That’s what apparently happened to Luke Angel, a British teen who sent a curse-laden message to the White House directed at President Obama. “The individual had sent an email to the White House which was full of abusive and threatening language,” a police spokesperson told the British newspaper, Bedfordshire On Sunday.
Officers visited Angel at his home in Silsoe, a town in Bedfordshire, England, during which time the teen admitted to sending the e-mail, although he couldn’t remember what he wrote.
To clarify he called Obama a pr*ck in an email to the White House. We all knew Obama was thin-skinned, but this is ridiculous. My question is since this is no credible or incredible threat against the President, isn’t this a waste of resources and time? And if it were a threat of some sort why is the FBI rather than the Secret Service handling it? So many unanswered questions. It is so dumb that I am yet to be convinced that it is not some hoax.
There is no such thing as free speech
I’ve just come up with a whole new use for Gitmo!
And thus, his newfound badness translated into chicks spreading their legs for him.
[violation of posting guidelines]
I’m also fairly certain that the US has no jurisdiction to be sending agents to people’s houses and telling them they’re banned from entering the US. (If he were to have been banned, he likely would have found out at the airport as he tried to pass customs, like everyone else they’ve banned.)
This smells of a poor joke to me.
(Especially considering that calling the President a prick is just about the highest form of protected speech.)
I could find nothing about it on snopes, so I figure it was a hoax. Just doesn’t make sense to me, but if it is true, then we need to look at what the Clerics of Islam are saying and ban them from the US.
There is too much here that doesn’t make sense. If he only called Obama a pr*ck then there is no way it would be investigated. If he threatened the President then that is a whole different thing. The British police would be the ones to check him out as he could be a local danger too.
It wouldn’t be unreasonable to guess that a threat would qualify for the “Do Not Fly List”.
How can you possibly think it was a hoax? After all, it was reported in the Bedfordshire on Sunday!
Banning someone for an e-mail, threatening health insurance companies to be thrown out of government exchanges if they criticize Obama’s health care plan, as Sebelius did in a letter, FCC review of broadcast licenses for a backdoor Fairness Doctrine, I’m starting to think that maybe Obama doesn’t like free speech.
If only he lived in Mexico.
I see this a very positive first step.
Obviously this is the start of a policy that will eventually lead to the banning of everyone that has ever (or will ever) threaten the president. This will naturally include every Muslim (non-American) on Earth.
Once all Muslims are prevented from traveling to the U.S. this will eliminate the threat of terrorism and we can go back to flying on airplanes without have to take our shoes off or get our genitals x-rayed.
Good thing he didn’t call him a cocksucker, he’d banned from baseball as well.
Change you can believe in!
This was debunked well before it was posted here: http://gizmodo.com/5637203/drunk-email-to-obama-gets-british-teen-banned-from-america-for-life
Nice journalism.
a) The drunk does not remember what he wrote in the first place…. it could have been death threats.
b) The source of the story is the the drunk himself, and it is utterly uncorroborated
c) It has been debunked already (as if it really needed debunking)
John, we know you and several others here thoroughly despise Obama, but if you are going to try to criticize him as a man (“We all knew Obama was thin-skinned…”), at least find something with some truth and value behind it.
Awwww the thin-skinned Chicago thug is WASTING gov’t resources by going after some drunken foul-mouthed nobody who disagrees with the great mighty POTUS.
If he were a cat I would call him a huge pussy. But he’s not so I won’t…maybe he needs yet another vacation. Where hasn’t the might O traveled to?
Maybe Obama should be banned from America for what he’s doing to it…HAR!
Have to agree that even if true the story is sending up signs of being fake.
The FBI doesn’t do out side the US. Some other organization should have communicated with the kid on the other had they do presidential security.
If you make any sort of direct threat you could expect to be banned. Agree that you would most likely find out when you tried to board a plane or get a passport and nothing even suggests this guy was trying to go to the states.
To many questions without enough answers.
#12 FTW!
Surprised and a touch disappointed JCD is posting little more than a rumor here…tho I guess it’s better than nothing. Yesterday didn’t have many DU updates..one, I think.
#21 Well, this is a fair attempt to bring out the right wing loonies here. You gotta throw em a bone every once in while.
I admit you gotta be pretty hungry for this dry bone!
Dear World,
Please excuse the news story that describes our so-called banning for life of a British Teen who sent us a letter roundly cursing the President of the United States.
After reconsidering, we have decided that nothing could be more secure for the President than to invite all the world’s dissenters and people who feel compelled to signal their aggressive disdain for Americans by announcing their feelings in writing.
We would also like to point out to such individuals that should they visit our country, they may be able to convince a local citizen to obtain a powerful firearm for them, and that here in the USA there is ample opportunity for them to learn how to use it and practice with it.
We welcome the citizens of other countries. Especially those who have demonstrated that they have singularly angry attitudes toward us and our public servants.
The White House
This is the left that John C loves to extoll………………….
I had a college roommate who was actually banned for life from the Arby’s on Hillsboro St. in Raleigh NC. (As opposed to the debunked story here.) The shift manager would only give him four packets of ketchup for his fries, store policy. He then went around the counter and grabbed handfuls of packets and began handing them out to other customers.
And yes, alcohol was involved. By the way this was the same Arby’s that would run out of roast beef on football home games for NCSU. Epic fail.
For all of you who are slamming John C for posting the story, can I point out that the BBC News posted the story AS FACT, as did a number of other (so called) reputable sources.
BBC link here http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-beds-bucks-herts-11296303
To add a little credibility, the story that ran was that the FBI/State Department called up Special Branch in the UK (perfectly feasible) and they then rang the local plod who went over to say “don’t be naughty”.
Oddly, there were quotes published from said Police officers. So where did they come from if the story was BS?
Also, in such cases, the US DOES tell people they are not welcome, as does the UK. So the Gizmodo point is equally bogus.
I wonder if the story _IS_ true, and now a bloody embarrassing mess for the Obama white house.
#28, Rob,
Good point. It doesn’t matter if there is no veracity, as long as it is anti Obama then there must be some truth to it.
You see I wonder about the loyalty of those Americans who continue to vent garbage about the President. They might not meet the letter of the law but they meet the spirit of traitorous.
“Land of the free – home of the brave”
>It doesn’t matter if there is no veracity, as long as it is anti Obama then there must be some truth to it.
You might say fake but accurate, like certain National Guard memos…
As some one who lives in bedfordshire and reads the beds on sunday it definitively ran the article on its front page and reported that the american goverment contacted the british police this article was also picked up by the BBC as well.
I would say the beds on sunday is not prone to running fake storys.
Bedford fact: The Daily show reporter john oliver
grew up and went to school in bedford.
You can say anything you want about the president on any blog, any public forum, any website, etc..
But emailing the white house? What an idiot. Did he honestly think there weren’t repercussions?