Directors of Policy and Enforcement for Xbox Live

I am sure there is often juvenile tittering when neophytes pass through Intercourse, Penn. Perhaps the same occurs with Fort Gay, W. Va., home to a 26-year-old gamer named Josh Moore.

Moore apparently wanted to show his Fort Gay pride. Indeed, he listed “fort gay WV” as his location in his Xbox Live profile. Unfortunately, the Associated Press reports that, ever alert for the japes of wrath, Microsoft suspended Moore for what it assumed was a rather crude and pejorative slur.

”At first I thought, ‘Wow, somebody’s thinking I live in the gayest town in West Virginia or something.’ I was mad. It makes me feel like they hate gay people,” he told the AP. Moore, who is unemployed and plays shooters using the nametag Joshanboo, tried to explain to Microsoft that Fort Gay is a real place, with real people and a real ZIP code: 25514. However, the Microsoft representative was having none of the Fort Gay talk.

The representative reportedly threatened him with draconian cancellation unless he removed any trace of his Fort Gayness. The mayor of Fort Gay got involved. WSAZ TV reported that Mayor David Thompson was told by Microsoft that it doesn’t matter that the word “gay” is part of the city’s name. It’s a word that gets flagged. So there.

“I’m amazed that in this day and age they would flag the word ‘gay,'” Thompson told WSAZ TV.

Don’t these boneheads have access to a computer? Now, I challenge the readers to submit actual names of towns that may or may not be offensive. Hint: England has a ton of them. One of my favorites….Big Lick, Virginia. (renamed Roanoke for the obvious reasons).

  1. MacOCD says:

    A pal of mine had a similar problem on a Forum site a few years back, he lives is Scunthorpe, UK. It took me a while to work out what the auto-swearfilters were objecting to.

  2. Roamer says:

    Cockermouth, Cumbria, UK

  3. The0ne says:

    There’s a street name around Fresno area called focker or something like that 🙂

  4. spsffan says:

    And the ever popular, Happy Camp, Calif, Drain, Ore., oh, and Placerville, Calif. used to be called Hangerstown.

  5. john miller says:

    I live quite near Locks Bottom in Kent, England.

    Funnily enough, Pratts Bottom is just down the road.

    We never talk about the place just north of us though, in case the Vole is listening.

  6. McCullough says:

    Paw Paw, WV.

  7. Maricopa says:

    Does that mean the word gay has been completely appropriated by the homosexual community?

    How shall we change these famous lyrics?
    “When we’re with the Flintstones
    we’ll have a yabba dabba doo time.
    A dabba doo time.
    We’ll have a gay old time.”

    Always wondered about the subtext between Barney and Fred…

  8. Make Me Remove It says:

    Thank u Mike in Newark that is exactly what I was scanning for as I figured it was a mistake.

  9. Glenn E. says:

    Apparently it’s Microsoft’s policy of “Don’t Ask, don’t tell, or can’t play Xbox.”

    Are they as paranoid as the US Military, that they believe people won’t play on Xbox if any gayness is detected. They don’t discriminate against any players from San Francisco. Which is fairly well known as the gayest city in America. What difference does the town’s name make, if it’s really the least gay town?

    BTW, Gayville, South Dakota;
    Gay, Georgia; Gayton Crossing, Virginia

    H*ll, I use to think Redmond was something rude. So who is Microsoft to judge?

  10. Nic Stage says:

    I think there is a misunderstanding here. I have been playing on Xbox Live for about 4 years now (I’m 28). The majority of the users on that network are 13~18 year old boys. I get the impression that most of them have issues with ego and their ability to compete and win. They use the anonymity of XBL to unload their ignorant vitriol. Sort of akin to young boys who experiment with hurting animals. It’s very disturbing and fatiguing for A) The other kids who are the target of it, and B) The minority of older players. MS has to be very strict about how they administer the network. Indeed, they have to be quite draconian sometimes just to maintain a shred of peace so that games can occur.

    I do think it sucks that someone can’t list their real hometown because of its name (I fully support LGBT rights and embrace that community warmly, btw). But I also think that the suspicion that MS is guided by sort sort of antique ignorance like homophobia is wildy off the mark. If they allow Josh to list “Fort Gay, WV” as his hometown, all those crazy kids will start listing it and it will become another reason for ignorant teen boys to start harassing each other because they were reminded that the word “gay” exists. They’re really that stupid as a mob. Hop on to XBL sometime and play for a while. you’ll see.

    MS really should respond and defend themselves here, but they probably won’t unfortunately. Any objections regarding XBL administration are always met with a cold wall of non-debate. Its the only thing that works for MS so far.

  11. Maricopa says:

    #41 – They did give in. They will allow the name of the town and will be “retraining” their staff.

  12. Uncle Patso says:

    Anyone old enough to remember the TV series “Cheers” will likely have heard of French Lick, Indiana. Basketball legend Larry Bird is from there. I’ve been there — nice place.

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    I’ve often wondered what it would be like to live next to Athol NH.It must be rough living near Republicans.

  14. Mick Hamblen says:

    I see that Bob and Tom have “Effing House Family Restaurant” on the Prisoner of Love album on iTunes. A fictional restaurant in the real town of Effingham, IL.


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