Candidate for Liquor Control Board?

Benjamin Pearcy, a candidate for statewide office in Arizona, lists his campaign office as a Starbucks. The small business he refers to in his campaign statement is him strumming his guitar on the street. The internal debate he is having in advance of his coming televised debate is whether he ought to gel his hair into his trademark faux Mohawk.
Mr. Pearcy and other drifters and homeless people were recruited onto the Green Party ballot by a Republican political operative who freely admits that their candidacies may siphon some support from the Democrats. Arizona’s Democratic Party has filed a formal complaint with local, state and federal prosecutors in an effort to have the candidates removed from the ballot, and the Green Party has urged its supporters to steer clear of the rogue candidates.
“These are people who are not serious and who were recruited as part of a cynical manipulation of the process,” said Paul Eckstein, a lawyer representing the Democrats. “They don’t know Green from red.”

But Steve May, the Republican operative who signed up some of the candidates along Mill Avenue, a bohemian commercial strip next to Arizona State University, insists that a real political movement has been stirred up that has nothing to do with subterfuge.

“Did I recruit candidates? Yes,” said Mr. May, who is himself a candidate for the State Legislature, on the Republican ticket. “Are they fake candidates? No way.”
“Are you fake, Thomas?” Mr. May shouted in the direction of Thomas Meadows, 27, a tarot card reader with less than a dollar to his name who is running for state treasurer. He similarly disagreed.

  1. BuzzMega says:

    Politics by trickery. The Republican Way!

  2. brm says:

    I’m working on Mill Ave. AS WE SPEAK.

    “bohemian commercial strip” is painting it a bit romantic. More like a panhandling gauntlet.

  3. bobbo, to the left and right of Obama says:

    How to tell you are a TOOL (Alfie–listen up!!): pick an attribute both parties/all parties/people in general are known to do and blame all instances on one party only. When you find yourself thinking that recognize you are a tool. Used by others who have figured out how to manipulate your simple mindedness for their own gain over your own.

    It would be laughable except there are too many of you RePUKEaTARDS and you are slimming the two party political system. ((Yes, both parties do it but the techniques gets more purchase with the PUKEaTARDS.

    Alfie: but one example of whats wrong with the easily lead having a vote.

  4. Ah_Yea says:

    He’s probably more qualified than the opposing Democratic candidates.

  5. bobbo, to the left and right of Obama says:

    Alfie–begin with the insight that all people are more the same than different.

    Until then, you are irrelevant.

  6. Bill says:

    Pure Chicago Democratic political trick.
    At least they are alive.

  7. bobbo, to the left and right of Obama says:

    #11–Alfie==begin with the insight that all people are more the same than different.

    Until then, you are irrelevant.

    An exercise–one I think you declined a year or so ago when you were on your conservative religious kick:

    List 3 or more of the worst things the Pukes have done in the past 5 years.

    My own for the Dems:
    1. Failed to Pass Universal Health Care
    2. Failed to pass Wall Street Reform
    3. Failed to remove troops from Iraq and Afghan.
    4. Still lack of any real transparency.

    The list could go on and on. Same for the Pukes. Your list?

  8. MikeN says:

    It still requires people to vote for him. Sure it worked in South Carolina, but that was the Democratic primary. Any evidence that people will randomly vote for the Green Party?

  9. smartalix says:


    The GOP is the reason those things were not done. They voted against every one of those measures. It’s typical Right-Wing idiocy to block something then blame the other person for it not happening.

  10. spsffan says:


    Statewide office, in Arizona and the Republicans are worried?

    ‘Splain Lucy!

  11. jman says:

    having no experience didn’t hurt obama, it shouldn’t hurt these guys. Dems are bigots when it comes to the “housing challenged”. For shame….for shame

  12. soundwash says:

    I just may go look at a ballot ticket this election..just to have a good laugh.


  13. bobbo, to the left and right of Obama says:

    #14–smartalix==shhhh! You and I and all right/err, correct thinking people know the Pukes are the source of all evil in america, but I gotta put something down for Obama.

    Now if Alfie was really smart, he’d just give me the same list back with a comment like yours. But he isn’t that smart. The puke talking points don’t list any criticisms of themselves which is why Alfie hasn’t posted back. Too bad we don’t use real names to post here. We could call 911 and have the paramedics go check Alfie for a stroke.

    Yes, the Democraps are pretty bad too, doing much the same thing as the Pukes. Simply put, they just aren’t that single minded with an army of zombies like Alfie.

    Yea, verily.

  14. Greg Allen says:

    If you vote Republican this November (or just stay at home), you’re voting for a whole lot more homeless… maybe including YOU.

  15. Greg Allen says:

    Reagan philosophy: “The government which governs the least, governs the best.”

    Current conservative philosophy: “The government which governs the worst, governs the best.”

  16. MikeN says:

    GregAllen, isn’t that statement from Thomas Jefferson?

  17. Sea Lawyer says:

    Voting is a complete waste of time anyway. There is virtually no probablity that any one individual vote will determine the outcome of a large election, and even less that it will influence subsequent policy decisions.

  18. MikeN says:

    Who says a homeless person is ineligible for political office? I would say they are more eligible, since they could certainly use the salary, while for many people running it is a cut in pay.

    On top of that, a homeless guy could then hire his homeless buddies to be on his staff, Distinguished Gentleman style.

  19. Mextli says:

    #24 “GregAllen, isn’t that statement from Thomas Jefferson?”

    I guess you mean the one about least government. It was HENRY DAVID THOREAU, Civil Disobedience.

    Here’s the irony.
    The motto Thoreau referred to was almost certainly that of The United States Magazine and Democratic Review, a literary-political monthly: “The best government is that which governs least.”

  20. sargasso_c says:

    The New Right’s play cards are also being used in local council elections here in New Zealand. Dozens of no hopers suddenly gripped with a fervour for public office, the far right candidate only needs to stay sober and remember to shave to win.

  21. smartalix says:


    Well, Bobbo, I’ve always maintained that the GOP has no souls and the Democrats have no spines.

  22. Cursor_ says:


    Coolidge/JFK/Reagen tax breaks and less regulation of business does work.

    Did you like how well the economy ran during Eisenhower?

    If so his tax rate was higher than today.

    Higher taxes are good when they are not misused.

    Taxes are the fuel that runs a republic.

    Republican core belief is love of the constitution, personal freedom, and the right to own property.

    Then why has the constitution been abandoned by the republicans under Bush? Why was personal freedom curtailed due to restrictions under Bush? Was he not a republican?

    And why were they not restored under Obama? Is he a republican in the style of Bush?

    Perhaps these are the same critters, just one with stripes and the other with spots. And you won’t be able to elect them out when all you got to pick from is critters.

    Live in your dream world of 18th century revolutionary politics. I’ll still remain unsatisfied until the nation drags itself out of the past and into the present.


  23. Grandpa says:

    Finally we get a third option?

  24. GF says:

    Holy Crap, I love Tempe maybe I should run on Jefferson’s Democratic-Republican party platform.

    States Rights
    No National Bank – kill the fed and the IRS
    Strict constructionism
    A big FU to the Federalist One World Monarchy

  25. deowll says:

    If these people want to run they should be allowed to run. If a significant percentage of the voters vote for them rather than some other Democrat I’d say that speaks for itself.

  26. Cursor_ says:

    So if Democratic voters are fooled…its for the greater good.

    The end justifies the means.
    At any cost.
    For the greater good.
    I don’t care what it takes.

    All smack of pure evil and the go to statements of any despot.



  27. Charlie Chaplin says:

    You don’t want this guy elected. He’d just cash in his lobbying cheques at the nearest Money Mart and blow it on booze, or arts funding, or something.

  28. Charlie Chaplin says:

    And who says humor is lost on the right?

  29. zancudocom says:

    I’m the Green Party Candidate for the U.S. Senate in Arizona, here’s my response from my blog

    Although the Arizona media has largely ignored the Republican dirty tricks directed at the Arizona Green Party, the New York Times put it on their front page this morning. Let me explain again that the founders of this republic specifically spoke out against the division of American politics into “two great parties.” We do not have a “two party system” in the United States. What we have is a political duopoly which does everything it can to keep competition off the ballots, and writes the statutes to sabotage any opposition. In this case the law that has allowed the homeless on Mill Ave. to steal our ballot lines on the November ballot with one vote was buried in the statutes. It was the two old parties that put it there.

    To frame this as a case of the Green Party ruining the “two party system” is ludicrous. We have the worst economy since the Great Depression, a costly nine year war in which we can’t defeat an old man in a cave on a dialysis machine, and a health care system that costs us twice as much as the other leading countries. Meanwhile our Senators spend half of their time attacking each other and the other half raising money from special interests. The “two party system” isn’t the solution to our problems, it’s at the center of our problems.

  30. tcc3 says:

    Alfred thinks the Democrats invented dirty politics just recently to use against the Tea Party. How cute.


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