Hundreds of sex abuse victims have come forward in Belgium with harrowing accounts of molestation by Catholic clergy that reportedly led to at least 13 suicides and affected children as young as two, a special commission said…

”Reality is worse than what we present here today because not everyone shares such things automatically in a first contact with the commission,” he told reporters.

Adriaenssens, a child psychiatrist who has worked with trauma victims for 23 years, said nothing had prepared him for the stories of abuse that blighted the lives of victims.

”We don’t just talk about touching. We are talking about oral and anal abuse, forced masturbation and mutual masturbation. We talk about people who have gone through serious abuse,” Adriaenssens said…

The Vatican had no immediate comment.

Consider the ethics of an institution which sets itself up as a leading judge of everyone’s morality – historically incapable of ethical standards in day-to-day behavior.

Friday’s report said 507 witnesses came forward with stories of molestation at the hands of clergy over the past decades. It says those abused included children who were two, four, five and six years old.

Family members or friends said 13 victims committed suicide that ”was related to sexual abuse by clergy,” the report said. Six other witnesses said they had attempted suicide…

  1. lynn says:

    Yeah, yeah, there’s a special place in hell for these guys, right next to the Protestant youth leader child molesters, the scout-leader child molesters, the teacher- child molesters, the coach-child molesters, the funny-uncle-child molesters, the married-men-with -kids-of-their-own child molesters, etc. etc.etc.

  2. jpfitz says:

    Sex abuse of a two year old? WTF Off with their heads.

  3. Mextli says:

    #1 lynn “Yeah, yeah, there’s a special place in hell for these guys….”

    Yep, but it such a good chance for everyone to knock religion and the Catholic Church as a institution in particular instead of the actions of individuals. For example, “Consider the ethics of an institution…”

    The hell with common sense statements like yours.

  4. soundwash says:


    if we were taught about the significance of the energy field and makeup the human body (and the energy matrix of human blood) in the grand scheme of things, sadly, the “time honored” traditions of The Church would make more sense. (as sick as they are)

    -still time left for pope on a rope though..


  5. Father Fitzpatrick says:

    Why should the vatican care? Suicide is a serious sin so the priest doesn’t have to perform the funeral, thus avoiding any awkward situations at the grave side.

  6. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    #1–lynn==so typical of you femmenazis: all you list is male pedophiles which all reasonable people know are only 96% of the total. What about all of the wimen molesting our kiddies???

    Its only because the Catholic Church hates/degrades/discriminates against wimen that they aren’t raping kiddies too!

    It is rather “shocking” this kind of abuse goes on: not that it happens, but that it is protected.

    and that is what is WRONG WITH RELIGION: people acting in groups. Its one thing, I call it belief in god, to have a personal relationship with a sky fairy and believe and worship and do all those things, one on one, or maybe even one family communing with their god, but build a building/send money/create a special class and what you’ve got is RELIGION and that indeed is an abomination of all that you believe.

    Sad this isn’t recognized “by all” more firmly. There are so many things, if not most things, that require group consensus to accomplish: energy, security, food, shelter, healthcare etc and yes they all by necessity increase interpersonal evil because in the main thats what evil is. Not so with Belief in God. It could be pure. Personal and Pure. But we make it political and evil it becomes.

    Silly Hoomans.

  7. Cursor_ says:

    and that is what is WRONG WITH RELIGION

    Silly hooman. It is humans not a concept that molest kids.

    They would have done it without religion.


  8. Steve S says:

    When you institutionally force priests to surpress their natural sexual feelings, this is what you get. What will it take for the church to realize they are creating child molesters with their stupid policies.

  9. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    Cursor–you are wrong. In normal society, pedophiles are found out and prosecuted. In a religious organization, like the Catholic Church, as a formal RELIGION, they see protecting mother church as more important than their dogma. So, when a pedophile is found, he is counseled and transfered all in secret rather than prosecuted and discharged all in public.

    To recap: I already said there are pedophiles everywhere, in every organization so yes “they would have done it without religion” but they would not HAVE DONE IT AGAIN without religion.

    I hope you see the difference. Its dramatic.

  10. Gildersleeve says:

    Let’s see – the church has been around for what – 2000 years? And a bunch of idiots on an obscure blog have all the problems figured out in 5 minutes and a few posts. Don’t you guys know a conspiracy when you see one?

  11. bobbo, a civilized man needs a civilization says:

    Gilder==your attempt at humor notwithstanding, yes, a conspiracy it is, from start to finish a con job. Do you wish to join or lead the bunch of idiots?

  12. ECA says:

    Which cHurch?
    The first REAL church as 200+ years after Christ.
    Then we had about 20 sects, and they fought over the TRUE meanings of christ.(nothing was written, all verbal passed down). They created the first understandings/thoughts, as well as taking the Hebrew religion as the basis.
    Then for the next 1000 years its was very simple..Then we had contentions with NEW understandings..and WHO was supposed to READ the bible. then the church started having problems FROM THE INSIDE.. THEn they found the templates of the NEW testaments..
    And the arguments started up again..
    Even NOW, we have contentions of WHO is right/wrong/an idiot.
    Britain, had to EDIT a few things with the King James the protestants and Catholics were KILLING each other. Then they started on the Lutherans..

    I wont go any farther with this. Except to say, FIND a concordance of the bible, Many will start a good Library(36+ dictionary volumes), then ADD the original Hebrew religion.. THEN you will have a BASIC understanding of whats happening.
    Love those that forget the religions PAST.

  13. Mextli says:

    #8 “When you institutionally force priests to surpress their natural sexual feelings”

    I would love to see that defined.

  14. bobbo, a civilized man needs a civilization says:

    DEFINE: “institutionally force priests to surpress their natural sexual feelings” ///

    1. Catholic Church, men wearing dresses.
    2. Imposing Celibacy.
    3. Denying women entry.
    4. Not allowing married preists.
    5. Savior presented as a sexless creature.

    Could go on. I’d love to see the Catholic Church defined as anything except soul destroying?

  15. soundwash says:

    #9 -indeed.

    #7 – it is by and large the major religions that perpetuate and reinforce the *idea* that sex and the naked body is somehow “dirty” and forbidden. this helps to reinforce the combination of natural sexual desires with a misplaced erroneous predatory nature. -add that to the whole “women are evil” meme and you begin to instill all sorts of chaos in ones mind.

    yes yes, people will be who they are, however it is my observation that you are mostly a product of your environment. -regardless, this in no way excuses *anyone* from any aberrant behaviour.

    In the end, the current trends (esp the fear campaigns) are designed to keep our patriarchal ways or bias *in control* during the shift of the ages to the female creative force. -and to make sure we never embrace or understand our spiritual nature.

    modern religions in no way perpetuate the harmony of human spirit. -or harmony with anything for that matter. they are first and foremost, a divide and conquer machine.

    the pedophile is part of this divisive equation. it has all been neatly scripted for the “blind” among us.

    Extra credit: investigate implosion physics. (link it with cavitation and sympathetic vibration) -john keely’s work in the late 1800’s will be especially instructive in enlightening one to the male/female duality aspect in regards to energy creation. -and some rather interesting devices..

    when you finally start to glimpse the big will be shocked to see how simple everything really is..

    /end digression


  16. soundwash says:

    oops.. to ward off the trolls, i define “aberrant behaviour” as anything that is destructive to the human spirit or the environment in which it exists.


  17. ECA says:


    as well as the generations of the religion.
    Before and after certain points in time, have things changed.
    Even NOW, how many independent Bibles are out there? I know of 4-5.

  18. sargasso_c says:


  19. Grandpa says:

    Given the history of the church, I see nothing unusual or surprising about this issue. What I do see as surprising is how the “Church” can be a partner in the crime by covering up the criminals in the USA. Normally, when a group of people participate in crime they are all held accountable. It appears the USA has made an exception when it comes to baby rape and the “Church”. The Pope should be on the top ten most wanted list.

  20. clancys_daddy says:

    15 sex is only dirty of you do it right. What if you don’t worship the sky faerie? What it you worship Crom?
    Conan! What is best in life?
    Conan: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women.

  21. deowll says:

    Very well. Some people commit sexual abuse. This is not news. Reported incidents go back to the dawn of history. The Emperor Tiberius for example reportable engaged in some pretty extreme man/boy behaviors including killing not a few of his “minnows”. All that needs to be said is that the authorities need to enforce the laws relating to such behavior.

    Since I doubt if a single person reading this blog actually is in a position to have any traction with the authorities dealing with the case I’m not even sure that much needs to be said.

    Oh I forgot some of the people that post things here search for anything bad they can find about anyone who isn’t an atheist and loudly proclaim it to anyone they can get to listen to them. My bad.

    God bless and have a nice day.

  22. Special Ed says:

    Could it be that their Saviour was a little boy rump rider too? You just never know about these imaginary friends, you imagine them doing anything. Can’t they just fucking pray and not prey?

  23. Skeptic says:

    People! We are ALL children of God. He is our Father in heaven.

    … an absentee Father who has shirked all responsibility for his creations… and He’s STILL inserting souls into all manner of child molesters, murderers, rapists, and other sadists like there’s no tomorrow.

    So Lynn, all those types of molesters you mentioned, just add them to the list of every human born defective. They are ALL GOD”S CREATIONS, therefore GOD’S RESPONSIBILITY. The Shithead left 6,000 (cough) years ago… and He didn’t even say good bye.

    Stupid fictional character. I like Harry Potter much better.

  24. Mextli says:

    Plenty of shock statements. Like little 12 year old kids trying to get attention.

    Stupid fictional character
    their Saviour was a little boy rump rider
    What if you don’t worship the sky faerie?

    Grow up.

  25. clancys_daddy says:

    Actually it was humor, some folks have a sense of one. I did grow up that’s when I stopped believing in fictional beings watching over everything I did to reward or punish me when I die because I didn’t follow some rule made up by a human being. A human being with faults and foibles of their own. I have read the bible cover to cover (went to Sunday school to). Some really interesting things in there, incest, rape, murder, slavery, political intrigue, attempted human sacrifice. My disbelief in god or other higher power came from conscious reasoning not some knee jerk reaction. So do you believe the entire thing or do you pick and choose what you want to believe? If you pick and choose that makes you a hypocrite. At least those who profess to buy the entire thing I can take some pity on for lack of critical thinking skills and intelligence. But the rest? I have no use for. By the way how do you know so much about 12 year old humor?

  26. Skeptic says:

    Mexti, “shocking” is the ability of someone to believe in a supernatural being despite a veritable mountain of contradictory evidence to it’s (His) existence. Behind every “shock statement” (punch line) here, is a truth you are choosing to ignore. It’s not the punch line that disturbs you, it’s the underlying rationale that threatens to disrupt your belief, if only you were to acknowledge, or at least try and address the contradictions. Perhaps it’s time for you to grow up and deal with it.

  27. Skeptic says:

    Clancy, we had similar upbringings and religion experiences. I was taught by nuns in the first 2 grades, attended catechism, and trotted through all the requisite rituals. Sadly, I have 3 very religious sisters who didn’t escape the molestation of their cognition.

  28. MikeN says:

    There are two types of people in this world that I hate: People who are intolerant of other people’s cultures, and the Catholics.

  29. Luc says:

    Obviously, religion was invented by the devil.

  30. Jason says:

    The RCC is NOT Christian. They have covered up and shuffled priests around for literally who knows how long? They have done it in Canada, USA, Europe and likely it is happening in Africa and in the far east and even in Latin countries.

    And as for the “high brow” insults aimed at those that believe in the Bible, just typical LOW BROW DU commenters in a circle jerk yet again.

    Luc is correct BTW and for all the atheists that SWEAR up and down that you are not a religion of your own, you are all out proselytizing something fierce for something that you adamantly state is not a religion.


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