Hundreds of sex abuse victims have come forward in Belgium with harrowing accounts of molestation by Catholic clergy that reportedly led to at least 13 suicides and affected children as young as two, a special commission said…

”Reality is worse than what we present here today because not everyone shares such things automatically in a first contact with the commission,” he told reporters.

Adriaenssens, a child psychiatrist who has worked with trauma victims for 23 years, said nothing had prepared him for the stories of abuse that blighted the lives of victims.

”We don’t just talk about touching. We are talking about oral and anal abuse, forced masturbation and mutual masturbation. We talk about people who have gone through serious abuse,” Adriaenssens said…

The Vatican had no immediate comment.

Consider the ethics of an institution which sets itself up as a leading judge of everyone’s morality – historically incapable of ethical standards in day-to-day behavior.

Friday’s report said 507 witnesses came forward with stories of molestation at the hands of clergy over the past decades. It says those abused included children who were two, four, five and six years old.

Family members or friends said 13 victims committed suicide that ”was related to sexual abuse by clergy,” the report said. Six other witnesses said they had attempted suicide…

  1. jman says:

    who’d have though it?

    the very same libs that cried out that the right were bigots for protesting the mosque situation are the very same bigots on this thread trashing Christians.

    hypocrites thy name is “the left”

  2. jman says:

    Jason you dumbass, RCC were the FIRST christians. Jesus’ apostle Peter was the first pope and the religion has been handed down from that moment. You could say that Protestants aren’t real Christians because they decided to make up their own rules rather than following those established by Peter from Jesus

  3. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    Peter told Jesus to hold mass in Latin? and to exclude women?

    Wow there’s proof of his divinity right there predicting the future and all.

    PS–Here’s how to tell a real knuckle dragger: If you don’t accept what I say then you are proselytizing something fierce. Brought to you by the same mind set that can’t read and apply the dictionary. See baby for another instance, and oh yea, murder too.

    Creating god in his own image: human kind for 3000 years and killing each other over love and mercy ever since. Nobody fought over the wind god unless it was a fart, and that is certainly understandable. Why does Satan smell like rotten eggs?

    Silly Hoomans.

  4. Benjamin says:

    #32 jman said, “You could say that Protestants aren’t real Christians because they decided to make up their own rules rather than following those established by Peter from Jesus”

    No, the Protestants are the real Christians because they returned to the teachings of Scriptures rather than the mythology the RCC was teaching. Nowhere in Scripture are prayers to Mary and other saints proscribed. The selling of indulgences, the sexual immorality of the priests (yeah, it was going on then as well), and the restriction of the Bible to priest were just a few things that Martin Luther preached reform.

  5. Thomas says:


    You are wrong on multiple fronts. First, it is likely that some of these priests would lead normal lives were it not for the sexual repression enforced by their religion. At the very least, a few might find help. Second, they would have far less access to children and finally, if they did act on their impulses they would actually be prosecuted unlike now.


    It isn’t just the US. The UK and other European countries are just as guilty.



    No, the Protestants are the real Christians because they returned to the teachings of Scriptures rather than the mythology the RCC was teaching.

    The Bible says to host evangelical television shows hitting people up for money? Seriously, this is a Meaning of Life moment here…

  6. MrMiGu says:


    Are you really suggesting that protesting a religious community in New York from setting up a community centre in their city is equivalent to protesting an international conspiracy to protect child molesters?

  7. JimD says:

    de Sade warned us with his “120 Days of Sodom” – the rapes, tortures, and murders were commonplace then and even today, but the REAL SCANDAL OF THE BOOK WAS THAT IT POINTED ITS FINGER AT THE “PILLARS OF THE COMMUNITY” – a Pries, a Judge, and a Noble Man as the perpetrators of the crimes !!! That’s why they had de Sade locked up – couldn’t have ordinary commoners troubled by the abuse of power – “ABSOLUTE POWER, CORRUPTS ABSOLUTELY !!!

  8. jman says:


    “No, the Protestants are the real Christians because they returned to the teachings of Scriptures rather than the mythology the RCC was teaching. Nowhere in Scripture are prayers to Mary and other saints proscribed. The selling of indulgences, the sexual immorality of the priests (yeah, it was going on then as well), and the restriction of the Bible to priest were just a few things that Martin Luther preached reform.”

    is that what your televangelists taught you? Absolutely none of that is true

  9. lynn says:

    I didn’t have time to come back to this site until now. Wow, Bobbo, you don’t approve of people acting in groups? (post #7). I teach Sociology. The family is a group. Your co-workers, assuming you are or have ever been employed, are a group. Perhaps you were raised by wolves? This would explain a lot about you. I say this with nothing but affection and sociological interest. “Homo sum: humani nil a me alienum puto” – Terence. As I begin every semester of Soc 101.

  10. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    Lynn–don’t worry. Individuals can be idiotic and evil too, such does not require a group. Take your starting Soc 101 with a quote that on its own is meaningless and unrelated to anything else I can think of. Why do you do that? Think anything in Latin will wow the kiddies? Well, actually it does, but you really should up your game with other adults.

    I won’t even quote whatever I said as my meaning was clear and correct: one on one belief in things supernatural is harmless enough but get 1 Billion of a like mind and it can be a source of evil. Now, you want to deconstruct that to I hate groups. Well, yes: I hate the evil that a group can do but I also realize that mans’ greatest accomplishments have been and will be the result of group activities. I didn’t say that as well because the subject of my discourse was not groups, but a specific instance of evil that groups can do. To that end, there is nothing “strange” in noting that religion/groups do great evil.

    You see the difference.

  11. clancys_daddy says:

    Bobbo, by crom I doubt it. OK I’m’ done, I promise.

  12. lynn says:

    Bobbo, hope you see this even though this thread is done. I enjoy reading your opinions, much as I may disgree, when you express them without a lot of vituperation and agression, as in your last post. Because I am human, and nothing human is alien to me. And yes, I put it on the board in Latin to intrigue my students until I get to explaining it and how it connects to the sociological perspective. I just like to think outside the textbook.

  13. bobbo, capitalism has its merits but must be checked says:

    Lynn–threads are done only when people stop replying. Vituperation and aggression? Its said often enough there must be “something” there. Yes, I do confront. Yes, I recognize that ideas actually result in action. When the results of action are very very bad to people, how mild should the words of confrontation be?

    Well, real life requires moderate words, I find a few blogs to be a relief: to be uncensored. As interesting as why some people are vituperative and aggressive is why some people note it?

    Considering many perspectives is the soul of erudition, the heart of wisdom. You might consider the value/venue of being vituperative and aggressive as I consider the opposite?

  14. lynn says:

    “You might consider the value/venue of being vituperative and aggressive as I consider the opposite?” – of course it has value at times. I just don’t really enjoy reading it. Simply a personal preference. Your opinions are more interesting to me than your attacks. Peace be with you today, Bobbo. Go right on being who you are.

  15. bobbo, libertarianism fails when its Dogma blinds them to the rising threat of Corporations that can only be held in check by Government thru the will of the people says:

    Do any of us have any other real option?


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