Click pic to go to Registry

The Bed Bug Registry is a free, public database of user-submitted bed bug reports from across the United States and Canada. Founded in 2006, the site has collected about 20,000 reports covering 12,000 locations.

The country is going to hell in a handbasket.

  1. UncDon says:

    Would a piece of bloody beef dangling from the mattress attract them, leaving your nice juicy body parts alone?

  2. Grandpa says:

    Too many people, not enough birth control.

  3. honeyman says:

    Life was so much simpler when the only bed related threat was the odd communist taking refuge underneath.

  4. Dr. K says:

    #2, That’s what Lee said.

  5. jbenson2 says:

    The Maine tourism bureau is ecstatic.

  6. denacron says:

    It looks similar to a ‘Blue State’ voting map.

  7. Beal says:

    “It looks similar to a ‘Blue State’ voting map.”


    or similar to the population density of the US why would you look for the odd ball statistic?

    Hey’ no bedbugs in Mexico we should invite more mexicans to visit.

  8. NobodySpecial says:

    Demonstrating the effectiveness of the border fence.

  9. They need to be using mattress protectors!!!

  10. rwest says:

    Bring back DDT.

  11. me says:

    Bed Bugs, Tuberculosis, Hepatitis A-E, Leprosy, Chagas Disease, Etc, Etc. Funny when stories are run in the MSM, nobody seems to want to mention the reason for the increase in these afflictions.

  12. Greg Allen says:

    Bugs and germs are probably going to win-out over insecticides and antibiotics, right?

    Of course, a proactive government would anticipate this and work to develop other solutions.

    Of course, conservatives will deny and oppose any such effort.

  13. RSweeney says:

    Thanks to the greenies and their EPA enforcers, we have bed bugs.

    In Africa, their “gift” of an overall DDT ban results in the death of millions of children.

    Consider yourselves lucky.

  14. Skeptic says:

    So, bed bugs never existed before this?

  15. sargasso_c says:

    I for one welcome our new Cimicidae overlords.

  16. NobodySpecial says:

    Bed bugs are a problem when people travel and bring them home in their clothes and luggage.

    The TSA have certainly done their best to discourage travel, if they turn up their X-ray machines enough and introduce enough full body X-rays for passengers they could solve the problem.

    ps. Unfortunately Bed Bugs were among the first species to develop resistance to DDT and unlike mosquitoes they don’t have the option of not flying into areas with DDT traces.

  17. deowll says:

    These things can go a long time between meals. They do a good job hiding even if you fumigate. They are known to climb to the ceiling and drop on food/people/beds.

    In other words the news aint good. I know a couple of folk cures that will take out lice and scabies and even remove skin cancers but nothing that the old timers knew was better than pouring scalding water on bedbugs/changing the bedding and putting the bed legs in kerosene filled bowls and I already explained why that last doesn’t work.

    Good night, good night, and don’t let the bedbugs bit.

  18. RSweeney says:

    Bed bugs were once ubiquitous in the USA (sleep tight don’t let the bed bugs bite).

    They were essentially wiped out in the mid 20th century through the use of DDT and other effective pesticides, now banned.

    Another step backwards.

  19. clancys_daddy says:

    DDT is not banned in Africa, and many other countries.

  20. denacron says:

    # 7


    or similar to the population density of the US why would you look for the odd ball statistic?”

    Before reading the topic, the map caught my attention. Voting maps turn up from time to time here. At first glance it appeared a political map.

    Upon further thought…. the Dems ought to run with the ‘Bed Bug’ for a mascot and the Reps could just as fittingly use the ‘Louse’. (or visa versa)

  21. Glenn E. says:

    Notice that NY seems to be ground zero for the most bugginess on the map. Something to do with reselling mattresses that are infested, and no real inspections to prevent this? And NYers wonder why they’re often portrayed as greed and unscrupulous? Well the bed bug map doesn’t lie. There’s nothing special about the climate there. Just the kind of people who do business, that are causing these infestations, that seek political protection from regulation, there.

  22. The0ne says:

    #14, see #18 then go read the real news. John just picked this up because of recent news report.

  23. JimD says:

    One of the consequences of “Free Trade” – all kinds of parasites !!! Way to go Repukes !!!

  24. Tony King says:

    Bedbugs have been around for years except now it is publicised more through the media

  25. incognito says:

    It would stand to reason that it is a result of particular patterns of immigration and the increase in world travel among all classes of society.


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