I’ve been trying to explain the interior of the Virgin American aircraft. I figured blogging it was easier. All that is missing is a disco ball or a stripper pole.
I’ve been trying to explain the interior of the Virgin American aircraft. I figured blogging it was easier. All that is missing is a disco ball or a stripper pole.
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Yo Dude, check out the colors…
And after they get those saddle seats installed…
Hey, was looking at the photo and a question occurred to me: why do they dim the cabin lights on takeoff and landing? I understand the chairs upright and the tables closed and even the window shades up (someone’s gotta be able to look into he wreck to count the corpses) but why dim the lights? Is it a holdover from the days when the cockpit was wide open and a stray beam of light might wreak havoc? Or is there a valid reason?
Stripper pole would be in the first class section.
Hasn’t that been posted here at DU before?
@ Animby – I was told that it is to allow the air stewardesses eyes to adapt to the dim light. Shit happens and they can still see.
Really don’t know how much credibility this has – came from a stewardess
Lux and Ready : thanks for the answer no matter how ridiculous it is. If that were a real concern, they wouldn’t allow the reading lights, either. So, I suppose it’s just more theater. Thanks, again.
If you have such disdain for it John, why do you fly it?
You were right to post. Words can’t do justice to this though one word instantly came to mind, garish.
Have a great weekend.
John doesn’t disdain it! He is just reminiscing about the good old days.
“All that is missing is a disco ball or a stripper pole.”
…speaking from _experience_?
If you don’t like it, you can just choose to fly American Airlines, home of surly service, seats with utterly flattened cushions, a constant chemical smell that you don’t really want to identify, and most cramped seating.
Virgin Airlines is exactly the opposite of most US carriers… and it is great.
I recently did a roundtrip on VA between SFO and JFK. It was the best airline experience I’ve had in years. Seating by Recaro, edible food and a crew that didn’t seem angry about being there.
Borat said, “Virgin, I like!”
@# 2
In the unlikely event of an “unexpected event” at takeoff there is less of a panic when the lights go out, and people are already adapted to the dark.
The window blinds up is so that people can see any fire outside so know which way to go and so any rescuers can see in
better though than driving in your car
and don’t forget the polite stewardesses
I think they are trying to capture the atmosphere of Soul Plane! Where’s Snoop Dogg?
Does it play disco inferno when it’s crashing?
Reminds me of one of the features of the Boeing 787.
Sorry John for posting twice but i think
Luc #4 is right,I’m having dej vu on this one
and may have made the same comment..lol
Virgin might just be the only airline that doesn’t turn the lights in the cabin off for 98% of each flight. The airlines started doing this years ago and I haven’t been able to figure out why I fly in the dark at 5pm in the winter.