That’s what apparently happened to Luke Angel, a British teen who sent a curse-laden message to the White House directed at President Obama. “The individual had sent an email to the White House which was full of abusive and threatening language,” a police spokesperson told the British newspaper, Bedfordshire On Sunday.

Officers visited Angel at his home in Silsoe, a town in Bedfordshire, England, during which time the teen admitted to sending the e-mail, although he couldn’t remember what he wrote.

To clarify he called Obama a pr*ck in an email to the White House. We all knew Obama was thin-skinned, but this is ridiculous. My question is since this is no credible or incredible threat against the President, isn’t this a waste of resources and time? And if it were a threat of some sort why is the FBI rather than the Secret Service handling it? So many unanswered questions. It is so dumb that I am yet to be convinced that it is not some hoax.

  1. Mr. Fusion says:

    #29 “Is it wrong for a man to love another man?”
    No, it is perfectly normal to love a person. While most people love one of the opposite sex, many love one of their own sex.

    Couldn’t restrain spinning yet once more for the Obama.

    Its sick.
    Yes, we understand you hate. You love yourself, but not your fellow man. You hate everyone. You couldn’t care less about their pain as long as your illegal taxi continues to carry passengers.

    You are sick.

  2. Mr. Fusion says:

    Oopps, my #35 was directed at #30, Alfred.

    Sorry for the confusion.

  3. MikeN says:

    THe Obama admin cosponsored a UN resolution encouraging countries to ban criticism of Islam.

  4. Greg Allen says:

    >> John Said,
    >> We all knew Obama was thin-skinned, but this is ridiculous.

    This has to be one of the dumbest statements you’ve ever written, John.

    Obama has taken TANKER LOAD after TANKER LOAD of pure crap from the conservatives without reply.

    Besides, I doubt Obama even knew about this. It’s probably routine to put threatening foreigners on some watch list.

  5. Greg Allen says:

    >> Mr. Fusion said,
    >> You see I wonder about the loyalty of those Americans who continue to vent garbage about the President. They might not meet the letter of the law but they meet the spirit of traitorous.

    Many of these same conservatives insisted that criticizing a war-time president was traitorous.

    And now they are criticizing a war-time president.

    BY THEIR OWN STANDARDS, they themselves are traitors.

  6. Greg Allen says:

    >> MikeN said, on September 16th, 2010 at 7:43 am
    >> THe Obama admin cosponsored a UN resolution encouraging countries to ban criticism of Islam.

    Not that facts matter to conservatives, but MikeN is probably referring to the _non binding_ “UN 62/154. Combating defamation of religions” which was passed in the 2000s when Bush was in office.

    It’s come up for renewal since Obama’s been in office but, honestly, I don’t have the patience to fact check every paranoid conservative claim.

    Wouldn’t it be nice if conservatives would argue the facts of am issue rather than some wacko claim they heard on talk radio or some forwarded email they got.

  7. Greg Allen says:

    It’s takes the skin of a rhino to even let those lying Fox propagandists through the front door of the Whitehouse.

    Even so, Fox News got a front row seat in the Whitehouse briefing room, beating-out NPR.

    “thin skin” indeed.

  8. MikeN says:

    The US voted against that resolution when Bush was in office. I was referring to an Oct 2009 resolution of the UN Human Rights Council, cosponsored by Egypt and the US. It was well watered down from the original Islamic Conference goals, but still a step in the wrong direction.

  9. MikeN says:

    I’d post a link, but just about every link on the wikipedia page on defamation of religion doesn’t work.

  10. Uncle Patso says:

    I can only quote Rep. Jim Ross Lightfoot, R-Iowa: “If B. S. was a dollar a pound, we would have paid off the deficit at about noon.”

  11. GregAllen says:

    >> We all knew Obama was thin-skinned, but this is ridiculous.

    John, if Obama is so “thin-skinned” how do you explain this story:

    >> McChrystal to Lead Program for Military Families

    >> WASHINGTON — Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal, who was relieved of command in Afghanistan after a magazine profile quoted his subordinates as disparaging senior civilian leaders, has been invited back to public service by the Obama administration to help oversee a high-profile initiative in support of military families, White House officials said Sunday.

    Like the right wing pundits, you aren’t just wrong about Obama. You have the opposite of the truth.

    Obama is an extraordinarily tolerant and genial guy.


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