Sometimes the bickering between various staffers at Cranky Geeks is better than the show. Well, at least from an entertainment perspective. This was from this week’s show which will be posted on this site later.

  1. deowll says:

    Observation. You guys seem to do better video than windows media center downloading free tv. The stuff is herky jerky unless you go seriously low res and then its pixelated. Okay I call it low res it is better than standard def.

  2. YoctoYotta says:

    That valley-girl-talking “coast with the most” guy is an asshat.

  3. chuck says:

    The iPhone4 has 960×640 pixels.
    The iPad has 1024×768 pixels.
    The Samsung Galaxy Tab has 1024×600 pixels.

    How can any of these devices claim to be HD?

    720p HD is 1280×720
    1080p HD is 1920×1080

  4. Father says:

    The facts get in the way of a good discussion.

  5. Special Ed says:

    @4 – Chuck, your comment reminds me of the old TV messages that said, “this movie has been resized to fit your television” and assholes would say, “how do they know how big my television is?”

  6. Animal Mother says:

    Now there are a couple of great faces for radio.

  7. gus gutz says:

    Let the fan boys discuss how arrogant iTunes was when my account was hacked and I am out 3700 bucks still. When it happens to them no one from Apple will talk to them, let see how long they remain fan boys.

  8. JF says:

    I never knew there so many people behind the scenes at Crank Geeks! John does a great job of making his show quite personal.

  9. Carcarius says:

    Apple still has some great products… but yeah, this new batch are nothing of interest to anyone with a brain in their head.

    Yeah, ~$300 for an iTouch? PS3 is a much better value for the same price.


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