Daylife/AP Photo used by permission

Christine O’Donnell, who is backed by the Tea Party Express, is running in this week’s Delaware Senate primary against Rep. Mike Castle. Castle, a former governor, has been winning elections in Delaware by large margins since 1966, and in any normal year his victory would be assured. But this year, nothing can be taken for granted.

O’Donnell’s views appear to be particularly extreme, even by Tea Party standards. In 1998, she told an MTV interviewer that masturbation is the same as adultery because “the Bible says that lust in your heart is committing adultery. So you can’t masturbate without lust.”

In an article written about the same time, the fiercely Catholic O’Donnell declared, “When a married person uses pornography, or is unfaithful, it compromises not just his (or her) purity, but also compromises the spouse’s purity. As a church, we need to teach a higher standard than abstinence.”

O’Donnell’s character sanity has also become an issue in the campaign. She recently told the Weekly Standard that she doesn’t give out the location of her house because it was broken into and vandalized during the 2008 campaign — even though there is no police report of any such incident.

They’re following me,” O’Donnell claimed. “They follow me home at night. I make sure that I come back to the townhouse and then we have our team come out and check all the bushes and check all the cars to make sure that—they follow me….They knock on the door at all hours of the night. They’re hiding in the bushes when I’m at candidate forums.”

She’ll fit in well with the rest of the Republican Party.

  1. Dallas says:

    “the Bible says that lust in your heart is committing adultery. So you can’t masturbate without lust.”

    Has any teabagger figured out a loophole around this? This seems like a serious issue.

  2. Larry10001 says:

    I consider myself a Republican, but I do not go to church, and i’m of the belief that what you do to yourself or consenting others should be of no concern to anyone especially the Government. My hope is that all of the crazy religious nuts in the Republican party Join the Tea party and Republicans can get back to their less government/less wasting our money roots. A person can dream right?

    I also would like to point out that Democrats go to church also, and it was President Clinton that fired Joycelyn Elders because she thought promoting masturbation was good.

  3. Bushed says:

    Poor Joycelyn Elders – all she said was kids were better whacking off than littering the world with children (paraphrased of course).

    #31 – Right there with you, in spirit. Pop-able material there.

  4. J says:

    But what if that lust in your heart is for your wife? Is that still adultery?

  5. Hornyoldfart says:

    Nekkid pixtures or it ain’t fur real.

    Must have neddid pixtures

  6. dcphill says:

    If I get an erection, should I stone it?
    If a kid does it is it adultry?

  7. deowll says:

    #9 actually they don’t bother much with homosexuality in the new testament but one is clearly left with the impression it’s sin.

    Not sure if it would rate stoning or not. Jesus pretty much didn’t think most things rated that sort of thing being content to leave it to the father. I can’t recall a single instance of his commending the practice. He was more into praying for people including those who persecuted him like you do.

    However since you brought the idea up there are organizations that still do that sort of thing but you missed on which one though I’m told they are much more tolerant in Indonesia.

    Of course if you go there the state department will be prudently checking on just how young your new friends are.

  8. Angel H. Wong says:

    #34 Larry,

    “I also would like to point out that Democrats go to church also, and it was President Clinton that fired Joycelyn Elders because she thought promoting masturbation was good.”

    And I would also like to point out that he fired here because Republicans and their Christian base bitched, moaned and complained.

  9. jescott418 says:

    Why do we have the far left or right nut jobs? Where are the common sense moderates that most of the country is made up of. How do these freaks get elected?

  10. runs with scissors says:

    sensible people have better sense than to get into politics

  11. runs with scissors says:

    alfred not even you would want to live in the world your ideas would create

  12. runs with scissors says:

    prove it or take a seat

  13. Cursor_ says:

    This fiercely Protestant Christian will send her some more money. After Palin endorsed her, I contributed $250…now I’ll give her another $250…

    Finally a candidate who doesn’t speak out of both sides of their mouth, and mumble.

    from my post: Also she shares the three bedroom two bath place with a Christian rick singer named, David Hust.

    Good to know you will support the person that not only speaks out both sides of her mouth but lives in sin with a man by Christian standards.


  14. GreatAmerican says:

    Maybe one day our dear Eideard will have the courage to be critical of all political parties. In the mean time he chooses to be yet another ideologue.

  15. Cursor_ says:

    God’s Kingdom is the essence of Liberty, freedom to do good.

    There is no liberty nor freedom under an absolute monarchy.

    In God’s kingdom he is the absolute ruler and every knee will bend to the liege.

    Hardly democracy or liberty. What IF the knee does not wish to bend? What if they wish to STAND before their liege and direct him squarely in the face, eye to eye? Not permitted in The Kingdom as scripture states.


  16. Dallas says:

    I’m still not entirely sure the relationship between the Teabaggers and the GOP.

    Please explain. Which is the radical branch? Which is the host and which is the parasite? Who runs the teabaggers? Glen Beck? Palin?

    Is there a cheat sheet guide to this hairball?

  17. ECA says:


    “When a married person uses pornography, or is unfaithful, it compromises not just his (or her) purity,”

    nothing about single persons having fun..
    But, where do you want me to send my donation??(it AINT MONEY)

  18. Randin says:

    I wonder what she thinks about people who masturbate to her picture?

  19. Special Ed says:

    This chick is wild! I’ll bet she just did butt secks so she’d be a virgin when she got married. Pretty soon we’ll find out she was a stripper.

  20. runs with scissors says:

    any group or person who think they have a deity telling them how to behave and thinks there deity is better than the other guy’s deity or the other guy’s has just got what the deity is saying wrong gets little respect from me

    Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups

    please people be diligent in telling these Alfreds the chances of there beliefs being the one right answer to everything are a billion to one against and there is zero hard evidence in there gods

  21. Cursor_ says:

    And lets us do as we will…His Kingdom is not tyrannical, its liberation from everything that would do us harm.

    In that context, when your nature is regenerated, your desire and will will be towards doing good, not evil…and God will let you explore that to its fullest, wherever you might want to go

    Freedom from hate, freedom from sin, freedom from ills, freedom from making your own choices.

    That’s not freedom. That is control. He will CHANGE you to do as he sees fit. Freedom from Freedom.

    Hey but it is what you want. Well will allow yourself to be changed to. Well have no choice but to believe.

    Smells of domination to me. Sin as the master or God? Tough road to hoe. Vicious or benevolent. Still a slave either way.


  22. runs with scissors says:


    did we miss you offering any proof?

    you are just as dangerous as all the rest of the religious fanatics

    the ONLY reason you think you are different is you agree and never question yourself.

  23. Cursor_ says:


    Pascal’s Wager.

    Not an ideal choice of logic.

    More akin to grasping at straws. Not to mention scripture pretty much rules Pascal’s Wager as a bad idea. God would rather you be hot or cold than lukewarm. The wager makes a person lukewarm.

    Not to mention I would think god knows when you are hedging your bets.


  24. smear weary says:

    If I’m doing the math right, she was 29 when she made that remark. And she’s a staunch Catholic. Why doesn’t this surprise/shock/interest me? Glenn Greenwald wrote a good piece today in Salon about the Democratic strategy rallying the troops by pointing out the wingnuts on the other side instead of demonstrating their own achievements.

  25. King Alfred the Great (Jerk Off) says:


    For so long I wondered why “Christians” were so hateful and against women. So then I read Exodus 21. Guess what!

    Slaves are property. So are wives and daughters. Multiple wives are fine, BUT you can’t treat the first wife any less unless you toss her out on her ear.

    Then, abortion is condoned if the husband doesn’t have a problem with it. If it was a violent attack or done without the husband’s consent then yes, it could be punished.

    So the bible condones slavery and enslaving women. It ALSO CONDONES ABORTION. So all those who claim to follow the bible are really going against their god’s word. Do you follow your god’s word?

  26. Mextli says:

    #50 ” In the mean time he chooses to be yet another ideologue.”

    Consistent to the end. SOS week after week.

  27. LDA says:

    # 41 deowll

    Refer to # 32 (Me)

    Furthermore, I have seen no evidence of the existence of Jesus and I know nothing of his character (if he actually existed) so naturally I have no desire to persecute him, I seek merely to point out the theological basis from which those that claim to follow him draw their moral view of how everyone else should act.

    I have no desire to persecute them either, I do however have a strong desire to point out the entirety of what they are supposed to follow and when necessary their hypocrisy to demonstrate that they often use the parts they agree with against others while ignoring the rest (as they must due to the barbaric nature of the whole text).

    P.S. When people use their beliefs for their own personal emotional well-being I have no desire to comment at all.

  28. John E. Quantum says:

    O’Donnell’s views appear to be particularly extreme, even by Tea Party standards. In 1998, she told an MTV interviewer that masturbation is the same as adultery because “the Bible says that lust in your heart is committing adultery. So you can’t masturbate without lust.”

    Of course, she was a Catholic none and said all that before she met Bob (battery operated boyfriend)

  29. Angry says:

    Didn’t Jimmy Carter say pretty much the same thing in his interview with Playboy?

  30. GregAllen says:

    What’s the deal with these dumb but hot-looking conservative female candidates?

    There are too many for it to be a coincidence.


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