Here is the latest conversation I had with money manager Andrew Horowitz…. new insights for anyone who invests in anything. Among other things we discuss how to short all of Europe at once with an interesting ETF.

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  1. ECA says:

    Finding and discovering the SOP business practices in the USA has be bothered and bewildered.
    NOT just because they SHIP from 1 place to another, and even to alternative countries like canada/mexico, just to get a RISE is product pricing..that gets passed onto the consumer.
    That they REALLy havent done a price comparison of products SHIPPED to product SOLD in the USA in the past 15 years.. AS WELL as sharing profits by raising wages, in the USA, except at the top.
    I still suggest we SHIP those corp IMPORTERS back to the countries they crate products for their OWN companies. Let them deal with THOSE LAWS and regulations and TAX LAWS in those other nations..where FREEDOM and DECENT PAY..are not considered.

    Lets bring all this out into the open.
    The pres talks about transparency…LETS do it to the CORPS.

  2. Lou Minatti says:

    I have no IDEA what you ARE trying to SAY. Can you EXPLAIN your ideas FURTHER?

  3. e? says:

    #1: Needs more emphasis

  4. Dallas says:

    I thought Horrorwitz doomsday predictions were every 3rd Wednesday?

  5. Luc says:

    @2, @3:

  6. Named says:

    #5 heh… too true.

    ECA has a great way of writing. Maybe it’s part of his disability?

    I used to harsh on him early on in the blog years, but he’s kinda grown on me…


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