![]() Daylife/AP Photo used by permission
Christine O’Donnell, who is backed by the Tea Party Express, is running in this week’s Delaware Senate primary against Rep. Mike Castle. Castle, a former governor, has been winning elections in Delaware by large margins since 1966, and in any normal year his victory would be assured. But this year, nothing can be taken for granted.
O’Donnell’s views appear to be particularly extreme, even by Tea Party standards. In 1998, she told an MTV interviewer that masturbation is the same as adultery because “the Bible says that lust in your heart is committing adultery. So you can’t masturbate without lust.”
In an article written about the same time, the fiercely Catholic O’Donnell declared, “When a married person uses pornography, or is unfaithful, it compromises not just his (or her) purity, but also compromises the spouse’s purity. As a church, we need to teach a higher standard than abstinence.”
charactersanity has also become an issue in the campaign. She recently told the Weekly Standard that she doesn’t give out the location of her house because it was broken into and vandalized during the 2008 campaign — even though there is no police report of any such incident.“They’re following me,” O’Donnell claimed. “They follow me home at night. I make sure that I come back to the townhouse and then we have our team come out and check all the bushes and check all the cars to make sure that—they follow me….They knock on the door at all hours of the night. They’re hiding in the bushes when I’m at candidate forums.”
She’ll fit in well with the rest of the Republican Party.
Seems to me that masturbation is the same as adultery ONLY IF you switch hands. I like keeping my beer in my left hand and my right hand free for whatever needs might be. Reminds me of an old joke about flat headed girls, but thats for another thread.
she can go fuck herself
Every sperm is sacred, every sperm is great,,,,,,,lol
Sarah Palin says she’s one of her Mama Grizzlies.
Wonder what that says about Papa Grizzlies in the Republican Party in Delaware?
When did the Republican party turn it’s back on being smart? It used to be the party of William F. Buckley Jr, Richard Nixon, George HW Bush, etc. There were folks you may disagree with, have policy issues with, but you could talk to them and they weren’t bat s**t crazy religious zeolots.
This is a standard meme in Catholicism. Out of all the holiness that has came from Catholicism – this [hot] broad is concerned with masturbation. I’d like to see her and Maddow do scissors.
#5 nixon was pretty crazy, but only because the cia was drugging him
i wonder what she thinks of nocturnal emissions
It is if you are a Christian. Homosexuality is the same as back-chatting kids, death by stoning for both.
what is it about the Republican party that attracts those so afraid of sexuality? Or should I just stop at “afraid”?
I don’t know. Castle is pretty conservative. I don’t think that she has huge chance against him.
Article misses the point of what is more important – candidate A thoughts about masturbation (which as all thoughts so far are safe from Thought Police) or candidate B proven record of wrecking economy and political system (to the point where one can imagine him forming the Thought Police).
As for @#9: You are mixing Islamic Sharia Law and Christianity. In the latter, you are recognized as sinner in this world as anyone else and the punishment comes in afterlife in which you may or may not believe. No religious punishment in this world (“he who has no sins may cast first stone…”). Sharia Law is however very specific and indeed instructs and currently practices stoning to death.
Considering the usual scenario with Republicans who are outspoken in favor of repression of all things sexual (except man on top, married, just for procreation purposes and never on Sunday sex), I bet she’s very good friends with the broom handle, door knob, Hickory Farms Beef Stick and a few other things.
Unless, of course, she prefers other women or boys half her age…
When did Sally Fields become a Teabagger and I must say she still looks great.
#11, Castle is pretty liberal for a Republican, which is why she has any chance against him.
Bennett is a guy you can classify as pretty conservative, and he lost.
Castle voted for the cap-and-trade proposal, and signed on to repealing Obama’s health care plan after Bennett lost, and Angle won in Nevada.
she was probably talking about the left wing circle jerk in here
I think you are all taking this the wrong way.
I think we should remember the Kevin Smith movie “Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back”
Put simply, Christine O’Donnell LOVES the cock.
Fucking herself might be adultery.
Hopefully this holy rolling hypocrite will lose the election.
#17–the Once and only BruceCarson==Here, Here! (sic). I also enjoy going to blogs I rarely read and posting their contents are below my standards. Quite a tonic to begin my day with. It is beneath my contemplation why the Catholic Church is embroiled in pedophiles scandals or why Africa is not an economic unit competing on the world stage. All trivial concerns.
BTW, for the betterment of us all, what blogs do you regularly post on? I also would like to witness a blog worthy of my attention.
Stupid Human.
Wow, what a character. I usually shut up about American politics (not my country anyway), but this one is about as bad as Palin. What the hell is wrong with the GOP?
Looks like Sarah Palin…it’s a win in my book! Need a sexy Sarah Palin pic NOW pls. Thx.
Lol! Reading the last bit about people following her home, sounded like a storyline for Mayor West in Family guy!
Once again we shouldn’t care about these masturbation issues.
My question is: is she more honorable and honest than the crooked incumbent that is trying to save his seat?
Please vote for term limits by voting these lifetime and beyond (Remember Sonny Bono’s wife) politicians out.
For a party that concerns itself in government intervention, ie: Obamacare, bank bailouts, as bad things, when the RepubliCONs become the party that wants to intervene on what people do in their own homes, in most cases, behind closed doors?
I guess you libs confronted the great Jimmy Carter on his beliefs about adultery and lust as well.
These Tea Party pricks will say anything to keep away from talking about their economic agenda and how it will affect you.
Masturbation is the same as adultery yet blowing up brown people in a foreign desert is still ok whereas abortion is not. It’s called the inverse property of looney.
O’Donnell’s character sanity has also become an issue in the campaign. She recently told the Weekly Standard that she doesn’t give out the location of her house because it was broken into and vandalized during the 2008 campaign — even though there is no police report of any such incident.
“They’re following me,” O’Donnell claimed. “They follow me home at night. I make sure that I come back to the townhouse and then we have our team come out and check all the bushes and check all the cars to make sure that—they follow me….They knock on the door at all hours of the night. They’re hiding in the bushes when I’m at candidate forums.”
248 Presidential Drive Wilmington, DE 19807
Wasn’t hard to find on the net. No wonder they can follow her.
Also she shares the three bedroom two bath place with a Christian rick singer named, David Hust. It also serves as her HQ. You can find out more about him:
So she is against masturbation, but seems fine with living with a man she is not married to.
Typical hypocrite.
man she’s hot i think i’m getting hard
# 12 dusanmal
You are disregarding the Old Testament.
Blasphemy, touching Mount Sinai, adultery, sodomy (anything but making babies), pretending to be a virgin and getting married, worshipping other gods, disobeying parents, witches and wizards, giving your children to Molech (Bohemian Grove?), breaking the Sabbath etc. = death (there is no hell in the Old Testament).
Jesus (supposedly) also said “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets… not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.”
My point is that is what it says in the texts that Christians say contain the ‘Word of God’. Christianity took Jewish texts and added to them, Islam took both and added to them.