It will go down as one of the most painful openings to a political debate in recent memory…

With her hands clasped in front of her, she looked at the camera, then down, possibly at notes, and back up at the camera. She smiled, let out a loud exhale, then resumed her statement with a pronouncement of her record as governor.

We have, uh, did what was right for Arizona,” Brewer said, using a grammatical misconstruction she uttered twice during the debate.

Then, she bolted from a post-debate question-and-answer session with reporters after refusing to respond to queries about a past statement about bodies supposedly found beheaded in the Arizona desert.

She is leading among Arizona voters by 19%.

Thanks, Sergio

  1. Greg Allen says:

    >> Angry said, on September 3rd, 2010 at 7:15 am
    >> And libs love sweet talking, smooth politicians to screw them out of their freedom.

    Dude, You need to step away from the right wing media.

    Your comment is just baseless paranoia.

  2. Greg Allen says:

    >> Faxon said, on September 3rd, 2010 at 7:38 am
    >> Even this blog is getting painful, since no conservatives seem allowed to post anything, just cheesedicks like Earhard.

    Are you kidding me? This blog hammered ACORN about that “pimp” video but never ran an entry pointing out that it was a total fraud.

    You call that liberal? It’s unquestioned right wing propaganda.

    Also, anyone who uses the term “cheesedick” deserves to have their posts deleted. Most junior highers are more mature than that.

  3. Greg Allen says:

    >> Alfred Persson said, on September 3rd, 2010 at 10:32 am
    >> I’ve already sent her money…given the reaction she gets from you loons…I’ll send her more.

    You perfectly typify the state of conservative politics.

    No solutions. No vision. Just stick it to Democrats with no concern for what it does to the country.

  4. chris says:

    #32 What else should you call political groups? If I think you look more like a Ted than a Mike it wouldn’t be correct to address you as such. The words liberal and conservative might not correspond directly with the views/methods of a given pol, but relabeling them or focusing on the label itself is absurd.

    #33 I think Obmama is smart, but that doesn’t mean he is a good president. This lady doesn’t appear to be very swift, though. She is in a debate, ostensibly to be evaluated by voters. She is a willing participant. It is not unfair to laugh at her poor performance.

  5. deowll says:

    If she is leading by 19% she isn’t the bumbler.

  6. Ah_Yea says:

    No matter how much the antisocial idiot Greg Allen tries to obscure the obvious, deowll got it right.

    She is doing her job. People want her to continue doing her job.

    And the lib dems cannot put up a serious contender!

    Wow! If this is the best the Dems can do, no wonder 2012 will go down in history as the Democratic Slaughter.

  7. Special Ed says:

    Well, I for one would nail Palin way before this chick.

  8. Mextli says:


    There you go with the beer again. Your glorious leader is he one famous for beer summits.

    Roll up your cuffs and join them you too can be a poser.

  9. ArianeB says:

    I wouldn’t be surprised if her numbers tumble after this blunder, it is all over the local news on every channel. She also pulled ads from the Phoenix CBS affiliate because she did not like what a reporter said about her, that is generating a ton of even more bad press.

    Brewer is manipulative and a liar, and Terry Goddard is an excellent candidate with a long history of service in this state. I would not be surprised to see that 19% lead dry up amazingly fast.

  10. Mextli says:

    #45 Terry Goddard is a little wimp that has done everything in his power including abusing his position to cut her off at the knees.

    He jumped right in there with the Dear Leader crowd to oppose the SB1070 bill. Just another example of Democraps buying votes.

  11. MikeN says:

    Actually, forget about Sebelius, the real bumbling politician is Obama. Brewer signs a bill that cops can enquire about immigration status, and Obama files a lawsuit opposing it.
    Which one is the bumbling politican?
    On top of that the Justice Department has filed suit against Maricopa Community College for checking employees’ immigration status, and is investigating Sheriff Arpaio for civil rights charges.

    Again, who is the bumbling politician?

  12. Mextli says:

    # 16 hhopper “That woman was elected Governor??!!?? WTF??!!???

    Try this on for size.

    Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson
    That woman was elected to Congress??!!?? WTF??!!??

    An internal audit of the scholarship program of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation was under way Tuesday, sparked by the admission by Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson that she had steered scholarships to her relatives and the children of a staff member.

  13. Grandpa says:

    So her mind went blank for a moment. Haven’t you ever had yours do that? That doesn’t make you an idiot, and it doesn’t make it ugly. It just makes it human. We could use a good human for President!

  14. Awake says:

    Hey, at least she agreed to ONE debate, so she would qualify for $1.5 million in campaign funds. Our dickhead coward republican governor in Texas refuses to debate his opponent outright, using tax form disclosure as an excuse. No debate, because he knows he will look like the corrupt corporate toady that he is. And you know what, the moron population of Texas will reelect our current governor, although his Democratic opponent is overwhelmingly supported by educators, police, mayors, and other leaders… but the general population of Texas is about as smart as a stagnant bowl of water.

  15. GF says:

    First, there is no Lt. Governor in Arizona. Brewer was Secretary of State, which is the successor to Governor. Second, Goddard is a little too liberal and will never be accepted by the majority. Third, only a tree huggen’ granola from Flagstaff would discount how liberal the majority of Tucson is.

  16. Cursor_ says:

    I don’t see why either of these people should be elected.

    They are career politicians.

    Is this not the era of clubbing to death career politicians and only electing outsiders????

    Where is the Tea Party’s candidate of super rich that never held a political office?


  17. Dallas says:

    Guys, this is the poster child of Conservative candidates now. No more William F Buckley and other respectables.

    This buffoon merely forgot the sheeple script she was emailed that morning. I would agree with the other Puke’s in here in that her basically saying she’s a moron not make a shred of difference.

  18. theBadSteveO says:

    According to her Wikipedia entry, Jan Brewer’s highest education is radiological tech certificate from Glendale Community College, so no big surprise here. I’m not suggesting an advanced degree from an Ivy league school is a requirement for elected office, but it MAY be some indicator of intelligence.

    At least Sara Palin got a Bachelor’s degree (apparently on the multi-school, 6 year plan) in Communications. While on the topic of education, you may be surprised to know Glen Beck’s only college attendance seems to be at “Beck University”.

    I guess the Tea Party is the political party for the highly educated.

  19. Breetai says:

    #15 SimonSezz

    You Sir !!
    Are not a sheeple!

    too many voters are. our votes of common sense get drowned out by the media masses.

  20. Animal Mother says:

    I can’t tell who is stupider: her or Sarah PAYlin.

  21. sargasso_c says:

    I ♥ Sheeple.

  22. LoTechNo says:

    Robert Foster turns his attention to the soaring Orwellian rhetoric hailing from Oslo, where Barack Obama received the prestigious Nobel War-is-Peace prize.

  23. steve says:

    Our governor may be lost for words but her deeds make up for it.thanks jan signed an 35 year arizona resident in tucson


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