I think I’ll take the train.
Think your seat in coach is cramped? Take a look at the SkyRider. The new airplane seat, to be unveiled next week at the Aircraft Interiors Expo Americas conference in Long Beach, would give passengers an experience akin to riding horseback.
They’d sit at an angle with no more than 23 inches between their perch and the seat in front of them — a design that could appeal to low-cost airlines that have floated the idea of offering passengers standing-room tickets on short flights.
“For flights anywhere from one to possibly even up to three hours … this would be comfortable seating,” he says. “The seat … is like a saddle. Cowboys ride eight hours on their horses during the day and still feel comfortable in the saddle.”The novel design may draw interest — especially from two overseas carriers that have entertained the idea of providing no seats at all.
Ryanair, the Irish low-cost carrier that has set trends such as charging for in-flight meals, has said it would let passengers stand during flights if the Irish Aviation Authority would allow it.
And there’s this from a few months ago…
And I still don’t see a hole to allow fart gas to get out cleanly.
# 33 N.M.O. “And I still don’t see a hole to allow fart gas to get out cleanly.”
In a way, this is a blessing. I have a recurring nightmare about a water landing and using the seat cushion as a flotation device. Can you imagine floating to your death with the smell of a million stale farts in your face?
People who use saddles a lot, will generally have them tailored for their posteria, something which is unlikely to happen in the budget seating range.
34-thats the point. If the gas can’t escape the cushion gets it.
For a short flight, why not. I can go to a festival and walk around for 3+ hours, so I don’t see why sitting in this thing would be an issue. I travel because of where I am going, not how I am getting there.
“The seat … is like a saddle. Cowboys ride eight hours on their horses during the day and still feel comfortable in the saddle.”
Yeah, after they get used to it. After a few months.
#37: Air travel is currently the worst way to get anywhere in any way other than time. I am 5’11” and 200 some odd pounds. My shoulders stick out 4 inches on both sides of the seats. I beg every time I get a flight for an aisle seat so I’m not hunched over the entire flight between a wall and some fat guy, or worse, two fat guys, just so I’m not crushed in shoulder to shoulder. You wait for the plane to board. You wait to take off. You have to sit for hours (and I’ve flown to both Germany and the Middle East from the states on short stop flights) and keep yourself entertained.
If I could afford my own plane, I’d fly that myself instead of dealing with the nightmare that is modern air travel.
Where are the fat people going to sit? Which makes up about half of America? Maybe they will end up in the cargo area? Maybe the airlines should just have standing only and just hold onto a bar like the subway.
I bet turbulence would become very interesting then.
Take a good look at the person in the picture and tell me the number of horse riders you’ve ever —EVER— seen in this posture. Then tell me how long it took them to develop serious back problems.
“Akin to horseback” is a 100 reading on the bullshit meter.
Looks like something a “green” yuppie would go for. BTW, are there options for fat passengers? 🙂
Would an airline risk losing some of its customers simply because their seats are very small?
The first airline to put these in will go bankrupt with an ADA suit.
Erectile Dysfunction follows too many rides like that – like a bicycle seat !!! And surely as night follows day, LAWSUITS WILL FLY !!!
This seems like a “fail” to me. People have different arses, especially Americans, and I don’t see how this will fly.
Gives new meaning to the phrase “Saddle sore”
I only weigh 140 pounds and the seats in coach class are cramped enough as it is. I’ve always wondered how fatasses enjoy travel.
the main problem is the space if im going to a flight to florida its gonna be so uncomfortable
when the seats crushing my privates and what if i want to lie down i cant lie on big bumps this we be the most fucking stupid thing every made in the 21st century
if aer lingus does this and ryan air dosnt i will most definetly be going on ryan air
ryan air will make millions and aerlingus will go bankrupt so pretty much this will piss off soooooooooo many people plus what about fat people? the people they use for the pictures are supermodels
My Testicles are hurting just looking at the seat. I wonder how bad they would feel in severe turbulence.