1. eggman9713 says:

    I didn’t even make it past #1.

  2. chuck says:

    What’s a facebook?

  3. macbandit says:

    Well I missed 4 of those. Thank goodness because I hate normal people.

  4. TooManyPuppies says:

    I stopped at #6 trying to figure out WTF it means. I subscribe to an unlimited text package, but I’m about ready to blow shit up trying to figure out what “register to unlimited text” means.

  5. Dallas says:

    I love it! That was funny.

  6. Sea Lawyer says:

    The tails are where it’s at.

  7. RSweeney says:

    Probably not a bad test of adult ADHD.

  8. admfubar says:

    i was wondering how put this together the layout is so poor…
    i really didnt notice anything other than bad typesetting…( hmmm is that still a term to use for this day and age??)

  9. Lou Minatti says:

    Maybe it’s normal if you’re 19, unemployed, not going to college and you are leeching off your parents.

  10. Caranpaima says:

    If by “normal” you mean people who need a cellphone to work and get in touch with clients, who use a Facebook/twitter/tumbler account as a way of (much cheaper and effective than traditional ads) business and brand advertising, I guess many freelancers (like me) have little choice but being “normal”, at least by 1 and 2 on this list. Not everybody uses facebook and orher social media to play poker, virtual farms or pointless quizes, it can be a very useful networking tool. It’s very condescending of people who have a fixed and secure income each month to look down on those who have to be on the lookout by ourselves for being noticed in a very competitive and often saturated market. Not everybody can afford the luxury of being a digital hermit. And remember, you can always turn off the cell if you don’t want to be disturbed for a while. I can barely hold my contempt for those who make little of e-mail and Internet as little more than toys. If used correctly and seriously, the possibilities for self- study and communicating with interesting people without the cost and time involved in travel and snail mail opens a whole new world of possibilities. As for 6 and up, didn’t really understand.

  11. Knoxious says:

    #4 is misspelled. That one bugged me more than missing #5.

  12. jacobian says:

    well this just cracked me up.haha…


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