1. denacron says:

    The Pedo Bear fat camp (and flea market) van.

  2. Buckwheat says:

    Two all beef patties,
    special sauce, lettuce,
    cheese, pickles, onions,
    on a sesame seed bus!

  3. hhopper says:

    Four pedestrians run down and killed by an out of control hamburger. Film at 11:00.

  4. Hawkeye says:

    Meals on wheels 2.0?

  5. jeffro says:

    Bahaha!! I actually just drove past that burger wagon on Sunday! That’s in the Westport area of Kansas City, MO. =)

  6. NobleRot says:

    Westport Flea Market has a goofy truck, but great hamburgers!

  7. whamalamadingdong says:

    -No Caption Needed-

  8. Bolivar Shagnasty says:

    In Westport, Kansas, burgers drive-thru you!

  9. revdjenk says:

    #4 is winner!

    but I will still try…

    My “hero!”

  10. AnonyMe says:

    Our competition has nothing on us. Our burgers are as big as a bus! Now with motor oil!

  11. Jim says:

    The new Toyota BurgerMobile XJ2 oddly has more fatalities from heart attacks than accidents.

  12. Top of the line from GM after the White said it wanted a car with all the trimmings.

  13. Mickey says:

    My email said get a van with eight SEATS, not EATS…
    oops- my error – typo…. FAIL

  14. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    Too much lettuce. What is this, a salad?

  15. Jane Quatam says:

    Gene Splicing Experiment Goes Horribly Wrong!

    Monsanto’s meatmobile was a curious case of bad science, poor technique and serendipidty. Dr. Hans Berger, Lead Scientist in the Meat-like Products division of Monsanto Group, was attempting to splice a new soy protein into a tomato genome, when apparently some bits of his WeinerMobile (see the Dr & His Big Weiner – July 1997 – Car & Driver) somehow got inserted into the process.

    The first child of this mad science gone wrong, was a combination Unicycle/meatball. Unperturbed, Dr Berger was ready to trash the whole lot and tossed it into the dumpster behind the lab. As fate would have it, it was a holiday weekend and the trash wasn’t picked up for 17 days. The combination of heat, lab experiments, leftover cafeteria food and some old radioactive material that was inadvertenly disposed of after being found in the soda machine, seemed to mutate into a bizarre bionic motor life form.

    So far the Berger Mobile has twice fissioned into duplicates of itself and may soon threaten to take up all the extra parking spaces at the lab.

    BTW – the original is now on sale on Ebay.

  16. McCullough says:

    No Bacon!?!? Fail.

  17. Don says:

    This wreck had no survivors. Better send the meat wagon…

  18. admfubar says:

    new from burger king, the terminator…. it takes two hands and a two truck to handle the terminator!

  19. wirelessg says:

    On this episode of Travel Channel’s VAN Vs. FOOD, Food wins!

  20. farbauti says:

    Flea Burger!!!!

  21. shizzaq says:

    ha, I ate lunch here today. Coincidence….I think not.

  22. Dale says:

    First the SUV…then there was the cross-over. Now, Fat-ass Giant Burgers introduces the Haz Cheezburger party car!

  23. robublind says:

    Where did Spongebob and Patrick go?

  24. UncDon says:

    The newest in Green technology, the edible and biodegradable village bus.

  25. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    “I know I said to go, but this is ridiculous!”

  26. Bob says:

    The Patty Wagon!

  27. Comacho says:

    That’s GM food.

  28. kb3myham says:

    BITE ME!!!!!!!!!!

  29. Floyd says:

    Threeallbeefpattiesspecialsaucelettucepickleslettuceoniononasesame seedbun.


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