors max. Easily done when burning out of control for over an hour. The weight of the upper floors on that weakened floor starts the fall down through the middle because the outside cage is the strongest part of those buildings.

    For the moron above that asked why there was no plane debris…….there was. The landing gear struck the building that the much talked about mosque is going in. Pay attention, the answers to most of your conspiracies are right in front of your face. Instead you grasp at the most ludicrous explanation that have no grounding in reality

    As for building 7 your video there answered that question. You could see the amount of fire blowing through that building unhampered. the wind was drawing through and you could see the amount of heat generated in the video. that mixed with poor construction is your answer.

    or…….Bush, the person people claim is the stupidest man in the world was the greatest mastermind in the history of this planet and he and 100k of his best friends planned the most elaborate conspiracy with absolutely no one telling anyone anything in the few months he was in office. He snuck into two buildings inhabited by 10k people daily and then for 4 or 5 months planted tons of explosives without anyone working there seeing anything suspicious, or better yet maybe he had Steve Jobs, ninja assassin, do it

  29. chuck says:

    #27 – “And how did WTC7 burn for so long with no NYFD?”

    Um, maybe because the FDNY was busy trying to get people out of the other WTC buildings, and 343 firefighters from the FDNY were killed when the buildings did collapse.

  30. LDA says:

    # 30 jman

    The World Trade Center buildings (1 & 2) were supported by the core columns not the skin.


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