This is ex-BBC presenter and Middle East expert Alan Hart on the Kevin Barrett show.

Should we take bets on how many more conspiracy stories (with an assortment of players) and interviews will appear during this coming week? Makes the Kennedy assassination conspiracy theorists seem like a knitting circle jerk.

  1. Michael_GR says:

    What a fucking stupid theory. Some people will believe anything if it suits their preconceived notions – never mind the facts. Sadly it’s not the first time I heard this type of theory. Sometimes it’s Israel, sometimes it’s the CIA or George Bush himself. Why are the ramblings of this nutjob worthy of being featured on DU?

  2. ArianeB says:

    Ditto #1. I’ve listen to the 911 truther’s view including a documentary they did. I did my own research and found that the documentary conveniently left out known facts that undermined the thesis, and that many of the questions it asked have already been answered, many before the documentary was released.

    Are there still unanswered questions? Yes. But, all the evidence supports the official story.

  3. fritzborrego says:

    #2 if all the evidence supports the official story why there were only 4 frames released from the pentagon strike? from 1 side camera even when there were several cameras pointed to that area of the pentagon?

    Why hide it? there is more to what they want you to see. Wake up!


  4. The_Tick says:

    Well, one thing is certain. The whole controlled demolition industry is clearly a scam. To think of all the money spent on the shysters who claim dropping a building straight down is difficult, well it makes me sick. On the bright side, this revelation will save vegas developers a bundle.

  5. KMFIX says:

    WHOA!! CRAZY!! When did this happen?

  6. yankinwaoz says:

    This guy is an idiot. I couldn’t listen more then 2 minutes of his swiss cheese logic.

    He claims “the planes were going at over 600 MPH clock speed”.

    WTF is “clock speed”? Does he mean ground speed? Air apeed? The guy is is making up words.

    Next he claims that no plans will survive going that fast at that altitude. Yet we clearly have video showing the two planes flying into the towers. So the planes are surviving nicely at the speed they were going.

    Therefore, this idiot is wrong about the speed. It is crystal clear he is wrong. Yet he hangs a lot of his theory on this hook.

    I love his theory that Mossad is so good that they infiltrate every arab and muslim organization of earth. They are so good that they did 9/11. Yet they screwed up by showing 5 agents “celebrating”.

    #1 got it right. People have preconceived notions, and twist facts to fit them.

  7. deowll says:

    When the people who did it said why they did it I’d just like to stuff a dirty sock in the mouths of those who like to blather and those who post their blather.

  8. The_Tick says:

    deowll, yes, because as we know, the best way to understand anything is to refuse to listen to opposing viewpoints…. Stay classy bud.

  9. jbenson2 says:

    Birthers / Truthers
    Same difference

  10. Dennis says:

    Regardless of why it happened….the failures were immense. Yet, the things that have been done aren’t in place to correct them. No one has been held accountable for their failings. No one got fired. In fact, it seems several were promoted after this event happened on THEIR watch.
    I am glad that the people who say “Oh what a bunch of bull” don’t even feel it worthy to hold anyone accountable for the actions that occurred.
    Failure must be their calling.

  11. Faxon says:

    No no no. George Bush did it. Remember? He managed to get those planes to hit the buildings JUST before the detonations went off.

  12. MikeN says:

    George Bush is a master genius to pull off a plan like this, along with his lackey minion brother who was responsible for security.

  13. Angry says:

    Adam Curry did it!

  14. The_Tick says:

    Fuckin Curry.

  15. Jane says:

    Osama Bin Laden did it and the Mossad agents saw him running off from the scene afterwards.

  16. Jopa says:

    I am an Israeli and I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!

  17. The_Tick says:

    Fuckin Israelis

  18. just me says:

    The truth about 911 no longer matters. We’re stuck with the “official” story. Welcome to America.

  19. NobodySpecial says:

    You are all sheep – the real conspiracy is that the towers were never there, the whole thing was filmed on a studio stage.
    You can tell by the shadows and the flag waving.


  20. Stiffie says:

    Here is my suggestion.

    There needs to be a new standard logo graphic for this type of story. Call it:

    Lies, Lies…ALL LIES!!
    Conspiracy Theory of The Month

    (In my opinion this particular one should have been rejected, though, for being too old-hat)

  21. Uncle Patso says:

    There is NO topic more certain to draw out the bat-shit crazies! I blame Reagan. He emptied out the asylums, inflicting all these brain-damaged people on the rest of us…

    It’s even worse than the nutsos who claim they don’t have to pay taxes because the flags in the courtroom deciding tax cases are arranged incorrectly, making it an Admiralty Court instead of whatever it’s supposed to be or some such inanity. Paranoid schizophrenia runs deep…

  22. STILL 4 MORE DAYS TO GO was a terrible many lasted their life in wtc…

  23. Mon Petit says:

    Gee, I checked in youtube for the “five dancing israelis” and there are credible videos on there. Even from fox news.

  24. jman says:

    these 9-11 conspiracy nuts are even crazier than Gore’s followers

  25. Breetai says:

    See this is what pisses me off with 9/11 There’s question that this:

    Is a controlled demolition. Can’t make the same claim with the other buildings. But there’s no question weather or not Building 7 was a controlled demolition. I didn’t believe this a year ago until I saw building 7 come down.

  26. Breetai says:

    BTW Fires and building collapses are typically investigated by the fire department. Here’s Eric Lawyer from Firefighters for 911 truth literally pulling out his “Fire Investigation 101” manual and laying out an Epic ass chewing of the 911 Report as a joke.

  27. Publius says:

    Everyone knows the politicians are honest people. How dare you suggest otherwise!

    Everyone knows war is straightforward. Bad Sun Tsu! Bad!

    People working together to make a little fib about what happened on 9/11! No Way!

  28. Glenn E. says:

    Interesting that this “theory” comes out just before the ceremony to memorialize Flight 93, in PA. Because of all the plane crash conspiracy theories I’ve heard in the media. I’ve never heard anything about the US military possibly shooting down Flight 93, and then pretending it was crashed by the passengers. It’s been briefly speculated on. But never allowed a sustained life in the main stream media. And THAT, should tell you something! Why are all the other crack pot “missile shot down the plane” theories allowed, that serve to keep the Airlines and aircraft makers from being sued? But hardly a peep about an authorized air strike, actually succeeding in downing a terrorist controlled jet. Easier to finger the victims on board, as the “heroes” responsible.

  29. Rob Leather says:

    #6, he’s getting the speed from the original NTSB report on the plane what hit the pentagon. It uses two ground based radar stations and the blackbox.


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