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Muslims who support the Palestinian people! Wow, thats is news!
#1 Wrigsted
Supporting Hamas is not supporting the Palestinian people, it’s continuing their torment.
Too bad you can’t support the Palestinian People ((does that include the Jews or not?)) without supporting Hamas as well.
Its another good demonstration of how otherwise “innocent” people are contaminated by their government/bad dogma.
Kinda like NeoCons and LIEberTARDS here in the USA.
Silly Religious Hoomans.
The background music was a nice touch of suspense! Too early for popcorn…
BTW, hear the joke about Republicans BLOCKING the investigation of British Petroleum? Oh wait….
Jon Stewarts Take:
Arggh! Lost interest after 3 minutes. OF COURSE, all things are connected. Maybe the “degree of separation” is of interest to you?
Every gallon of gas you buy supports terrorism. Funny it is the average USA Citizen that shoves his head in the Sand when the danger is from far seeing Muslim in desertified countries.
well duh. I think you’ll find that most mosques send money to palestine for the eradication of the Jews. That’s their main focus. It’s not news, nor secret
And Catholics were sending money to IRELAND, for the war against protestants??
#7, does buying gas derived from Canadian petrolium support terrorism too, or are we just too caught up in sloganeering?
I am a big believer in religious freedom, but just as a church should be investigated for supporting terrorists such as Eric Rudolph, any mosque that transfers funds to terrorist organizations should be investigated.
That said, the Hamas situation is an odd one… Hamas is the official representatives of the Palestine territories, yet is also a noted terrorist organization. That mosque should still be investigated…
Thank you SL==and you know the answer is: Yes, of Course. Not a matter of no connection, only the degree of separation.
When you buy Canadian Gas, or Brazilian Bio Gas, you are letting the Arabs keep their oil just a little bit longer allowing them to Fund the Terrorists farther into the future.
The Force is strong. If you don’t want to support the Terrorist: then get off oil. Course the same argument as above applies until Oil is no longer exported from the Middle East. So the connection is greatly attenuated until that fine day.
NoYourGod==as all is known, what should be investigate?
Investigation will not grow a spine.
Big surprise. A political organization masquerading as a religion can get away with pretty much anything. Islam should not get the protections of a religion because of that deception.
What is so surprising? We already had a prominent Muslim fundraiser for both Hillary and George Bush saying at a public rally, We are all supporters of Hamas here. And I am a supporter of Hezbollah.
Problem is Benjamin, Islam is both a religion and a political organization. This is something that most westerners just cannot get their heads around. Their core goals are intimately tied together. Sharia law is the culmination of this duality of Islam and it is taught in the Koran that this is what the goal of ALL Muslims is to be.
So called moderate Muslims are either lying to you (Which is endorsed and encouraged in the Koran) or they are kuffars (non believers). Or in theological terms, they are apostate and to be treated no different than Christians, Jews or atheists. Which is to say, convert or die.
Nice religion of peace…
#16 Jason said, “Islam is both a religion and a political organization.”” Their core goals are intimately tied together. Sharia law is the culmination of this duality of Islam and it is taught in the Koran that this is what the goal of ALL Muslims is to be.”
My point is that we would not tolerate an organization that advocates overturning the Constitution, enslaving our citizens, and sending funds to our enemies? Did we tolerate that behavior with the Communist Party?
Since Islam is a religion, it automatically gets a pass for these things. I say it should not be classified as a religion for protection under the 1st Amendment, but as a political organization that advocates the overthrow of the United States of America. They should be treated just like the Communist Party was under McCarthy.
#16 You understand it exactly! What makes it worse is that Islam doesn’t have an authority that can say “That guy’s interpretation is wrong.”
This is the same as American Evangelicals as well. They have broken with all main line denominations so they have an overly permissive bent when dealing with extremist variations.
Once religions lose their self-censoring ability they become more dangerous. Members can believe whatever they want. When their clerics fail to act as a moderator between members and society the religion becomes malignant.
#18 Extreme right domestic groups are essentially calling for the dissolution of civil government. We let them march in DC…
Who says government is confident enough to defend its prerogatives?
#19 “We let them march in DC…”
BTW not all extreme groups are “right-wing” contry to this blogs mantra.
In the 1930s and 1940s we had the German-American Volksbund.
Today the Black Panthers.
God could stop all wars if he wanted to.
…so when will the invasion of Saudi Arabia begin?
From the topic:
Do I have bring back the post from the other day where Fox News supports radical Islam through that Saudi Prince?????
And is a religious organisation masquerading as a political one any better?
If so freeze the funds of these fundie christian churches.
Problem is Benjamin, Islam is both a religion and a political organization. This is something that most westerners just cannot get their heads around. Their core goals are intimately tied together. Sharia law is the culmination of this duality of Islam and it is taught in the Koran that this is what the goal of ALL Muslims is to be.
So called moderate Muslims are either lying to you (Which is endorsed and encouraged in the Koran) or they are kuffars (non believers). Or in theological terms, they are apostate and to be treated no different than Christians, Jews or atheists. Which is to say, convert or die.
Nice religion of peace…
Problem is Benjamin, Christianity is both a religion and a political organization. This is something that most westerners just cannot get their heads around. Their core goals are intimately tied together. God’s Kingdom Come is the culmination of this duality of Christianity and it is taught in the Bible that this is what the goal of ALL Christians is to be.
So called moderate Christians are non believers. Or in theological terms, they are apostate and to be treated no different than Muslims, Jews or atheists. Which is to say, convert or die eternally.
Nice religion of damnation…
Again this is another example of religious/ideological mad libs.
My point is that we would not tolerate an organization that advocates overturning the Constitution, enslaving our citizens, and sending funds to our enemies? Did we tolerate that behavior with the Communist Party?
Yes, we still do alow them. They still send money to autocratic regimes and no one does a thing.
KKK Anyone????
We haven’t frozen their assets and they are still terrorising people within the US borders.
But if they are dirty muzzies, well then we should do something about them. Who cares about the domestic terrorists. They don’t fly planes into buildings like them dirty muzzies.
Muslims, the new commies.
But which god?
Amon Ra?
Myself I like Daikoku. Seems like a guy I would have a beer with. And his misses is hot!
Most of these threads contain a few really insightful and profound observations……
Jesus said render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and unto God the things that are Gods. That is a rather profound separation of church and state.
Islamic tradition shows that on occasion church and state may be separate but the ideal is all civil law is in the hands of the teachers of the law and based on both the Koran and tradition and these people judge all civil cases. The secular authorities still have a lot of power but it is often harshly constrained to what we would call executive branch type activities.
Mosques are crucibles for terrorism.
@Rick Cain –
Fundamentalist Churches are crucibles for terrorism.
There, fixed it for ya.