The beer is placed inside a pocket of salty, pretzel-like dough and then dunked in oil at 375 degrees for about 20 seconds, a short enough time for the confection to remain alcoholic.

When diners take a bite the hot beer mixes with the dough in what is claimed to be a delicious taste sensation. Inventor Mark Zable said it had taken him three years to come up with the cooking method and a patent for the process is pending. He declined to say whether any special ingredients were involved.

His deep-fried beer will be officially unveiled in a fried food competition at the Texas state fair later this month. Five ravioli-like pieces will sell for $5 (£3) and the Texas Alcoholic Commission has already ruled that people must be aged over 21 to try it. Mr Zable has so far been deep frying Guinness but said he may switch to a pale ale in future.

He said: “Nobody has been able to fry a liquid before. It tastes like you took a bite of hot pretzel dough and then took a drink of beer. Mr Zable previously invented dishes including chocolate-covered strawberry waffle balls and jalapeño corndog shrimps.

Or, you could just take a bite of hot pretzel dough, and a sip of beer. Much cheaper and you get more beer.

  1. seetheblacksun says:

    Sounds like the perfect office snack.

  2. Luc says:

    Has any other similarly simple food in the world ever been patented, or is this a first, reflecting the sad times we are living? Imagine if scrambled eggs or French fries had been patented…

  3. Animal Mother says:

    No doubt this “delicacy” will be popular among teabaggers, Republicans, and other easily-led morons.

    If Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck endorse these, sales should be pretty good. They might even replace deep-fried Twinkies as the Republican food of choice!

  4. McCullough says:

    #3. Good grief.

  5. bobbo, int'l pastry chef and developing alcoholic says:

    Uhhhh – who exactly wants to eat hot pretzel dough?

    And of the beer, my favorite: your beer of choice in the freezer until it is still totally liquid in the bottle and even as you uncap it, but as you poor it into your mouth, it turns into beer slush. I love that critical temperature range. Takes about 40 min plus/minus 5 min from the frigs to the freezer for this range to be met. If too low–you missed it, enjoy a good cold beer. If too high–you missed it but still might get some of the “feel” if you can suck the beer out of the bottle OR–still a nice cold beer as it melts.

    HEY!!!! – Its more fun than “just” drinking beer on a Saturday night.

  6. McCullough says:

    #5. Beer needs to be drunk room temp.

  7. Breetai says:

    Rank this next to deep fried Bacon on a stick

  8. Animal Mother says:

    #7 Rank this next to deep fried Bacon on a stick

    Another teabagger delicacy.

  9. rabidmonkey says:

    I just wanna know how he did it? Sounds intriguing that it took the fellow 3 years to perfect. My guess is that he suspended the liquid beer in some sort of superconducting magnetic force field.

  10. bobbo, int'l pastry chef and developing alcoholic says:

    #6–McCullough==so many responses:

    1. Who says?
    2. Who cares what beer needs, I’m the one drinking it.
    3. Have you tried it?
    4. Sure you aren’t talking about “real” beer as opposed to most the swill available in the USA?
    5. Room temp in England is about freezing.
    6. Everyone should be allowed the dignity of their own taste buds.
    7. I freeze my wine coolers too.
    8. Aren’t you violating my privacy?

    What did I leave out?

  11. sargasso_c says:

    #10. and saki needs to be warmed on the naked navel of a Geiko.

  12. Cursor_ says:


    I’ve got a real good idea of how he did it.

    Especially seeing how he uses Guinness for the beer. It would work flawlessly with a stout.


  13. Somebody_Else says:

    Hot beer? Fail.

  14. Animby says:

    # 5 bobbo, “I love that critical temperature range.”

    Sometimes takes me 8 or 10 tries to get it right.

  15. revdjenk says:


    It is a shame that you can’t follow directions for something that is so easy….oh….um…

    …er…let’s have another go at this…I’m sure it will be ok next time!

  16. bobbo, int'l pastry chef and developing alcoholic says:

    Animby, the man with two beers and no watch==or just too impatient? Nice to see another connoisseur of exclusive diy offerings. I might be luckier than most, but if you put multiple beers in the freezer you can monitor until they just form ice crystals and then pull them out and place on counter. They will thaw very quickly. Or go the other way and after 30 minutes just start drinking one every 5 minutes and keep notes as to the optimal time. Its one of those experimental events that can’t go wrong.

    You know, that just reminded me how “pleasant” it can be to drink beer from frosted mugs. Truly, its the small things that provide the zest to life? And I had beer last night, so its wine coolers tonight.

    Wish me luck. Sante.

  17. Rob Leather says:

    Hot p**sheads.

  18. Animby says:

    Who you callin’ Santa, lard ass?

    Oh! Good luck…

  19. MrMiGu says:


    “6. Everyone should be allowed the dignity of their own taste buds.”

    When beer is cold it numbs your taste buds so you can’t taste the beer.

  20. Dallas says:

    Eeeeeeewwwwww. Looks like fried vaginas

  21. bobbo, to the left and right of Obama says:

    #19–MrMiGu==does an “absence” of taste improve the taste of something that initially is unpleasant? Or even if pleasant initially, does removing that pleasant taste provide a different experience that does provide variety? In my first post #5 I say that what is pleasurable is not taste but rather the “feel” of the phase change from liquid to solid. Only later do I wish McCullough to honor my taste buds by providing variety including the absence of the original taste experience. Similarly, my desire for privacy also has nothing to do with supercooled beer but is an extension of other discussions with McCullough.

    Many food experts say that if you put sugar and/or cream in your coffee that “means” you don’t like coffee. True enough wouldn’t we say? Or sugar on anything? And if sugar and cream in your coffee is not coffee, then call it —cappuccino?

    Taste = its all in your mouth.

  22. Breetai says:


    Umm… dude stop drinking the kool-aid. your seeing shit that aint there.

  23. beer froster says:

    Laughing my butt off here, this is the kind of cuisine that us Southerners get slammed for. Thanks, Texas!


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