Kind of a baffling “advertisement.”

  1. The DON says:

    Wierd as hell! and I am in the UK.

    But as far as I can tell, it is an advert explaining how much crap there is in the modern ‘arts’ in the UK.

    It always seems to be the more outragiously rubbish the ‘art’, the higher the price tag.

  2. Animal Mother says:

    Art must be free! Therefore, it must be unencumbered by government funding.

  3. Maricopa says:

    The next time you see some street “artist” doing a performance piece and the crowd causes you to be late for an important blowjob, just remember: they probably had a government grant…

  4. the haunted sheep says:

    I work in the arts and I find funding absolutely ridiculous. most modern art is worthless shit.

  5. usa1 says:

    Makes the arts look pathetic really.

    Give us money or, or, or…
    Or what?
    Or we won’t make art.
    Oh, now you are scaring me.

  6. chuck says:

    “The arts generate vastly more revenue for the economy than they cost to fund.”

    Based on this logic, the government should borrow $10 trillion, then “invest” it all in support for the arts. The resulting boost to the economy will easily pay back the $10 trillion borrowed.

    I didn’t realize how easy it is to fix the economy.

  7. mcteapot says:

    Investment in the education of the people is what is going to fix the economy. Arts is a huge part of education. Art is what makes us free thinkers and innovators.

  8. deowll says:

    So people working for the government are free thinkers and innovators?

    I’m afraid I have to admit that I’m completely unappreciative of an awful lot of what the self styled elite call art.

    Interestingly the word doesn’t even exist in some languages yet the locals produce what many people consider to be beautiful works of art.

  9. jescott418 says:

    OK, I live in the US, but this does not make me want to save the arts.
    But then again in our school district Art class is already gone.

  10. Dallas says:

    Weird video yes but it is of course British.

    I agree funding for “the Arts” is a negligible part of spending, I mean hardly measurable. The return on investment is huge in so many ways.

    But then again, explain that to penny wise, pound foolish simpletons that think Arts funding is merely throwing money at spray painting a pile of scrap iron.

  11. f_w says:

    Anyone know the word irony nowadays?

  12. Yankinwaoz says:


    Over in Oz, I was watching this Aussie director demanding, not pleading, demanding government grants for film makers. His tag line “We need Australian stories for Australians by Australians”. He was lambasting Hollywood and how evil they are.

    Watching him, I couldn’t help but think “Yes. But at the end of the day, what you are demanding is that us tax payers pay for your hobby. Hollywood doesn’t get its funding for films from the government. They get it from investors. They are able to convince investors that they will make a product that will make money. So if you are as good as you claim, why can’t you do the same?”

    He came off, at least to me, as a pompous asshole who was worse than the Hollywood slimeballs he was claiming he was better than. Seriously mate, I have no problem paying my hard earned money once in a while for a good Aussie film. And God knows where have been some really good ones. But don’t take my money from me at gun point.

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    Most people don’t have any appreciation of the arts unless it is a slasher or shoot ’em up movie or Lady Gaga warbling.

    And the “arts” bring back a lot more to society than just more money.

  14. Bob says:

    #12, pretty much summed up my feelings. I am sick of paying for someones hobby. If someone truly is a good painter then someone will hire them to paint stuff for them. If all someone can do is throw crap against a wall, and beg for government funding, then that person should starve.

  15. Aude says:

    Weird Pedo kinda meeme in the end there….


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