“America’s only native criminal class is Congress”

This is from a consistently conservative polling outfit, Scott Rasmussen makes better than beer money from his appearances on Fox Snooze and diddling rightwing think tanks.

Heading into the final weeks of the congressional election season, 62% of Likely U.S. Voters believe that no matter how bad things are, Congress can always make them worse. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 19% disagree, with 19% more not sure.

This level of skepticism is shared by a majority of just about every partisan and demographic group, including 53% of Democrats whose party currently controls both houses of Congress.

75% of voters in the political Mainstream say if something is not going well, Congress can always make it worse.

Rasmussen differentiates between folks who are actively political – and ordinary voters who say they’re going to vote.

Other recent results have found that 60% believe most members of Congress don’t care what their constituents think. Also, voters are evenly divided as to whether a group randomly selected from the phone book could do as good a job as the current Congress. Overall, just 16% say that Congress is doing a good or an excellent job.

  1. Faxon says:

    Bobbo. Better than being fed the crap you libs suck up.

  2. bobbo, int'l pastry chef and bloated gourmand says:

    Faxon/Faxoff==4 hours to come up with that? Ha, ha. So, you would rather eat lead paint than organically grown free range baby carrots?

    Well, “ok.” but the results are pretty clear for all to see.

    Whadda retard.

  3. Rabble Rouser says:

    IMNSHO, the reason that we have so many ineffective politicians is that many people vote for a candidate who says that the government can do no good. When said candidate gets into office (s)he proves this.

    Perhaps if we voted for people who said that the government can do good, provided good people are elected. Perhaps if we were to elect these types of people, they might prove their point, and we might get a better Congress.

  4. gquaglia says:

    Easily solved. TERM LIMITS
    Congress is nothing more then an exclusive thieves club. The longer they serve, the more they steal.

  5. deowll says:

    You won’t get elected for anything unless you can get the independents to vote for you. Both parties have made selling out the voters into a way of life.

    The party that’s in needs kicked out but the ones that need kicked out worst are the party leaders and most of them are in safe districts.

    What we need is the option of voting each year for one member of Congress to leave office for ten years. The top vote getter retires.

  6. ECA says:

    being elected USED TO NOT be a full time job.
    it was a HONOR given to a good person, that HAD A HEAD TO THINK.

    Think on the average vote for president.
    1/3 of the nation voted..100,000,000, and 90% of them registered Dem/repub.
    All they need is LEMMINGS to follow the group.

  7. Floyd says:

    Alfie: In the past (1960s, I believe), privately run DMVs in Indiana were dispensed as political plums by the party that elected the most legislators. The DMVs were staffed with people who had no idea what they were doing. Going to a DMV to get a plate was often a several hour process. The lack of computers was of course much of the problem, but so were the people trying to do license plates and titles (over and over again of course). Yes, it took between 2 to 4 hours to get a certificate or a plate.

    Anyway, state bureaucrats in the late 60s, once trained, were faster.

  8. whamalamadingdong says:

    Congress does an EXCELLENT job… of catering to special interest and business…

    Not so much when it comes to the PEOPLE of the United States of America.

  9. clancys_daddy says:

    44 In Missouri it still works that way. The amazing thing is how many people think that they are state employees.

  10. Mextli says:

    #40 “You won’t get elected for anything unless you can get the independents to vote for you.”

    That’s why the good old politics of division is so popular. It’s a chance to polarize some of those independents.

    “I don’t know how anyone of Hispanic heritage could be a Republican”
    Harry Reid

  11. MikeN says:

    Wrong with more post offices? Only that the post office thought they were unnecessary and wasteful, and the politicians overrule them. Perhaps some of it is Amtrak style blackmail.

    I have no idea what the actual rates are, but in my personal experience, I know the Post Office is unreliable enough that if it’s important, use FedEx or UPS.

  12. chris says:

    #46 The difference between a public and private service is that there are often concerns past pure efficiency.

    What if a privately run postal service determined that there were some areas that could not be serviced profitably within the standard fee structure? The people who face the choice of no service or paying $20 to send a letter are going to flip out.

    This is why Southwest can make a profit, and why the big air carriers never will( but will always have a bailout ready from the government). You can run a profitable airline if you want to only run where there is demand. The big carriers run into every little hick airport that will fill 10/10th of the plane. See, the big airlines are pretend private organizations. They act in uneconomic ways, because there are political concerns that trump their business concerns.

    Those sort of hybrid organizations aren’t bad, but since this is America we have to pretend it is a purely a private business.

  13. MikeN says:

    >Once you “need” a service, the free market required assumptions don’t apply.

    The problem with that argument is that it tends to get abused by people who want government control of everything. Do people ‘need’ internet? Do they ‘need’ phones? Do they ‘need’ cable? Do they ‘need’ a post office? Do they ‘need’ cars?

  14. bobbo, int'l pastry chef and bloated gourmand says:

    Mike==quite right–pro’s and con’s to every position taken including the choice of free market.

    Reviewing your categories its instructive to note that you have one kind of society when those things are provided as if they were needed and a different society when its determined they are not so needed.

    I think its called dividing the culture into the have’s and the have nots.

    You knew it was coming: “I’ve got mine. Screw YOU!”

  15. chris says:

    It is more a question of experimentation.

    Power generation should be free from political control(preventing:give my supporters power for free) but also tightly regulated(preventing: enron raping California for electricity).

    Water, large hydrocarbon deposits,roads…

    There are some trades that need to be queued to work properly. If government doesn’t take an interest in the smooth operation of this market the mafia is more than happy to.

    A utility is something that, if left unregulated, produces all sorts of weird negative effects.

    Huge outbreaks of disease related to spinach or eggs, as another example. When a producer is supplying most of the country, or even a large region of the country it needs extra special scrutiny.

    A local farmer is likely to make himself sick before he brings his produce to market. When you’re talking about an error in a huge scale industry process 10s of thousands of people could be effected.

    The government doesn’t need bother everybody or own almost anything. It does need to check that large scale businesses are behaving safely.

  16. chris says:

    The market that needed to be queued that I neglected to specify is the garbage business. Another example is after-market ticket brokers.

  17. Its like two drugstores in a country town so trouble making customers can be rotated through the two
    There is functionally little difference between the two American political parties
    It is only about pork barreling at the average hard working American’s expense
    Things get back in the economic cycle – change shoes to party number 2 and then back again to dance partner one
    However in 2010 its left wing extremist Democrats ( Obama , Pelosi , Harry R et al)
    who while they live high on the hog , have a left wing agenda to change America in their image
    Wake up America
    They should all be shot or at the least placed in jail

  18. jescott418 says:

    We have become a society of taking sides and blaming the other for our problems. Even voters think this way. One reason our voting record shows we go from one party to the other. Neither one is worth a damn! All they end up doing is promising and then doing nothing. At least with a dictator you only have one idiot to replace. America has the President and Congress! How sad they only want to work for themselves and their party and not for America.

  19. Harry Clark says:

    Congress is corrupt, but it’s what you get with money rules all instead of an even playing field with equal funding for all candidates.
    Rasmussen is not to be trusted because of his conservative bias, but because he relies on automated calls. I for one, hang up on them, as I suppose many of Dvorak’s followers to too.

  20. JimD says:


    What we need is more FDR Populism – SOAK THE RICH !!!


  21. The0ne says:

    Yes, I number I can proudly claim I’m a part of! Woohoo!!!


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