• Google Instant goes live. Very cool sez me. Go to www.crankygeeks.com to get more information.
  • iPod nine years old. Time flies.
  • Verbal Facebook updates and text coming.
  • Asteroid has its picture taken.
  • Understanding Google and Apple TV revealed.
  • Google logo explodes.
  • T-Mobile may get iPhone.
  • Lots of weird Samsung free PR. Lots of talk, no action.
  • Ping spruced up they say.

click to listen:


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  1. ECA says:


    Services provided for the SAME phone, on diff services..

    worth the read.

  2. Dallas says:

    Thank you President Obama for saving us from the Asteroid.

  3. Chris Mac says:

    i wonder why no one smart comments here

  4. title nave says:

    “Even if they were to hit Earth, these two asteroids would disintegrate in the atmosphere,” he said. “We’d get a few meteorites out of them, but there wouldn’t be any damage to the ground.”

    Yep … nearly killed….

  5. nrdoder says:

    Facebook becomes the killer app for iphone

    Ironic that the killer app for Apple’s closed system is not Apple’s app.


  6. soundwash says:

    This asteroid non-story is being COMPLETELY “miss”-reported.

    Both asteroids are (and have been) orbiting the sun, -not just “passing through.”

    What they are not reporting is that both asteroids are following in the earth’s orbit, with RC12 almost exactly following the Earth orbit around the sun and crossing Earth’s orbit path *twice a year.*

    -it also crosses our path around March 29th. The last March 29 “near earth” cycle was in 1987, 1988, 1989. The “Near Earth” approach cycle (0.027xau) for runs 3 years. 2009, 2010 and 2011

    -Yes..next year at this time they *should* be ringing the “omgwtfbbq! an asteroid almost hit us again” bell. Have a look at the orbit path yourself.

    Bottom line: This is a BIG NON-EVENT. Its nothing, zero, zip, nada. They have hundred of these cataloged.

    In my opinion, they just wanted to add one more fear and hype item to reinstall the 9/11 “fear” campaign while giving the “omg, an asteroid! We’re all gonna die” meme a boost as well.

    -that’s it.

    Expect more random “omg someone farted on a plane” and other BS fear stories over the next few days..

    Best way to control people is when they are scared shitless. Or at minimum, stressed to all hell. This works especially well on a scientifically ignorant populous like ours.

    Like the old man said: “nothing to fear but fear itself”

    Turn Off Your TV

  7. Hi Seth says:

    Listening to Seth McFarland every time your show starts is so 90’s.


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