It will go down as one of the most painful openings to a political debate in recent memory…

With her hands clasped in front of her, she looked at the camera, then down, possibly at notes, and back up at the camera. She smiled, let out a loud exhale, then resumed her statement with a pronouncement of her record as governor.

We have, uh, did what was right for Arizona,” Brewer said, using a grammatical misconstruction she uttered twice during the debate.

Then, she bolted from a post-debate question-and-answer session with reporters after refusing to respond to queries about a past statement about bodies supposedly found beheaded in the Arizona desert.

She is leading among Arizona voters by 19%.

Thanks, Sergio

  1. Greg Allen says:

    I doubt this will hurt her much.

    Conservatives _like_ their leaders kind-of dumb. It makes them want to have a beer with them.

  2. Greg Allen says:

    Wow, do you mean Arizona is NOT like a browner version of Bladerunner? That’s the impression I got from the conservatives.

  3. Angry says:


    And libs love sweet talking, smooth politicians to screw them out of their freedom.


  4. MikeN says:

    Bumbling politician of the year is not the headline I would put for one who went from trailing in polls to cruising. How about her former co-governor Kathleen Sebelius suggesting Americans need reeducation?

  5. Faxon says:

    I wish I lived in Arizona, instead of this fucked up state of California, where I am surrounded by shit-headed liberals. Even this blog is getting painful, since no conservatives seem allowed to post anything, just cheesedicks like Earhard.

  6. Janet Brewer says:

    Janet Brewer is just a lackey of private prison companies. Illegal immigrants are their next cash cow.

  7. moss says:

    No surprise. Arizona has long been known as the Mississippi of the West.

  8. Glass Half Full says:

    Wow. Don’t care if your politics is left, right, up or down (there is more than JUST democrats and republicans)…she’s just an idiot. Sarah Palin level. She might be “nice”, or “mean well”, but she’s an idiot.

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    Can she see Mexico from her house?

  10. Mr Ed says:

    I so hope she wins. Arizona deserves a complete idiot as governor – it fits the profile of the average Arizona resident.

  11. DB49 says:

    Unfortunately this is the quality of people that get elected. This is not a conservative vs. liberal problem (as some would think). In fact conservative vs. liberal is just an issue that keeps us distracted from the real problem. There are very few people of integrity or intelligence in the political arena. The system, in general does not appeal to the kind of people that might actually be able to accomplish something.

  12. Maricopa says:

    Brewer is not the brightest bulb in the stadium. I grant you that. But she knows what the peopel want. Goddard? This is like the fourth time he’s run for governor. He ought to get the message people don’t want him running the state. ABC/15 is ro Brewer as CBS was to Bush. They’ll do anything to make her look bad.

    Goddard won’t win. Everyone knows he’s a tax and spend liberal. They like that Brewer has started to control the budget.

  13. Lou says:

    How anyone could vote for her is astonishing. The Sheeple of AZ, dragging the USA down one vote at a time.

  14. jay says:

    Great to see reporter follow up on this BS

  15. SimonSezz says:

    #3, what freedom have you lost? The freedom to have a private conversation on the phone? You lost that with the Bush administration. Actually you lost a ton of freedom and rights under Bush. Still Obama disappoints me because he has not withdrawn any of those changes, which to me means he supports them. So you see? Both sides are the same. You’re fighting a battle that you will lose either way.

    The point is don’t take a “side” here because both sides are full of liars, bigots, and genuine assholes. Make your own decisions, not based on the media’s propaganda. There is no neutral media left, notice how on CNN or Fox they always put an opinionated spin on everything. Wake up people, that’s not news. That’s propaganda. They want you to see things their way and not let you see things yourself and make opinions yourself.

  16. hhopper says:

    That woman was elected Governor??!!??


  17. B, Dog says:

    Why she not read from teleprompter? Is not Presidential!

  18. spsffan says:

    16 hhopper,

    No she was not elected governor. She was lieutenant governor and took over when Janet Napolitano went to DC to be Director of Homeland Security.

    As awful as the last 2 governors of my home California have been, I pity the people of Arizona.

  19. W.T.Effyall says:

    This just in: An epidemic of melanoma has hit Arizona, caused by the sudden necessity of millions of citizens to mow their own lawns.

  20. gquaglia says:

    Liberal are scared of her because she is popular and speaks outs against the grand plan of the progressives. I see what you are doing here, make her out to be an idiot, like they did with Palin. Well I got news for you, the biggest idiot is sitting in the Oval Office and is leading this country to ruin.

  21. gquaglia says:

    I so hope she wins. Arizona deserves a complete idiot as governor – it fits the profile of the average Arizona resident.

    Based on this elitist statement, I’m betting you’re from Kalifornia, NY or somewhere in New England. Typical liberal elitist mindset, if they don’t think like you, then they must be stupid, a redneck or some other derogatory term denoting limited intelligence.

  22. Mr Ed says:

    “they must be stupid, a redneck or some other derogatory term denoting limited intelligence.”

    Truer words were never spoken! There are a few decent people in Flagstaff but the rest of the state is full of stupid, selfish, uneductated bigots and racists. And, they’re pretty proud of it…

  23. chris says:

    #21 I think she is making herself out to be an idiot. That might not bother you…

  24. SeenThisBefore says:

    All kidding and left-vs-right I’m-better-than-you eighth-grade-level nonsense aside, we may very well have been witnessing a medical event, specifically a transient ischemic attack.

  25. Floyd says:

    #20: You DO know that yards in Arizona are covered with rocks, don’t you? No grass, and no mowing required or even allowed.

    If not, you need to get a clue about the Southwest in general.

    Exception: Flagstaff area, where the climate is cooler.

  26. McCullough says:

    #26. “All kidding and left-vs-right I’m-better-than-you eighth-grade-level nonsense aside”

    When both sides fail so miserably, at the end of the day it’s all they have left. Pitiful.

  27. W.T.Effyall says:

    #27: Astroturf or rocks painted green?

  28. smartalix says:

    Yeah, New York is full of elitist anti-Americans until you need to wrap yourself in 9/11.

  29. Micromike says:

    I think people who use labels like “conservative” and “liberal” are the stupid morons who enable our elected officials to divide us into small groups and guarantee NOBODY gets what they want. Those labels don’t identify one single human I have ever met and are just a tool of ignorance and divisiveness.

    I feel the same about Democrats and Republicans. There is simply nobody else to blame for the total destruction of the American way of life and our Constitutional Government. These slick sons of bitches keep all us at each others throats or we would get together and lynch the bastards and create a fair and workable government.

    Every time you throw mud at other voters you protect the guilty bastards who have ruined our country. Stop being so fucking stupid and put the blame where it belongs, on the people we elect.

  30. The0ne says:

    Screw you guys, Palin still has my votes in this arena. I’m pretty sure for life.


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