A judge has denied a request for President Barack Obama to testify at a court martial for a U.S. Army flight surgeon who refused to deploy to Afghanistan until he saw proof that Obama was born in the United States.
The judge, Army Col. Denise Lind, said any evidence or witnesses related to Obama’s citizenship is irrelevant to the charges against Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin, who has 17 years of service in the U.S. military…
In addition to putting Obama on their witness list, Lakin’s lawyers had asked Lind to order Obama’s official birth records from Hawaii be brought to court for trial…
The judge ruled that the matter of Obama’s eligibility is not relevant because he did not give any orders in the case. She pointed out that while the president is commander-in-chief of the military, it is Congress that is constitutionally empowered to raise armies, pay them and equip them…
Lind also said that military law says that a soldier’s personal beliefs or convictions are not sufficient to allow that soldier to determine that an order is illegal. The soldier has to have “no rational doubt” that the order is illegal before he or she can ignore it.
Finally she ruled that a military court martial is not the forum in which to determine a president’s eligibility, because the Constitution says only Congress has the power to impeach and remove the president.
Another sect where ideology overwhelms material reality.
The GOP has done a reasonably good job of promoting this nonsense to their fringe element at very little marketing cost.
Telling a lie often enough has been a cornerstone strategy of the GOP. If it’s too sleazy, they outsource to swift boat or some other supplier from their sewer.
Another sect where ideology overwhelms material reality.
I agree, it is an irrational judgement. Completely ignores the material reality that Obama has used every legal means to prevent public access to his birth certificate.
Calling the judiciary a sect is going a bit far though, but it does have some of the characteristics of one.
Pretty sad that she calls it “irrelevant” as its NOT “irrelevant” that our so-call President actually provide the necessary information up attempting to run for office. No one knows one damn thing about this buffoon, other than the fact that he’s further screwed up this nation after decades of other similar actions… Cant wait until Nov-2010 and Nov-2012. At least its a chance to get it right – again.
@Dallas: Or the democrats call someone racist for no reason other than distraction. SO……… they’re all jackasses it appears.
Dallas : Telling a lie often enough has been a cornerstone strategy of the GOP.
You are so far to the left you may be heading back to the head shed. Good luck.
Every politician lies. And every politician believes if you tell the same lie often enough it becomes truth.
I don’t know why BHO doesn’t want anyone to see his original birth certificate any more than he doesn’t want people to see his post grad school transcripts or any thing he wrote for the law review. It seems he’d be happiest if no one knew anything about him before Jan 20 2009.
I believe he was born in Hawaii. I suspect the thing he’s hiding is that his BC list his religion as Muslim.
That doesn’t really matter to me. I just wish he’d get his (left) thumb out of his ass and start fixing things instead of breaking them beyond repair.
Speaking as a Canadian, this is like having front row seats watching The Roman Empire slow collapse, watching all you ideological buffoons grasp at the thinnest of straws to disqualify ANYONE you disagree with-ON BOTH SIDES! No wonder the Chinese are buying you guys up for pennies on the dollar!
Obama is still black. Irritating as hell, isn’t it?
Hunter S. Thompson, anthropomorphic saint, tells the story about Lyndon Johnson where he “told his manager to start a massive rumor campaign about his opponent’s lifelong habit of enjoying carnal knowledge of his own barnyard sows.”
The campaign manager complained that nobody will believe that the guy’s a “pigfucker.”
“I know,” Johnson replied. “But let’s make the sonofabitch deny it.”
Cant wait until Nov-2010 and Nov-2012. At least its a chance to get it right – again.
And you have been trying that approach since the 1870s and no progress. Over a hundred years and no real change, just names.
Sleep little monkey as the world turns.
fixing things instead of breaking them beyond repair.
Can’t fix things when the tools are bent, broken and rusted.
Speaking as a Canadian, this is like having front row seats watching The Roman Empire slow collapse
Don’t get too comfy watching it. After Rome fell the power vacuum was filled with The Church. In this case I would think the rest of the Americas would take over and these former US people will become refugees in your nation.
But then again you have only a scant 30 mil there, you could use some more people. You in BC? If so I’ll pull up stakes on your couch.
#5–Animby==a birther?????? Whew Boy! You surprise me. Didn’t Obama put his birth certificate on his website and didn’t the Republican Governor of Hawaii official state the birth certificate was valid and on file? I don’t know for sure because I never cared==for real.
What do you birthers want? Each and every one of you a blow job from Obama with the sweat of your brow wiped away with the original piece of paper? ((Actually, “hiding” the listing of his religion of Muslim has a credible “ring” to it. Irrelevant and meaningless except in the context of dysfunctional American Politics.))
“Every Politician Lies”–but they all don’t lie as much as others, nor about the same things. What a lack of discrimination. Equating a fart in the desert with a pile of shit in Washington. Not the same thing. In fact==I challenge you to name the “big lies” of the Dems that match in the same sense the big lies of the Pukes. No comparison at all==but seriously==I don’t dismiss the possibility of a surprise from you.
How many Super Cooled Beers did you have last night???
What has Obama “broken” rather than just Bush Failures he has failed to fix in a time frame that is impossibly unrealistic given the f*ckup to start with??? Another list please??
Birther/Moral Relativism/Impossible Hypocritical Standards.
Animby====step back from the anesthesia. “My God Jim, I’m a doctor, not a drug addled birther!”
Heh, heh. Time for a cappuccino and a stuffed waffle. Hmmmm.
I don’t know what the big deal is, very little the government does these days adheres to the Constitution.
Oh, and bobbo, relax. Take a walk or something, get away from this blog for a few hours.
#3, #4.
Re Buffoon – Don’t use the word “buffoon’ after I use. Find your own word of the day.
Re Racist – As usual, your comment about “democrats calling someone racist’ is usual hearsay and dumbfounded opinion. This compares to the facts being discussed here about birthers undermining our popular president because he’s black.
BTW, are “birthers” a formal movement like the teabaggers? I’ve lost track of all the splinter groups from what’s left of the Republican party. Are those the only bowel movements of the lost party?
#2 “Completely ignores the material reality that Obama has used every legal means to prevent public access to his birth certificate.”
Did you read the full article? The birth certificate is at the top of the page for pete’s sake!
“Completely ignores the material reality that Obama has used every legal means to prevent public access to his birth certificate.”
That is such bullshit it’s not even funny. Are you lying through your teeth or just dumb as a post?
I don’t love Obama or hate him but it’s clear to anyone with an IQ above 10 that is was born in Hawaii.
Address his polices instead of spreading lies and falsehoods.
One last comment. It is because of people like you and the other birthers that the state of America politics is the way it is. Instead of adding to the debate, you just stand outside and yell and scream. Stand up and get involved if you don’t like what is going on.
Nah, Cursor, I’m in Ontario.
Believe me, I take no joy in watching The U.S. implode politically as I have family in the states, but it just seems that all sense of moderation in political discourse has completely evaporated, which history has taught us, leads down the road to ruin. Staying permanently entrenched in your corner ideologically, doesn’t make one principled, it makes one an easy target to take down, with things like, you know, facts, and the current state of reality. These people need to take a lesson from nature; trees stay in the same place, but bend and sway as needed to remain upright. Stay ram-rod straight, and you just topple over when a stiff breeze blows through.
Bobbo – you don’t read too well, do you. I specifically said I believed Obama was born in Hawaii. If i recollect, he posted an abridged copy of his birth cert and the state officials did report the original was on file but could not release it. I am not a birther. And I don’t care if he is or was a Muslim.
Big lies from the Dems? How about, bend over this won’t hurt a bit. Or how about no tax increases on under $250K income? I could come up with more but I am dead dog tired. I wasn’t drinking beer Icees last night, I was at the clinic all night, I used to do 36 or even 46 hours all the time but those days are long past.
What’s a stuffed waffle? Have I been away from the States too long?
A. Technically, the article says nothing about the soldier’s political affiliation. I.e., now where does it actually state that the soldier is a Republican but I’ll grant that it isn’t much of a stretch.
B. The birthers are the Republican equivalent of the 9/11 conspiracy loons. The issue is done and put to rest. I think Obama is a grease fire as a President and I have absolutely no doubts that his right to be President is 100% valid. The more these birthers bitch, the more they hurt the party of which they claim to be a part.
At this point it IS irrelevant whether this sock monkey was born in the United States. The face is, he is the president, (with a small p), just like Carter and Clinton and Bush were. The relevant thing is how badly he fucks up the entire country with his feeble ideas.
For those so concerned about Obama’s birth certificate: Where’s George W Bush’s birth certificate? Where’s Bill Clinton’s? Where’s any other president’s?
#17–Animby==Not a birther then? Just talking about his birth certificate and his Muslim roots? Denying any ill intent. In the nature of damning with faint praise, just like I don’t believe all this talk about you being xyz?
“Bend over, this won’t hurt a bit?” /// Ha, ha. You are more a birther than a list maker! Even dead dogs need their rest.
Stuffed Waffles: a thin layer of waffle mix ((my own mostly buckwheat, oat, and corn flour)) then a layer of cheese and ham, then a layer of waffle mix again. Have to cook longer than most to hope the cheese does not stick to the waffle iron making extraction difficult==but worth it. Then match with sunnyside up egg, whipped cream/sour cream, sliced pears, walnuts==what have you.
Goes well with a slushy mimosa! I’m not bloated for nuthing!
If you’ve read this far down in this drivel you must really need something to do.
Where’s George W Bush’s birth certificate?
.. folded into a paper airplane, lying behind his special bookshelf containing the complete library of Curious George stories.
Where’s Bill Clinton’s?
… Monica, grasping for anything absorbent after a surprising 1.3 second encounter with little Billy… wiped her mouth with it.
Mikey Twit, fellow Ontari-ari-ario-ian, please pass the popcorn.
Be advised, however, that the drama taking place south of the border is escalating to the point that we might need to take cover or put up a wall of safety glass. It’s kind of like a hockey game with every team on the ice at once… and the gloves are off.
I can’t even find my birth certificate.
Where’s Dan Akroyd as an OPP officer? He’ll protect us!(Name that movie reference! Hint:The Writer/Director will send the right wingers, especially on this blog, into spastic fits!)
Animal Mother
I wouldn’t go to AZ if you’re even a shade darker than WASP white! 😉
Eideard someone might detect a trend in your articles. You obviously have a great affection for Republicans. Nice to abuse your position isn’t it?
This reminds me of Saddam’s putting up a defense that the war is illegal, this court has no jurisdiction to try me, I’m the president, and I was the president when I did the things I did, therefore they are legal.
Mikey Twit and Skeptic, can you both produce your original birth certificates to prove that you are Canadian?
Someone get me a 2-4 of Blue and some Canadian Bacon.
#8 Lyndon Johnson. For the win.