After this Michael Butler decided to defend the boiled peanut. This includes a recipe for boiling peanuts.
Adventures of Eddie. Hot Sauce and Ham Sandwich and the Boiled Peanut.
By John C Dvorak Friday September 3, 2010
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I do love me some boiled peanuts. But instead of salt, try using crab boil. It gives them a great kick!
So, should I be embarrassed I had a hot sauce and fried egg snadwich for breakfast this morning?
NBever tried using crab boil. Thanks brimstone.
Boiled peanuts – blechhhhhh.
And I don’t even want to know what a snadwich is.
Yum! Hot sauce and ham… not!
Finally interesting stuff on dvorak
and boiled peanuts are awesome
I’ve switched from dry-roasted peanuts to almonds – in wasabi & soy sauce.
Costco sells almonds in wasabi & soy sauce in 1kg (2.2 lb) containers. I go through 1 a week.
Michael sound like a true southern boy who knows his food. Eddie… he sounds like he grew up with Wonder Bread and Taco Bell.
The funny thing is, a lot of southerners I know who love good food won’t go to sushi with me. I try to talk to them into getting good, real sushi. Not pretend sushi like California rolls. Nope… they don’t wanna go there.
I used to eat a lot of nuts…. then diverticulitis kicked in and that was that.
John, being about your age, I’ve read and seen a lot of you over the years. You are a very social and fun loving guy. Has all this cranky stuff affected the way fans approach you? I hate the word fan, but it’s easier for people to grasp. I would just say I’ve enjoyed and respected your body of work over the years. I don’t want a tattoo of you on the person. I know you must have a shit load of funny stories from those Las Vegas parties of yours.
#9 — I am organizing the funny stories as we speak, er, write. Doing more video and new media than in the past has hurt my reputation as a crank since it’s hard to maintain it in person. I sense this is costing me money. Hopefully the Eddie series will save the day.
I was born in the south and love real sushi.
I’m talking nama nare real sushi not the edomae garbage.
Wow. Chained to that horrible bench next to the windows with no curtains. What a miserable job environment.
I pity them.
Oh, and Michael, how about washing your hair?
frankly im surprised anyone will sponsor dvorak. but im fucking happy they do 🙂 wish i was out on the west coast, id apply to be your slav….intern
WOW good southern food on here. I grew up in northern Florida and never left the south until I was 23. I never new there where so many good foods down here that dont exist anywhere else. I.E. sweet tea, hot boiled peanuts, chitlins, collards, hamhocks, turduckin, and countless other things. By the way yall its called a hot boiled peanut because its served hot not cold.
By the way I love sushi. (Cant spell it but it eats just fine) I have never met a food I did not like.
Perhaps it is an age thing, not a southern thing. My mom, born and raised in New Orleans, loves oysters and everything creole and cajun. Yet I can’t drag her to a sushi dinner to save my life.
Real sushi, found only in Japan – Hawaii – and maybe California, is the most vile thing I’ve eaten.
You have to love Boiled Peanuts. They are best though when they are hot and salty right out of the cooking water.
In the south east during summer, there are road side stands set up all over the place selling these by the big cup full or bag full.
No wonder Eddie is ‘poor’.
He wastes all his money on stupid iphones that he then drops and breaks as seen in previous ‘eddie’ videos.
Having lived in Japan, I always order my sushi well done.
Let me get this he calls the ham and bread sand o cooking,and what dork uses a fork for a peanut! lol dude you have to get out more away from the computer and try things .Boiled peanuts are great we had them when I was a kid.
I see a new cooking show on the horizon… Dvorak and Butler. Both are total Foodies. Something about the way the both of them talk about food, and cooking. Real passion. Ok Meevio, make it happen.
#23 — Brilliant idea!
Not an age thing either.
Most Americans are not big fish eaters.
Neither are they big into duck, goose, lamb, mutton, goat or offal.
They used to be into it because it was what they could get. But now with the mega mart and canoes of rich cut meats, people don’t want to eat tongue or goat or goose, when they get rib eyes, lean pork and boneless skinless chicken breast.
Me I love some tongue, have it at least once a month, more if under 2.69 a pound. Best tacos are made from tongue. And goat and duck, eff me, goat is sooo good braised with veg. Duck fat that is liquid gold.
Parboil taters, slice and fry in duck fat. Oh yeah baby.
OMG – almonds in wasabi and soy sauce?! Yikes – I can feel my tongue drying up and shriveling just thinking about it.
I’m running out and getting some right away.