1. Allan says:

    Man, I so want to get the Hay Baler in We Farm

  2. xjonx says:

    One word: STUPID.

  3. Allan says:

    Would have been better if it were a wood chipper….

  4. jmsiowa says:

    its all fake. If the head was sticking out during the compacting process his head would have been smashed flat with the top of the bail. also the bail is to small to just slide out the back.

    Funny yes, but real no

  5. clancys_daddy says:

    #4 nice buzz kill, of course its fake. Anyone over the age of 12 who thought it was real is a Darwin award away from fame.

  6. McCullough says:

    Minuteman camouflage?

  7. Awake says:

    My impersonation of Pedro making one of his more intelligent comments:

    He came out the back like a bale of hay! What a sheeple!
    And Awake is asleep.

  8. rectagon says:

    #4 You think you have to tell people it’s fake? Seriously?

  9. sargasso_c says:

    Mr. Bill Bailey?

  10. Gasbag says:

    I think farmer Bill been sniffing the fertilising chemicals again 😛

  11. deowll says:

    Funny in this.

    Pretty gruesome when it happens in real life.

    Getting killed by your tractor or what it’s pulling is not exactly common around here but it happens often enough I can remember hearing of several instances. Always stop the machine before you get off.

  12. jmsiowa says:

    Yes I’m a buzz killer. I work on and around farm equipment all year long. And I like the fact that I still have all my digits and limbs. I just don’t want some idiot trying this.

  13. Maricopa says:

    #8 rectagon – You think you have to tell people it’s fake?

    What’s sad is yes. Many people will think it’s real. The majority of people sitting in front of computer these days have never seen a baler in action.

  14. farbauti says:

    Patrick turns into SpongeBob.

  15. WmDE says:

    I didn’t watch the video until it was called a fake. There was nothing about a hay baler incident I wanted to see.

    I have a 60s vintage Ford tractor I use to drag a 5 foot bushhog around the yard. The thing scares the hell out of me. When I bought it from a neighbor you would step on the clutch and it would continue to roll. Turns out stepping on the clutch does disconnect the engine but the bushhog acts as a flywheel storage system and continues to power the drivetrain. I bought an over-run clutch first thing.

    It has a 5 speed transmission. Gears 1 to 3 are useful. Gear 4 will move the tractor along at an exhilarating pace. Gear 5 is some sort of insane warp drive for which I have not enough land or too many trees. I am sure I have detected some blue-shift. Must be that thing called “Road Gear.”

    If I have to pass close to a tree I pass it on the left. If you pass it on the right a branch may adjust the throttle to the position I like to call wide damn open. The thrill of hearing that diesel engine rev up. Clinging to the steering wheel to keep from being pitched back onto the bushhog. Getting slapped in the face by branches you had intended to gently push aside in your previous stately velocity. Took three times before I realized what was going on. I gathered no information the first time except that sometimes you just have go sit on the porch and contemplate your mortality.

  16. M0les says:

    The Clip Clop Club had an awesome song titled “Dad found mum’s hand in the hay bailer” that seems topical.

  17. Counterweight says:

    #16 : Topical? Seems manual to me.

  18. noneofyourbusiness says:

    At least this “bailout” didn’t cost America billions.


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