Directors of Policy and Enforcement for Xbox Live

I am sure there is often juvenile tittering when neophytes pass through Intercourse, Penn. Perhaps the same occurs with Fort Gay, W. Va., home to a 26-year-old gamer named Josh Moore.

Moore apparently wanted to show his Fort Gay pride. Indeed, he listed “fort gay WV” as his location in his Xbox Live profile. Unfortunately, the Associated Press reports that, ever alert for the japes of wrath, Microsoft suspended Moore for what it assumed was a rather crude and pejorative slur.

”At first I thought, ‘Wow, somebody’s thinking I live in the gayest town in West Virginia or something.’ I was mad. It makes me feel like they hate gay people,” he told the AP. Moore, who is unemployed and plays shooters using the nametag Joshanboo, tried to explain to Microsoft that Fort Gay is a real place, with real people and a real ZIP code: 25514. However, the Microsoft representative was having none of the Fort Gay talk.

The representative reportedly threatened him with draconian cancellation unless he removed any trace of his Fort Gayness. The mayor of Fort Gay got involved. WSAZ TV reported that Mayor David Thompson was told by Microsoft that it doesn’t matter that the word “gay” is part of the city’s name. It’s a word that gets flagged. So there.

“I’m amazed that in this day and age they would flag the word ‘gay,'” Thompson told WSAZ TV.

Don’t these boneheads have access to a computer? Now, I challenge the readers to submit actual names of towns that may or may not be offensive. Hint: England has a ton of them. One of my favorites….Big Lick, Virginia. (renamed Roanoke for the obvious reasons).

  1. bobbo, are we Men of Science, or Devo? says:

    Yep, so stupid its kinda hard to believe.

    My vote for the name of the most offense town name in the USA:

    Washington, DC.

    Send my free x-box to me by overnight mail?

    [I’m liking it – ed.]

  2. firefighter says:

    intercourse PA

  3. SuperMappy says:

    How about Fucking, Austria

  4. Cursor_ says:

    Bald Knob, Arkansas
    Beaver, Oklahoma
    Climax, Colorado
    Cumming, Georgia
    Dick, Michigan
    Hooker, Oklahoma though saying Hooker, OK is funnier
    Horneytown, North Carolina rather go here than funkytown
    Meat Camp, North Carolina
    Muff, Pennsylvania
    Sugar Tit, South Carolina think I saw her in a strip club

    That is all.


  5. Captain Cheesedick says:

    The editor said bonehead he-he, he-he, he-he.

  6. leroco says:

    Penistone, UK
    Middelfart, Denmark
    Dildo, Newfoundland, Canada
    Crotch Crescent, UK
    Wetwang, UK
    Titty Ho, UK

  7. chris says:

    Microsoft tried looking for this town, but their search didn’t work well. 🙂

  8. chris says:

    Don’t have any good city names, but there is a Po White Parkway in Virginia, and Bloody Dick Mtn in Montana.

  9. The DON says:

    I visited America back in ’91. Stayed in a place near yellowstone national park.
    It was called Jackson(s) hole.
    Its in the shadows of les grand tetons (named by the French because the hills looked to them like big breasts)

  10. ECA says:


    PAID account.
    I dont care what the EULA says.
    Cancel his account..IF YOU ARE A FOOL.

  11. Randomized says:

    You can’t include a picture of Beavis & Butt-head and forget to mention Lake Titicaca (not a town but I feel it’s appropriate here).

  12. pjcamp says:

    They have a computer.

    But it has to use Bing.

    Hooker, Georgia (down the road from Jewtown).

    Ba dum bum!

  13. CountSmackula says:

    Could’ve been worse… he could live in Big Bone Lick, KY at the corner of Big Bone & Beaver Rds.

  14. Gildersleeve says:

    Those Microsoft nerds are a bunch of Bingholes.

  15. newglenn says:

    Redmond, WA

  16. Mike in Newark says:

    As much os Bozo move as this was by Microsoft, you should have also pointed out that Microsoft has also admitted that they wrong, they are changing their training manuals, they have apologized and have re-instated the account. Since Microsoft did this over a week ago, that should have been enough time for you to find it and include the “rest of the story” in your posting.

    However, since this is a fun story, I should also point out that perhaps Microsoft should also consider banning its employees who admit to working there on XBox Live, since even “Microsoft” can be used as a rude description of one’s “Manhood”.

  17. Mike in Newark says:

    Sorry for the spelling/grammar error. “As much os Bozo move” should have been “As much of a Bozo move”. Perhaps one of the moderators can fix this.

  18. Ah_Yea says:

    Here are a bunch of winners!

  19. Mac Guy says:

    In NC, there’s also:

    Climax, Stumpy Point, Blowing Rock, and Leo’s favorite: Farmville.

    Yes, really. Farmville, NC.

  20. FRAGaLOT says:

    Wait was this an ARMY fort? And they called it THAT?! So much for don’t ask-don’t tell.

  21. NiktheElectrician says:

    Sheshatshit, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada

  22. gquaglia says:

    M$ is retarded. The sooner this relic from the past is gone, the better.

  23. Rich says:

    Was a time in the early 90’s when Fox would have made a sitcom with that name. Maybe they will now. I’d watch it.

  24. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Long ago I drove through Toad Suck, Arkansas.

    Hell, MI
    Colon, MI

  25. 2manyblues says:

    Scunthorpe, UK.

  26. Benjamin says:

    #9 the DON said, “It was called Jackson(s) hole.”

    Um, I think you mean Jackson Whole, WY.

  27. denacron says:

    On ‘Bloody Dick road’ near the ‘Big Hole’ area you can rent Bloody dick cabin in Montana.

  28. bobbo, not a student of the dismal science, but I am on a budget says:

    #25–Fool==beautiful little town. What is that huge factory complex?

  29. Tom says:

    There is also a Mount Gay in West Virgina.

    Since the use of “Gay” to mean “Homosexual” is not the original meaning of Gay, let’s all start call gay people “Microsoft” and soon these idiots will have ban themselves.


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